So many Neas, Fengs, and Claudettes....

So I started the night dodging two lobbies cause two of my friends were in each. I noticed the lobbies always had two neas and a combination of Claudette/Feng with. I decided to see how many lobbies it would take to have none of them in my lobby(just for funsies) and it took twelve lobbies.... then all four last minute switched to Neas and Claudettes with flashlights in Ayrun and JRM cosmetics lmao Finally at lobby 15, I got a non-nea/feng/claudette survivor crew.
I know they're popular and come with the game(at least all on console, I think) so this was just a fun experiment for me.
I'm not gonna lie, I dodge pretty much any lobby with more than two Fengs or Neas. Especially if two or more flashlights are involved. I just know those matches aren't gonna be a fun time.
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Yeah they’re the core “toxic” characters it doesn’t bother me much because I know what they’re gonna do so I can fake dumb techs know they’re not hammering gens and deal with flashlights easily and sadly Dead Hard but it might as well be base kit
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Bunny Fengs are fun to play against lol
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Probably cause female survivors get the majority of unique and cool cosmetics, while male survivors get the same old thing that they usually get.
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The three most overrated and trash survivors in this game with Claud being the worst. Why do people play them? Idk
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I mean they are the base game survivors. Of course there will be a lot of them. For me If its a specific skin they are wearing then I know its not going to be a fun time
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I usually dodge Fengs, her squeaky sounds are annoying plus most of the people who play her are toxic.
Not to mention seeing the same 4 survivors (Claudette, Feng, Nea and Meg) gets super boring. I love seeing variety, which is why I play as male survivors and the other female survivors who never really get played (Yui, Zarina, Yun-Jin, and Elodie).
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I love Feng, cant help it.
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the only people to blame are content creators tbh. People see your favs upload a video where X Creator ran a killer for 20 minutes as Nea so they attempt to do it too. I don't know of any big survivor content creators who main the newer girls, you're lucky to see anyone past Kate really.
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In regards to you saying they come with the game or at least on console, Sadly on PC we have to buy Feng and doctor as a chapter and ace and hag as well unlike on console where they're free , I own them because I've been here for so long but I've always thought they shouldve thrown those in after the console release, I have some friends who are newer to the game and I'll try to get them to use lithe when they ask about different exhaustion perks that are strong and I always forget they cost money lol
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Heck that's why I play claud 80% of the time when I play survivor
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She's so smol and adorable
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Yeah, I know right? They're everywhere. It kinda irks me because I particularly hate Feng.
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Why would you want "unique and cool cosmetics" when there is Felix, the absolute chad alpine CEO, with his little hat catalysing all his power.
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Hey, leave my girl Claudette alone.