Chapter Concept: Eternal March

Chapter: Eternal March
This chapter introduces two new status effects:
Withering: When a survivor is under a withering status effect, after the period of 12 seconds he will be put into a dying state. This is a guarantee so even if an injured survivor heals himself and put himself back in a healthy state he will still go down. Note: the survivor under the withering status effect is not immune and he will go into dying if the killer will hit him. So we can say it works as a deep wound status effect but with the difference that the survivor won't be able to avoid going down.
Astray: This status effect limits the vision of a survivor. The survivor is only able to see 4 meters around his character. Everything outside the survivor 4 meters range is covered in thick fog that not only blocks the vision but his ability to read an aura ( but the survivor will still see the aura of all things if they will be within his 4 meters ). This status effect it's disabled when a survivor gets damaged.
This time ( because of the lore order ) first one to introduce will be a survivor.
Survivor: Géza Balog
Like with my previous concept this time I also exaggerated the lore length but as usual, I still recommend you to read this since I still put some effort to make a cool short story explaining the background of the characters.
Survivor lore:
Headquarters of Nostradamus Foundation, Budapest Vajdahunyad Castle.
- Pretty neat castle you have there, but I must say its much more appealing on the inside
- Alex, you can't believe how much I'm glad to see you
Alex: Woah Géza, you went missing for a year without even saying a word to me and now you are all that longing and nice this is giving me shivers. what happened to you or rather what they did to you?
Géza: My dear friend...
Alex: Here it goes again
Géza: ...
Alex: Ok, ok you are in no mood I see.
Géza: Oh believe me after this conversation you will be as serious as your father was about your lawyer career
Alex: That doesn't sound appealing
Géza: Alex you were my first friend that I met when I arrived in the United States. We both went from being street magicians to become well-known and popular illusionists. We both have a great interest in magic arcana. So I believe my dear friend, you won't take me for a madman for what I'm about to tell you.
Alex: Well you wouldn't invite me to your home country, especially to that fancy place for nothing I guess so all I can do is let you speak and give you a chance to explain yourself.
Géza: Tell me what do you know about the other world
Alex: You mean life after death?
Alex: Hey I'm trying to be serious as you asked me ok?
Géza: No, no it was... quite an accurate actually. However the other world I'm referring to isn't just the life after death how you described it.
Géza: Other world is also a term for all those paranormal creations that exist in our world and everything that involves or creates them. The other world is for simple everything we are unable to comprehend as humans, from spirits or wraiths to even such beings as demons or celestials.
Alex: So those religious nuts are right?
Géza: They possess a limited amount of knowledge about Other world and they are right in certain cases but to say they are right would be a foolish statement. They are right for example about the existence of the soul, but they fail to understand its nature.
Géza: You see, as it is various causes that trigger those paranormal anomalies and there are multiple entities born from it. Some of them require the human soul to be born, as the human soul has a cosmic base that can be modeled into something else.
Alex: You were right, if you were a stranger to me I would surely take you for a madman, even thoughyou sound so sure and well educated about it. But tell me, what you have been doing for that year and how do you know such things. How can you be sure of it? No matter how confident you sound, it's too abstract to be taken seriously by many people. After all, you know how easy is to deceive a human, maybe this time you were the one who was deceived. Do you have any proof that would support your words?
Géza: Indeed I have and they are here, in this very castle.
You see I haven't invited you for the sake of tourism, this place is the current headquarters of the Nostradamus foundation which was created in 1567. The foundation was created after the Nostradamus's death by a few of his students. Nostradamus possessed a great knowledge of magical arcana and throughout his life, he pursued his interest in other world. We are continuing this pursuit in secret from the rest of the world.
Alex: Don't tell me it's some kind of cult that you are in.
Géza: Well, we possess a lot of knowledge about various cults that is for sure, but we are not one of them, we are to put it simply, one large library of research on all the paranormal phenomenons. However, our "librarians" operate differently.
Alex: And you are sure that you are not in a cult.
Géza: And I'm sure I'm not in a cult.
Alex: Well as long as you are sure then I don't have to worry about you I guess, but still, I don't why you are telling me this. You know that I'm not as a bookworm as you are, so I wouldn't be a good material for your foundation.
Géza: I told you we are operating differently, some of us, of course, take care of our repository of knowledge but the rest of us is working rather on the field. They are checking the ghost reports, the presence of demons, and collecting ancient relics with magical properties. That would be rather fitting for you don't you think.
Alex: Well that sounds a little bit more exciting but if those paranormal entities are real then tell me how would I deal with them, not to brag about I'm a good runner but will that be enough.
Géza:*chuckles* I missed you, Alex. You don't have to worry about it too much. In this place, you will learn various countermeasures such as for example incantations and exorcisms that will help you in many situations. It's a little harder than the illusions that we performed but you will manage, here you will also improve your illusions skills as well.
Alex: Couldn't you start with that, I'm in, but remember, If I will find out you worship some kind of twisted eldritch god I will be out.
Géza: Haha of course you would escape with that kind of information.
Alex: Uh, Géza you are joking, right?
Géza: Haven't you missed my old self? But to speak honestly if you wanted to cut the ties with us we would probably clear your mind from those memories.
Alex: sounds kinda cool, will you teach me that.
Géza: Naturally
Survivor perks:
Illusionist: You start the game with 3 tokens of Illusionist. During repairing the generators, cleansing the totems, or healing yourself you can press the Active Ability button to create a copy image of yourself in a form of illusion. This illusion is both visible to survivors and the killer. This illusion last 16/18/20 seconds and mimic the survivor's sounds of grunts of pain and breathing, however, the Illusion doesn't mimic the sound of interacting with objects ( such as cleansing the totems sound). The illusion also doesn't bleed if an injured survivor created an illusion. If the killer hit or runs past this illusion, the image created by this illusionist disappears. After using this perk you lose one token and you put the Illusionist perk on 180 seconds cooldown. ( Note: the killer won't see the aura of the survivor's illusion, but he will still see the aura of the survivor who put illusion so certain perks or killers abilities can tell you that this survivor is fake).
Death door: After unhooking a survivor this perk activates for 8 seconds. When this perk is active, instead of going into a dying state you will enter a withering status effect. This perk becomes disabled when exit gates are powered up.
Foundation counter-measures: You interact with killer belongings 5%/7,5%/10% faster ( It only works on killer belongings such as Lament Configuration, Bear Traps, TV, Jigsaw Boxes, Alarm Clocks, Cages of Atonement, Pools of Devotion, Supply Cases, Bear Traps, Portals. There are other things in this game that count as killer belongings such as hooks or chests so wanted to make this clear that this buff won't apply to them).
For every 15 seconds of being in the chase, you gain a token of up to a maximum of 6 tokens. Each token grants you 6 seconds of Struggle Phase time. Every 3 tokens add 0.75 seconds to your hooking animation. You lose all tokens when you are hooked. ( You can gain those tokens again, but you will have to earn them again during the chase).
"I can only offer you help but it's up to you to figure out what path you want to follow" -István Balog
The killer: Phantom
Appearance: The Phantom is a skeleton cloaked in crimson robes. Fog of the dark green and black colors emits from him and his eyes are glowing red. Instead of walking, he levitates leaving some smokes behind him.
Killer lore:
Géza: So how do you like our headquarters so far?
Alex: That underground is huge! How you are able to get to the toilet in time.
Géza: You know, teleportation magic and that kind of stuff.
Alex: I seriously can't tell today when you are joking mate. By the way, is this place always so empty?
Géza Most of our foundation members are away on a recruit mission.
Alex: Recruit mission? Don't tell me such a huge and powerful organization has a people shortage.
*Géza has trembled*
Alex: Woah Géza are you ok?
Géza: Yes, yes just... *sigh*
Remember when I told you about my father?
Alex: That he wanted you to continue your family business?
Géza: Well you see, this foundation is apparently our family business.
Alex: Oh
Géza: My father and his father were both respectable members of this organization, my father was even a previous leader.
Alex: Woah, I see that's why they contacted you...wait what do you mean by saying he was.
Géza: My father died during the second civil war that happened a year ago, while they had to deal with foundation members that gone mad.
Alex: I'm...I'm sorry to hear that...
Géza:*sigh* It's our third headquarters, the first one was in Paris but after the first civil war, it was moved to Venice.
Alex: And how did you end up in Hungary?
Géza: During World War II Nazi Germany's research institute Ahnenerbe somehow learn about our organization and wanted to borrow a few things for us but that's the story for another time.
You see Alex I have shown you already the profits of joining our foundation, but do you truly know the risk?
Alex: Ugh, it makes me a little scared hearing that from you.
Géza: Good because you are about to see something terrifying.
Géza:Hello Mr. Krammer
Alex: (Was he talking about this guy?)
-You have finally dragged your friend here I see.
Géza: Alex, this is Doctor Roman Krammer, he's our current leader.
Alex: Hi Doc, uh I mean Hi Chef.
Roman: How delightful...
Alex:( Yup, he was talking about him)
Géza: Mr. Kramer I have brought Alex here to...
Roman: We both know why you brought him here Géza, so not to spoil the surprise for our new member
*Takes curtain off*
The skeleton-looking figure lying on the bed is connected to life-sustaining apparatus.
Alex: Holy #########, do you keep an undead here too!
Roman: Keep your mouth shut and show some respect to the older members.
Alex: Older members?
Roman: This is Sir Jean-Pierre Guilloux and despite his appearance, he's 38 years old.
Alex: 38 years old!?
Géza: Alex, the last year's civil war wasn't about taking over the foundation, some ######### persuaded a good number of people on his side and convinced them to break a fundamental rule of this world. He wanted to become immortal alongside them.
Alex: Immortal you does it even possible.
Roman: Through many years of our search we have found thousands of records from different locations and times in the history of mankind that depict death-breaking rituals that grant immortality. Those records were written on various materials, from paper and stone to even human skin.
From what we learned those rituals usually ended up in failure cursing people who executed them. They suffered the worst possible fate, with their wish of immortality granted but alongside with lost mind and stricken freedom bound only to be specters.
We call those people...those being Phantoms, those who were cursed by death.
Roman: Raymond Fosse the one responsible for starting the second civil war was taking care of all our discoveries about such rituals. He was a man committed and focused only on his work, a full-blooded rationalist. Nobody expected that his commitment wouldn't turn into an obsession that would drive him to commit such a heretic ritual for his personal gains.
Alex: If those rituals cursed all those who conducted them, and he was perfectly aware of that then why does he decide to perform one of them
Roman: After a relentless study, he claimed that he has found a reason why the previous rituals failed, and thus full of himself he decided to recreate that, but thanks to Sir Jean we are aware of the outcome.
Alex: Well he obviously failed, since he's been dealt with.
Roman: He succeed.
Alex: What!? But you were victorious, right? How have you dealt with him and his colleges if he gained that immortality?
Roman: We didn't deal with him, but rather the laws of this universe did.
Alex: Once again, what?
Roman: You the universe have bestowed upon us a few fundamental laws that cannot be broken. You cannot cheat death and be immortal without repercussions, for example, the need to feast upon the life of others.
Alex: Like the vampires
Roman: Precisely, his ritual for the first time in human history was successful but breaking the fundamental law has summoned those who have failed previously. It taught us that even if during the ritual you are able to avoid the curse of death, you cant avoid all the consequences. Breaking the death itself has summoned many Phantoms from the past rituals.
Alex: So it does confirm the death as an entity, and a part of the outer world.
Roman: I told you already, it's rather the very being of a universe that created those laws is responsible for it rather than death itself. However, you can easily mistake Phantoms for a grim reaper of some sort.
Alex: And those Phantoms killed all of the members from both sides of the conflict?
Roman: They come from a thick fog revealed themselves one by one and as you can judge from sir Jean's case, they drained the life from their victim's body and even the soul.
When they appeared their mere presence caused overwhelming distress. Each of them was wielding a scythe that slashed through all the people like butter, but surprisingly that slash didn't kill the victim immediately.
The human body that was hit by the scythe rapidly aged to the point that even bones became mere dust. Foundation members tried to protect themselves but all ended up in vain, those creatures seemed immune to all the methods we have used and we tried from magical to none magical ones. Sir Jean only escaped by teleporting himself to the circle he earlier prepared, but even tho he did it swiftly, one of the phantom's scythes barely pierced his side before he teleported and you can see that even that graze caused him to wither in a short period of time to the point you see him now.
Alex: You said that they also drained the victim's life from its souls what do you mean.
Roman: From what Sir Jean told us they seemed to absorb the essence resembling the soul from the human body.
Alex: Holy #########, those creatures are ######### up.
Roman: That's one way to put it... but we as the Nostradamus Foundation shouldn't waste this information that we have gained thanks to the sacrifice of many of our members, one day we shall discover a method to deal with them but until now we should restore our organization to its former glory. Have you heard me well Géza?
Roman: Géza
Géza: Yes I understand it
Roman: Istvan was a dear friend of mine, if there is something I can do for him it would educate you well and shape you into the next leader.
Géza: A noble cause huh?
Roman: You should have one too and teach your friend some basics and some manners
Alex: We can skip that part, I am well known for my good manners.
Roman: How delightful...
Weapon: Scythe
Killer speed: 4.6 m/s.
Playstyle: This is a strategic killer that requires some preparation. His Soul Reaper is hard to land without the help of his other ability The Sickening Mist of Night. That's why placing the veil of mists inconvenient places is key to victory. The veil of mist can help your Soul Reaper surprise the survivors with its attack even through the walls. The killer kit encourages this kind of combination. The Sickening Mist of Night can hide your presence from survivors' eyes but also punish the survivors that lack map knowledge, and even experienced survivors can make a mistake when they are uncertain about what's ahead of them.
Soul Reaper: After pressing and holding the power button for 4 seconds you are able to perform an 8 meters range semicircle slash. This slash can wound multiple survivors and inflicts a broken status effect for 30 seconds.
Survivors can see that you're using a Soul Reaper by your animation and the expanding fog that indicates the range of your slash.
Soul reaper can be used mid-air. After using souls repair it has 20 seconds cd. A successful hit on a survivor shortens the for 5 seconds for each survivor.
Special Ability:
Sickening Mist of Night: Press the active ability button to create thick veils of mist that confuses the senses of survivors, and reduces their vision. You can place up to 5 veils of mists. Each Veil of mist takes 3x3 meters of space. Sickening Mist of Night does not have a cooldown but after placing a mist you have to wait 15 seconds for it to show up.
If a survivor enters the veil of mist he gains the Astray status effect that lasts 10 seconds after he left the veil of mist. When the Phantom enters the veil of mist his Soul Reaper fog indicator cannot be seen by the survivors.
Killer Perks:
Danse macabre: When the survivor dies all the dropped pallets on the map become destroyed, all the generators start regressing like they were kicked and all survivor's items lose charges wherever they are ( but the items are locked in a chest still can be found with charges).
If a survivor dies on the hook, an area of 8 m around the hook grants survivors an exposed status effect ( with notification for them ) and grants a killer haste status effect (5%). This effect lasts for 3/4/5 seconds after leaving the area.
Horrid wilting: When you put a 2 times survivor into an injured state, without putting him into a dying state the next time (third time) you will injure him with any attack you will put him into a withering status effect. After putting a survivor to a withering status effect you cant put another survive to a withering status effect via that perk for 60 seconds.
This doesn't work on a survivor who has been hooked 2 times or when an existing gate has been powered up.
A rattle of bones:
You hook survivors 30%/40%/50% faster.
After hooking a survivor you:
-Snuff out all boon totems ( Have fun blessing it again )
- Grants survivors who have cleansed or blessed a totem Incapacitated status effect that lasts 8 seconds.
"Death is on its way, do not dare to not cross its path" - Anonymous
As always I'm eager to hear your opinions about this idea.
This chapter was inspired by the 3 inches of blood song "The Phantom of the Crimson Cloak".
About Dense Macabre: To make it much less effective against face campers, this perk will have a requirement that 3 different survivors need to be hooked at least once in order for this to activate.
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I also had to edit Horrid wilting because as usual, I forgot to mention a pretty important thing. Horrid wilting won't work when you put the same survivor in a dying state, this perk has to only work when 2 times previously you injured a survivor with your basic attack without him going down. So not mentioning the fact that survivors cant be put in a dying state pretty much makes this perk overpowered as hell.