New Killer: The Gore

The Gore: Height: Small, Weapon: Uncut nails on his fingers.
Power: Gore Disease and Nits
Gore Disease: When within The Gores terror radius, the survivors Gore metre fills up. The Gore metre fills up 2% every second a survivor is in the terror radius. Once the gore metre is full, green smoke will be left behind as a trail behind the survivor. Green smoke will appear on the side of The Gores screen, indicating the where abouts of a survivor with a full Gore metre. A survivor infected with the Gore will also cough until they are no longer effected with the Gore.
To get rid of The Gore Disease, the survivor must find a worship setup, pick up a cross and shout ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, stay away from me!’ Taking 5 seconds to do so.
Nits: When the Gore hits a survivor, they are inflicted with Nits. When inflicted with Nits, the survivor cannot stop itching, stopping them from dropping pallets during chase and when out of chase. Repairing a generator whilst inflicted with Nits, will pass on the Nits to the generator and any survivor that works on it next (this does not get rid of the previous survivors Nits)
To get rid of the Nits, a survivor must pick up a bottle of shampoo from off the ground (similar to pinheads box) and apply it to their hair to kill the nits. The survivor must then wash their hair with holy water at a worship setup. Doing so alerts The Gore with killer instinct as to where you are, giving the Gore an increased speed of 10% until it hits a survivor.
Perks: Scourge Hook: Sticky and Icky, Hex: Lingering Odour and Ratty Powers help the Gore to slow down survivors and make them smell allowing it to find and catch them quickly!
Scourge Hook: Sticky and Icky
4 random hooks in the trial turn into scourge hooks. Survivors that unhook others from a scourge hook will be hindered 30/45/60 seconds and the stickiness will slow down their vaulting speeds by 10/20/30%.
Hex: Lingering Odour
A random dull totem will turn into a Hex at the beginning of a trial.
The more the survivors run, the sweatier they become and they start to smell. Sweaty survivors breathing will be considerably louder than usual and they will leave sweat drops on the ground allowing for easier tracks to follow. The more survivors walk or stand still they will lose 3/2/1% of sweat every second. The hex persists until it is destroyed.
Ratty Powers:
Spawns more rats in the trial than usual. When a rat is startled by a survivor, they will squeak loudly and alert the killer of the survivors whereabouts. Allows the killer to see the aura of startled rats for 3/4/5 seconds.
Hope you enjoyed this concept I made! 😀