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Pig is OP and Here thats why

Member Posts: 158

The pig. That lady with the pig mask and the snowflake assasins creed wristblade, and most of all, those damned face traps.

I will admit I don't have a lot of experience playing killer, but i look at this one and i can't see any drawbacks that the others pay for their abilities.

Those traps are the big deal. When/if you get unhooked, you need to go track down the key for your trap, or you die. And thats not even guaranteed, yesterday i died to a trap, after finishing searching 3/4 of the jigsaw boxes on the map and not finding the key.

Usually i do find it though, usually the mask doesn't kill, that was just an unlucky day.But the much bigger deal is, the time it takes.

I could understand if the traps only killed you on leaving, but otherwise had no time limit, so you could take your time searching, do objectives and look for the key whenever you find some spare moments

I could understand if the traps had a time limit, but escaping would prevent it, because then you could try to ignore it and focus on objectives, take a gamble

But it kills in BOTH cases, so your one and only choice is to go look for the key immediately. Time you spend looking for a key is time you don't spend repairing generators, this is hugely powerful.

It also makes you predictable, she can patrol the jigsaw boxes and easily catch people trying to get their masks off. They can't even hide bcause of the accursed beeping

This seems far more powerful than the unique abilities given to any other killer. I'd say freddy is second place, but he still can't hold a candle to this. Pig doesn't even need to hook anyone, ever. She can just go around doing knockdown and mask all day

What does she pay for this ability?

I know she's got that wierd stealth attack, but that is clearly optional. I've had plenty of cases where pig just runs up and hits me in plain view.

She's still got the "higher than survivors" movespeed and can win a chase. maybe she's slower than other killers, but it doesn't feel like it's making a difference

Can anyone explain to me how the pig is not the most overpowered killer in the game by far. To such a degree that she eclipses all the other killers, and would presumably be played by everyone all the time if she wasnt locked behind a paid DLC

Entry cost aside, i can't see any drawbacks

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  • Member Posts: 7,227

    The traps is basically most of what she has. Her stealth isn’t as good as some others and her ambush is very weak most of the time.

    But the issue with pig is that she is too dependent on trap rng and while I don’t really mind going against her, it’s a big part of why I don’t enjoy playing her and it sort of limits her from being made any stronger than she is.

  • Member Posts: 343

    End game collapse makes her traps useless

  • Member Posts: 3

    i love pig <3

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I think her ambush and stealth needs a buff. Also maybe an addon rework, where she gets more traps in exchange for a little more time.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Lol yeah I kinda dismissed everything once I read that.

    OP, play Pig yourself for the next few weeks then come back and tell us how OP you think she is then

  • Member Posts: 84

    Can anyone explain to me how the pig is not the most overpowered killer in the game by far. To such a degree that she eclipses all the other killers, and would presumably be played by everyone all the time if she wasnt locked behind a paid DLC

    Her dash is easily outmaneuvered because of its set up time and roar, removing any aspect of stealth. You can W key away if you're even the least bit observant.

    Her traps are entirely RNG dependent, making it a gamble as to whether or not you wasted anyone's time but your own.

    She has no other abilities other than a dash that slows her down when she tries to start it, removing her momentum upon setup, and a dice roll.

    In theory, she sounds strong. What sounds better than a killer that can keep one or more survivors occupied with the threat of imminent death, chase a completely separate one, and make any remaining free hands afraid of popping a generator for fear of killing their teammates?

    In reality, she's anything but. She can't rely on her power to secure any value, and Pig players are solely responsible for carrying out their own kills without the traps by using the pressure wisely. Traps are more of a slowdown luxury to buy you more time and make up for your slow crouch that removes all aspects of its stealth when you telegraph it with a roar. Solo Queue players will pop generators anyways and just storm through the game, while taking advantage of Pig players who do try to utilize traps by exploiting the time the Pig lost in chasing someone, downing them and trapping them. You can't even bother trapped survivors unless you want to either make the trap a waste and get the down anyways, because the only way to hope a trap goes off is to give them enough time and space to waste all of their options and get unlucky. Pig is only successful if the Pig player can capitalize on the survivor sides misusage of their limited time.

    Basically, it's a "time out corner" for any survivor you happen to catch. And trust me, the higher you go on the ladder, the less and less Pig you'll ever see, because people know how to counter and exploit her power.

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Oh how I wish Amanda Panda was OP...

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Pig is not OP. Her traps rely heavily on RNG and most times survivors can just get their RBT off within the first to second Jigsaw Box search. Once she's out of traps, she becomes a M1 killer with a mediocre dash ability that is rarely ever useful. She's fine.

  • Member Posts: 869

    BHVR you heard the man. Fullfill our desperate wishes, we need another Pig nerf. It's been too long.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Generator is better pig.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    The personification of a meme

  • Member Posts: 244

    Putting the gens on 99 till end game her traps are useless as in they tick down if you finish a gen.

    she got strong game but I would say Plague and Alchemist is Stronger in solo cue.

    They should however change the key part.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Rng took you out not her. You could have got it off on the 1st box or the 2nd.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    "Its not guaranteed" "i died when i only searched 3/4 boxes" you didn't search all the boxes my dude

  • Member Posts: 141

    i mean, if you have amanda's letter you dont really need traps

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Pig is far from OP basically you think every killer is OP if you have that opinion because she's not all that great

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107
    edited April 2022

    Which makes her addon dependant and the definition of a weak killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Isn't pig D tier?

    I can understand bumping her to C tier - or even B in particular matchups. But OP? Not a chance.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Pig is relatively weak. Nowhere near OP. Though I fail to understand the point of putting traps on people just to tunnel them out when they try to remove the helmets.

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