Remember When Billy Was GOOD?

He sucks now...
I do. He was played a lot.
I was actually sick of vsing him at one point but now I miss the old one.
Funny how that works.
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I remember him just like the old Freddy and prenerf Slinger. I miss them a lot. Im still playing Billy, but he is so clunky now :(
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He's fun now but he's not really strong if the survivors know what they're doing
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I have noticed this happens with pretty much every major killer gutting.
A lot of people want killer nerfs when they'd just want variety and the nerfs they asked for get them nothing in the end.
As now they have less variety due to the smaller viable killer pool.
This has and always will repeat on these forums until people realize both that what they truly want is variety and killer nerfs won't give them that.
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I never called for killer nerfs though. I even thought spirit was fine.
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I never said you did its just what you experience is pretty common here and its usually from the very people pushing for nerfs the most.
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I remember good old double charge speed billy with tinkerer when it effected addons
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Tbf he isn’t bad atm just average and underwhelming compared to his old self. All they really had to do was remove charge speed add ons and call it a day
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He's still super good.
And the best killer on mobile right now.
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He's still good, but compared to his old self he's definitely a mere shadow of how he used to be
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I can’t get over his clunkiness since the nerf, I only play him for a 60k ritual (mori) or when absolutely necessary for a Rift challenge. Shame, considering how much fun I had playing him in the glory days. Not to mention those stinky add-ons.
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Instasaw billy "skill"
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He’s still very strong don’t put him out of the water with his ability to bypass DH and IW, make successful hook trades, and his powerful synergy with current meta perks.
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He's still good, but there's almost no reason to play him instead of Blight. Blight is stronger and arguably easier/more forgiving.
You have to play Billy perfectly to take advantage of his potential, and that's frustrating. I've had games where I've bounced off of survivors because I shoulder bumped them with the saw. Meanwhile I can just play Blight and have 180 degrees of hit detection.
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Yes, this is the real issue. Blight should be a 4.4 m/s killer. If that were the case then Billy would shine just a bit more and Blight would be less oppressive.
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I'd dial back Alchemist's Ring and Adrenaline Vial, but I wouldn't touch base speed. I think Billy just needs a QoL pass with hit detection and turn rate.
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Yes it was stupid but I will never get how Huntress got off with only an add-on change unlike poor Hillbilly
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I'm in the opposite boat, I think that Blight's add-ons are fun and give him variety. That's why I say change his speed.
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The only consistent thing is their inconsistency.
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Or any killer 🤭
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Lot of devs are playing Huntress
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Can I just ask something and I might be completely wrong about this since I never played as old or new Billy that much.
Is the only real nerfs to him the overheat mechanic and basically removing the charge speed add-ons?
From what I've vs'ed his overheat mechanic doesn't seem to be that big of an issue. Personally feels like everyone really misses the charge speed add-ons (mainly Carburetor Tuning Guide).
I could be completely wrong but can someone politely tell me what other minor things have been changed that make him so much worse to play.
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It’s not just the loss of good add-ons. He mechanically feels miserable since they nerfed him. Like, what would appear to have been a connecting chainsaw hit before the nerf now just rubs up against the back of the survivor. Janky turning after beginning a chainsaw sprint than before the nerf too.
I am glad they added overheat as a countermeasure to camping. Doesn’t bother his regular gameplay at all, plus has add-on support.
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Because people want variety and will complain about anything thats commonly played.
In a few days Legion post will flood the forum and eventually die off when killers go back to their normal mains.
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not really hes just worse but not bad
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the camping countermeasures they added to Billy and Bubba don't even work, they are useless
You can charge your chainsaw up as the unhook animation starts and you will basically always get the person unhooking (and more if you're Bubba)
Overheat's real purpose so I thought was to stop Billy from endlessly feathering his chainsaw in a chase. Bubba obviously can't really do that
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Yeah I remember and I very rarely see him these days.
When I do they are usually really good as pretty much only the god tier players can still handle the misery of playing him. I tried but I am absolutely hopeless
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He's just way too clunky to play not fun for new people to learn and not fun for already existing players and his add ons are bad
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Ok fair enough 👍 I assumed there was some minor things I wouldn't know about since I never really played him.
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He is still good just that his saw is more clunky right now and yeah the overheat wasn't necessary.
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Yes, I remember that. Every game it was Billy brainlessly circling the map until a survivor was caught.
Hence, the current heat mechanic.
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Aye, I 'member.
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Ok see this is the BS I'm talking about. Blight DOESN'T NEED A STUPID BASE SPEED NERF. Nobody needs more killers that rely on powers to down. This is the main reason nurse is locked away to the elites only.
And she's still getting nerfed.
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As a Pepperige Farm representative, I remember!
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In the day and age where Nurse and Blight reign supreme I have to say Billy was fine pre nerf.
Instant saw addons while scary were just a fact of life. Now he has no addons worth using.
Bring back 2016 Billy (without "flick").
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Who says Nurse is getting nerfed?
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Me, she will be nerfed tomorrow as I asked behaviour in my birthday party.
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Yes. Before his nerf, he was my favorite killer to play. And then he got nuked into oblivion simply because he had one add-on combo that needed some adjustment. That was one of the most atrocious examples of BHVR implementing changes that nobody was asking for and still to this day they refuse to revert the changes to fix that past mistake.
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She's been getting nerfed since years ago bit by bit. Bhvr nerf killers around high level play but buff survivors around low level play. Nobody picks up and learns nurse.