So are people horny, lonely, weird or something else?

So while I'm aware DBD isnt the only community to do this, but every tweet and even on the forums and other places I see people asking for half naked characters, bigger "features" ,saying who they would "bang" and even fanart drawing them sexually (especially spirit, like shes a cut up corpse but because shes not got her whole body covered we make explicit images?)
I honestly have never understood the sexual appeal to ingame characters or just to overally sexualize them or want them to be.
I'm not sure if anyone can explain it or it's just "one of those things" that exist, it just baffles me every time I see it
Ok I'll be serious. I don't know about others but I do it as a joke here sometimes.
I don't feel attracted to anyone let alone fictional characters. My libido is like 0.
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Yeah I don't get it all myself although its everyones game and they're entitled to be into whatever does it for them. I play for the thrill, horror, tension and to get good at the game. I have no sexual interest in the game at all.
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Dbd has a pretty horny community in general. Bhvr would probably make some decent $$ making a dating sim spinoff out of it.
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I don't have sexual interests in any character in dbd
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Your honor, I plead guilty of the crime of being horny.
You may proceed to bonk my head (or my ass 🥴)
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I’d say half of it is ironic while the rest is people who are actually attracted to these characters. I don’t get it personally but whatever makes them happy I guess?
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I find it funny
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They are sons of disobedience (Ephesians 2:1-3).
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Same 😏
It's not my fault they made Herman so hot
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Just listening to the sounds of wounded survivors and the sounds they make when killers hook and hit them makes people horny.
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i mean ... have you seen Pyramid Heads Butt before they nerfed it ?
But in all seriousness. DbD is a Horror Game. And i think a big Part of Horror Fans are Teens. I myself started playing in my Teens. And Teens are horny all the time.
But i guess most of it is actually just ironic.
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I can see some are jokes but others really dont come across that way especially the art
Yeah definitely, I'm not shaming as people can like what they want as long as it dont hurt others or pushed on others but I'm just curious.
Maybe it's likethat thing where people get sexually attached to objects like cars or something.
My mind just likes knowledge so I thought I'd ask as it just baffles me atm
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I mean, it's kind of demeaning to compare it to wanting to have sex with a car lol
Some people go over board with it no doubt, but is it really that difficult to understand? Most millennial kids have had some kind of fantasy of an animated character when they were younger. It's all coming of age, some people grow out of it to degrees, others still have that kind of kink. It's really not an abnormal thing, especially considering the images and models are anatomically correct. Is that really the same thing as getting hard over a paper clip, for instance?
TLDR: If you want to ask that question, maybe do it in a way that doesn't demean the people your trying to talk to about it? That's all I'm saying.
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Well it is the internet, so I think the answer to the question is "Yes". 🤷♂️
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Humans are a social and sexual animal.
We are monkeys who wear fancy clothes, and monkeys wanna bang, fling poop or hurt something.
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It's an actual medical condition, something in the brain triggers people to become sexually attracted to objects or non human things, I only used the car one as an example as its probably the most well known one as the guy was in the news and a bunch of programs.
One again I'm not hating or shaming as I explained in another comment I'm just curious to why or if theres a medical term for it
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Horny? Yes but I don't get what that has to do with dbd lol
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is there a option for "All of the above"?
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Of course, it's just not a poll lol
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I hope you know none of mine is ironic 🕳️👩🏻🦯
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honestly no but “weird” certainly describes you rn
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People just want their Eros and Thanatos in one neat package.
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As someone who is known for very openly and proudly thirsting for Trickster I'll give my honest answer on this.
Am I truly sexually attracted to him? No. This may be because I'm demisexual irl, meaning I don't feel sexual attraction to people unless I have a deep emotional connection with them. Thus it's impossible for me to have this with a fictional character. (However I got to personally interact and/or flirt with the closest thing to a real life "Trickster" and began to develop those intimate feelings but that's another story outside of this huge wall of text anyhow and I'm talking more about the fictional character itself atm.)
Do I find him attractive? Hell yes. His personal style and demeanor to me is something that is attractive to me. I personally have a type for edgy, flamboyant, somewhat cocky and confident people. Trickster definitely falls in this category.
Am I lonely and weird? Yeah. I've been single for about 4 years now, and I truly don't have many friends or get out a lot irl. This probably contributes to my adoration for a fictional character like Trickster. When I was in a lower mental state shortly after Trickster was released sometimes I went to bed envisioning myself talking to him, venting, and overall getting comfort from him. It's probably not the healthiest way to overcome negative mental states, but it definitely helped me feel not so lonely.
TL/DR: I'm not sexually attracted to Trickster, but I find him attractive. He's personally my comfort character and helped me through hard times when I was lonely. Most sexual things I say about Trickster are meant as jokes and/or are exaggerated feelings. But I do have a special place in my heart and love for him.
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welcome to degenerate internet fandom
Post edited by Sludge on0 -
I do get a kick out of all the simps for shirtless Myers to be put into the game.
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I always took it as mostly jokes. I'd 1,000% by a Jane bikini skin though.
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And yes, that something else being ironic
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Only character that I am attracted to and would date is, you guessed it, Adam.
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Horny? No.
Do I want Claudette to wife me up so we can live a happy lesbian life in the fog? Absolutely. 😂
Jokes aside, the younger horror community as a whole- Not just DBD- Is notoriously horny due to the frequency of erotic undertones in its media, ESPECIALLY 80s horror, due to its focus on the AIDS crisis and stigmatizing sexual deviancy. And since a majority of the killers and survivors in this game are licensed from said media... well, you can put two and two together!
I think a majority of it is just a joke, though. I once posted a comment under the official Overwatch youtube channel asking for Junkrat in lingerie, totally just messing around. I imagine a lot of it is similar here.
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I'd lick Meg's abs and there's absolutely nothing in this world you could do to stop me.
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I would literally kill to get some sweet time with jill valentine or kate :) But since they are fictive characters, I don't need to kill... pew What a lucky boy I am^^.
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Thankyou for sharing!
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Can you point me to the game that doesn't have a fanbase who will sexualize the characters? Because I've seen fall guys porn, so I don't think that game exists.
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I am guilty of all the above.
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I only have eyes for Jeff so I don't really get the opportunity to comment that kind of stuff all too often
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Basically a lot of the characters are hot and/or appeal to people with certain erm, "types".
That being said Artist could put me on a leash and I'd thank her for it.
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I'm still waiting for them to buff sex