Thoughts on slugging for a 4k?

Just played as survivor and the killer slugged for a 4k. I don't think much of it personally, but I've heard some people complain about it. Just an open discussion regarding slugging for a 4k, so please be kind and open to opinions.
It's literally fine.
Nobody begrudges Survivors for trying to escape thru hatch or for trying to finish all the gens.
The Killer is allowed to win.
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Wait a minute, were u the person who brought flashies last second??
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Waste of time for the most part. Reserved for toxic lobbies
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Personally I can't be bothered to do it as I find it boring and would rather go next asap, don't really care if killers do it when I play survivor.
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I don’t bother unless the survivors were toxic. Usually I don’t care if the last survivor escapes or not and I often give hatch anyways.
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I just wish the survivor on the ground had a way to make themselves die faster so they wouldn't have to sit around waiting for 3.5 minutes while the killer scours the map for someone crouching a bush and waiting for hatch spawn.
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Killer already wins with a 3k. Making a survivor waste 4 minutes is pretty boring. I don't necessarily fault killers, it's just a bad mechanic that the bleed out timer is so long.
I only slug if I'm going for adept or need the last bbq stack or I see the 4th survivor as I'm downing the third. But if I have no clue where the fourth is, I'm just hooking and playing to shut the hatch. Why putz around for so long.
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I started doing it because people taunted me that I wasn't good enough to get all four, course that was in 2018, so it was early in my "career".
The only time someone gets out is if they deserve it.
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I just try not to take the game too personally. It is hard sometimes though. I've had games where I was literally farming and letting people wiggle out repeatedly, and was called a noob. I just chuckle most of the time.
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You do it every game? My experience has been that SWFs will just DC for it if they want it that bad. Then the other 3 will have already left the chat and the one guy who got the hatch will give you the gg ez
I personally don't mind it at all though. 3k is a win to me, 4k is just RNG unless you wanna waste lots of time every match or have Whispers. I have No Way Out lots of the time which basically means finding hatch is a 4k every time
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I'ts one of those things for me that's like "this is kinda annoying, but I get it so I'm not gonna fault you for it"
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As survivor, it's whatever.
As killer, if I find the fourth survivor in the act of downing the third, it's a sluggo. Otherwise, we hooking.
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Boring strategy I only do it for adepts because that's when I go full sweaty mode
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I don’t like do it cause it can drag the game out long.
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Unless the player is going for an adept:
1) accept your death
2) block the sweaty killer
3) let him bleed out each time you face him again
He enjoyed this boring gameplay as a killer, he will enjoy being on the ground as a survivor too.
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There's nothing wrong with slugging. Personally, I wouldn't do it but that's only because I tend to get matched with very SUS Survivor teams when I play as the Killer. I will however stay close to someone crawling if the Survivor team decided to body-block/ push me while sabbing the nearest hook.
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A 4k can be the difference between a pip or double pip. Lots of survivors always assume it's personal.
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I was younger and it bothered me more.
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Nearly every survivor will stand at the exit gate until the timer expires unless the killer goes and pushes them out. They have no right to complain about the killer dragging the game out slightly by slugging for the 4K.
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LOL I don't even bother with them unless I'm trying to end the match. I don't go near those Survivors at that point simply because they want the Killer there so they can teabag or just leave if you try to hit them. I don't go near the gate if it's open because many of them standing there just want a reaction from the Killer. Don't give them the satisfaction.
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Its a completely viable strategy. I usually avoid it because unbreakeable is a thing and its generally boring. As for when people say its toxic: survivors can and will teabag you, they will wait at the exit gate and prolong the match. Or even at the hatch if they manage to find it first.
They already won and they're being toxic, you are slugging TO win. Thats the diference. So no slugging isn't toxic in the slightest. If someone says otherwise they need to snap out of their entitlement.
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The only reason I would do it is if I saw the other survivor on the way to the hook then it's like "why wouldn't I?" Lol
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As killer, a game that should end could drag on forever cause the other person is hiding the whole time. I’d rather take a 3k and they get hatch and quickly move on to next.
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I think it's fine. The fourth could just reveal themselves to get the game over with. If there are no hooks nearby then the survivor wiggles out but if they go back to an area where there are no hooks, they shouldn't complain about being slugged.
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Slugging is only effective if survivors make it.
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SWF dc is a nice bonus, it means they have to wait longer. Better than a 4K to be honest.
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It's annoying and everyone knows it. People that say it's 'fine' are trolling. Between teammates dcing and killers doing lame strategies like this to win make this game unfun as SoloQ.
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I don't really understand the point nor the the fact that the player feels like that extra kill is needed that badly to prolong the game, however if I see the last survivor after downing, of course, ill go for them, i just wont make the game last another 5 plus minutes more than it should for literally no reason.
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after I kill the third survivor, I honestly could not care less if the person escapes through a hatch or opens the gate before I get there, it's fine if I 4k but I mostly try to give hatch anyway and to me 1 person escaping fits the theme of the ''final girl'', ''last survivor'' and similar vibes this game has
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By slugging a survivor on the ground you're prolonging an already won game - the survivor just sits there for potentially 4 minutes + the hook time if you hook them at the end. It's unsportsmanlike.
I've seen killers that go even further. Before the 4 mins are up they force the downed survivor up again (when there's a few gens left) just to find that other survivor, rinse and repeat.
I don't mind killers slugging for the 4k when they know where the other survivor is but otherwise it just drags out the game and becomes tedious. Just play the hatch/EGC game and move onto the next game.
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I don't do it unless you manage to really annoy me.
I won't begrudge someone else doing it though when I play survivor.
The only thing that gets on my grapes is the weird current trend of killers running Knockout and literally just slugging everyone at 5 gens to bleed them out.
Agreed. If you slug tactically, that's entirely fine.
I'm not sure if the OP is talking about this, or the aforementioned Knockout griefers.
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I'll play how I want.
Which is to not play at all.
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Although I'm not a fan of slugging (unless I'm really sure the survivor has no way to get back up) I am however in favor of face-camping but under certain conditions. One, "Clickers." Yeah, you have a flashlight and I have Lightborn. Keep flashing and clicking and I'll be sure to nod at you on hook repeatedly. And two, if someone is taunting me as if they can't be caught. I'll gladly take the 1k just to know that person didn't make it out.
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You can't win with those people. They also take you not coming to the gate as a form of reaction and think to themselves that they made you pout and not come. They will feel accomplished either way.
But you are right because this way they at least waste 3 minutes of their own time while i am afk getting a drink or whatever aka using it wisely.
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Unneccessary IMO. If a Killer wants to do that, whatever, just annoying that they waste my time while doing so. And sadly I cannot do anything to get the game over faster.
As Killer, I really dont like to slug for the 4K, unless the remaining Survivor was a dick to their teammates or myself OR I need my 4th BBQ-Stack OR I see them when I down the second to last Survivor. But when this does not apply, I really could not be asked to prolong the match just for some Internet points.
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Just played as killer and the survivors repaired gens for a 4-man escape. I don't think much of it personally, but I've heard some people complain about it. Just an open discussion regarding repairing gens for a 4-man escape, so please be kind and open to opinions.
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B&c shouldn’t show the aura of survs in the dying state. Perhaps this way you see less slug for the 4k
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Only for challenges. I do not want to waste my time otherwise. Sadly a lot of challenges require you to brutalize survivors. I do not make the rules. You will sit there and if I can't find them in four minutes, I guess that is how you go.
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I stop slugging be it for the 4k or even all 4 at once till they bleed out the day survs stop sitting one inch away from the finish line just cause they can. And yes before you even bother I know I can push them out Yada Yada I don't care. They want you to come so they can disrespect and taunt you so pushing them out is giving them what they want. It's the same like people killing themselves on hook if they get camped you give them what they want that's stupid
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I slug in 2 cases only. First one is if survivors bully me entire game and I make them pay, but this happens rarely. And second is if the hook is too far away and I only Have 1 survivor left so I do not want him to escape through hatch
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IF I see you when I down the 3rd, I am going for you. If I don't I am hooking the 3rd and using BBQ to try and find you.
Either way I am coming for you
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I wish there would be something like "Give up" button where if you reached more than 50% of your bar on the ground (over 2 min total), you could hold a "X" button and after few seconds you just die.
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It exists :D
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Slugging for the 4K is fine.
It being unfun for both sides is the result of the badly implemented, free pity escape mechanic known as "Hatch"
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I mostly just think it's boring and cowardly. It sucks to be the person slugged because you're just stuck on the ground bleeding out for 4 minutes and it sucks to be the person playing hide and seek because there's no way you're getting a gen done, there's no hatch, and you know the slugged person is being used as bait.
If you're down to two people and the gens aren't done, you already basically won. Hook the person and play the game out however it plays. Chances are you'll find the hatch before they do anyway being the faster person, especially if you have someone like Wraith, Spirit, Billy, Nurse, Blight, or anyone who can cover long distances in shorts amount of time
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yep, survivors want the hatch mechanic to stay rigged in their favor, well, that means you get slugged too.
its a give and take world,...
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Overall it's boring and a waste of time. I hate it when killers end up doing this and have no idea where the last survivor is. The only time I view it as acceptable is when the killer knows the general location of the other survivor ( either seeing them before the down or by using infectious) and they are not half way across the map.
Pick up the 3rd survivor put them on the hook and just move on to the next match. You are drawing out the game an extra 2+ minutes just for the chance at a 4k which you would probably have gotten anyway while still hooking. If the last survivor gets hatch who the crap cares. If it's that much of a blow to your ego then maybe you need to re-evaluate your life choices.
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Only correct answer^
Also, it's called the "pity door". Not the hatch.
You don't earn hatch escapes. They're given to you, for free.
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It's mildly annoying, but I don't begrudge killers for doing it. It'd be nice if survivors had an option to bleed out faster though.
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The hatch has to work like this otherwise we'd be back to the last survivor sneaking around the map with a few gens left because there is no hatch to close to activate EGC.
I'm sure in that case you wouldn't think that survivors spending 10, 20 minutes sneaking from gen to gen is fun gameplay. A bit like how spending 4 mins on the floor is boring for survivors too.