strongest killer with the lowest skill ceiling?



  • MrsJukes
    MrsJukes Member Posts: 17

    You just ignored what Mr_K said. He didn't argue against Spirit being easy or not to play, especially back in the day.

    He just argued that skill ceiling and skill floor are completely different things and what you seemed to be looking floor was the Killer with the lowest skill FLOOR, not ceiling.

    The killer with the lowest skill floor would be the one that can achieve results without much effort put behind it. Like old Spirit, since she could literally stand still and get a hit. Skill ceiling is how much you can do with the character, like the amazing plays with Nurse or Blight or Huntress which require a lot of practice to accomplish.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    bruh actually stfu i hate when people try to tell me what i mean, bubba has a low skill CEILING and floor

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    Well it used to be Freddy, havent played him post nerf though. I'd say bubba.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    he is lowest skill-floor and lowest skill-ceiling in the game but he is not strongest. bubba does fit the lowest skill-floor though I don't know if he really fits lowest skill-ceiling. He is probably strongest for having lowest skill-floor in comparison to other killers that are strong.

    Almost all killers that are strong have medium-high skill ceiling. that is because even when your an playing an mechanically easy killer, Winning is still difficult against strong survivor players.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Reading audio movements is not easy. You might not like playing against spirit but don't let your frustration colour your perspective. There are many prominent excellent streamers/players who would disagree. Yes it was frustrating to play against because you have little to no feedback have limited means to control your scratch marks and have limited tools to fight her. But she required good sensory readings which was often buggy since sound in dbd is always fluctuating. Also was is a key word her new counterplay seems to have hurt her massively if her surprisingly large decline has something to say about it.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Pretty cheesy. I guess if the build becomes predominant you can migrate to another gen that's dead locked and tag it as close to done. Its not like the progress is regressing. It shouldn't matter. Seems like a good way to stomp solos but I can imagine some rudimentary communication will make this build kind of bad. "Gen by cowsheds blocked at 80% get it later I'm going to the middle gen" If you 99 a single gen it can effectively be used as the deadlock trigger and just tap it later. No way out might net an average camping bubba 10 seconds. Also camping bubba allows you to throw pallets down because you likely wont need these pallets since the killer isn't pressuring the map. Recklessly throw pallets down, 99 a gen and use it as the deadlock gen for a quick easy finish.

    I can't fix the fact that the game will be boring as all hell but I figure if you show rudimentary counterplay to these killers they will either play something else or leave. Dbd needs a basic ping system tbh but if you go against this again try the 99% a gen deadlock trick and I'm confident the games will go much differently.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    i was literally a spirit main for like 3-4 hundred hours back a couple years ago and she was the easiest killer ive ever mained 💀

  • MrsJukes
    MrsJukes Member Posts: 17

    Sorry. I didn't mean to act like I know what you think better than you do. It was never my intention.

    Bubba, indeed, has a low skill floor. However, I do disagree with you about Bubba having a low skill ceiling, as I believe Bubba can be a lot more powerful once you master his movement around loops.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    What the hell do you play that has more skill then a killer who losses sight in a game where audio frequently breaks? There no breakdown of the experience no explanation on the ups and downs. Just hur dur she strong I play her no weaknesses. I don't need a ted talk but a simple breakdown of her strengths weaknesses would go someway to legitimize you points.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    her only weakness is iron will and literally just turn your headphones up and you hear the footsteps anyway and on top of having one of the strongest basekits she had some of the strongest addons in the game by far