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What's the reason for survivors never getting meta perks anymore?

Member Posts: 995

Extremely niche perks/very situational ones they get since years.

If by some miracle the perk is usable(boil over buff/CoH) then the perk nerfed into ground in matter of days/weeks.

I fully expect perks like: if you unhook a survivor you get 1 token, consume one token to upgrade good skillchecks into great ones.

Or: drop a pallet, you get 1sec 150% speed, after that you exhausted.

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  • Member Posts: 8,266

    A perk need to be better than DH , DS to be a new meta.

    Despite I want DS , BT as basekit for survivor (with Killer has some basekit slowdown Gen perks of course). Any perk thats better than the meta would be broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,252
  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited April 2022

    What are they gonna add that can replace the overpowered perks that exist already? I don't think anything they add is gonna top a perk that literally lets your entire team self care with no penalty. The current survivor meta is so strong that nothing they could add would ever get used. Like what could they possibly add that would beat out DS, Dead Hard, Circle, Unbreakable, etc? There's already an extremely powerful perk for every situation.

  • Member Posts: 3,219
  • Member Posts: 2,358

    So I guess you didn't see the problem that if paired with diversion, it was completely convincing for the killer to go search a completely different area of the map if it was in the middle of a chase, then commiting and getting the down

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Niche, very situational, or more often than not.. negligible.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I guess because perks that are too strong are almost certainly going to be abused and survivors will find ways to make them broken that the devs never thought of. It creates a lot of headaches and reworking to fix the unintended consequences, or it makes the community angry if they nerf them into the ground.

    For this reason I only ever level up David, Bill, Jake and Meg (in that order) on my alt accounts as I feel that even to this day you only need their perks for an absolute tank meta build with WGLF to speed up the process.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Until they actually lower the power level of the current survivor meta perks nothing is going to make it into their meta unless it is also way over powered. They actually already have a lot of decently good perks that just get overshadowed by the current ones.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Just take a moment to browse a few pages of the general discussions and you'll know exactly why

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    It is the default meta perk I am guaranteed to see in every game. Every other meta perk MIGHT not appear, but that one 100% will. So if you wanna uproot it, you gotta top it.

    To be the man, you gotta beat the man.

  • Member Posts: 274

    What can u make that is stronger than unbreakable to get you up, what can you make that is stronger than dead hard to extend a chase, what can u make that is stronger than borrowed time to counter camping, what can u make that is stronger than ds to counter tunneling. All these perks are already made and none will top them

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Just a correction: Borrowed Time does nothing to counter camping. It gives a brief 12-second protection from tunneling off hook. Does zero to help survivors get past a camper for an unhook.

    Kindred and Camaraderie are their only two anti-camping perks. Kindred just gives the info SWF already has anyway, while Camaraderie flat out sucks. So a decent Camaraderie buff could shake up the meta.

  • Member Posts: 763

    You mean essentially giving survivors an extra perk slot with Boons aren't enough? The entitlement is real...

  • Member Posts: 21

    To me, it seems like the meta survivor perks cover pretty much all the bases for meta. Anti-Slug, Anti-Tunnel, Anti-Camp, and Pro-Loop. Those seem like they do everything meta perks for survs should. Whenever anything else has entered, i.e. Anti-Hook (Boil Over) and Anti-Being-Injured (CoH), it's turned out quite badly.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Because the survivor meta is so strong rn that a new meta perk would have to be broken, example would be circle of healing.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited April 2022

    Too many whiners on both sides that just like hearing themselves talk.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Make all killer regression perks jolt level but pop, and you’ll see pop 100% of matches also

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    That is implying every single game has a regression perk, which it doesn't.

    So, no. I don't believe you at all.

    You are trying to create the faulty premise that the six meta perks everyone runs are the only perks worth running and that is just flat out untrue.

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