Everyone is mad and so am i
"Considering the absolute outrage..."
and this is the problem i have with, i can not understand why
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Honestly I would have no problem with David being gay, its the fact that they had to make a post about. They had to go out of the way for it. They just had to say look here's your gay character. If they would have just left the tome and not make a post it Honestly would have been better and not seem forced
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Me neither and yet here we are so until this outrage dies down it's gay gay homosexual gay for 3/4 of my comments
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Now that you mention it, I think if they left it in the tome it would have been a pretty interesting idea. The post definitely sensationalizes it a bit, kind of like a massive signal to everyone that HEY! HE'S GAY! Even if that wasn't their intent.
Maybe they'll do that moving forward? :0 I can't imagine making a huge post every time a new queer character is released where they grab a megaphone and spread the word, haha. It'd get old and offensive pretty fast.
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Ikr, imagine them saying hey here's a heterosexual male.. it just dosnt seem right to announce those kinds of things
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I want more effeminate gays in video games because there are only muscle men like David and Soldat, im tired.
It just shows how straight world saw us : gay masculine ok, feminine gay gross ๐คฎ
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Your thread was closed because other LGBT people countered your points perfectly and your response was to mald at them and proclaim that only you were capable of understanding True Queer Culture
It wasn't very productive
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Don't just get someone who we've know for years and be like " oh btw he gay" just for representation.
Isn't this the definition of "Coming out"?
Make someone new who is gay but also has a personality.
So you're saying that David King now doesn't have a personality of his own? Or are you complaining that his personality is not completely based on his sexual preferences? Because creating a new character and having their backstory completely based on the fact that they are part of the LGBT+ community would feel more like an "empty" token character just for the sake of having representation IMO
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No they just did gaysexism towards effeminate gay saying it was a stereotype, so yes I was very angry.
They didnt made a point at all ๐
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That's not how the world sees feminine gay men. At least not the quiet majority of the western world, sadly there will always be the vocal minority screaming about how we're a disgrace or whatever else they wanna say lmao
Sincerely, a feminine gay man.
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Huge terf
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Right except plenty of people contesting your points made clear they were fem themselves but you opted to ignore that and mald further as it didn't help your argument
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I dont know in which country you live, but here in France, if you are too effeminate straight people and even gay people dont like you, I had to stop doing my makeup because Im too scared.
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England. It's gotten much better in recent years because growing up it was genuinely horrific, but now there's a lot more tolerance for everyone except trans people here. Can't comment exactly but apparently Germany is decent for it too. North of the USA and Canada too, apparently, but England is the only one I can properly fully speak on.
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Yes I went to London many times and I love seeing effeminate guys with makeup in the Street and nobody cares.
In France, even in Paris (I live in a small City so its even worse) everybody look at you like you are an animal or a monster.
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As part of the LGBT community all I have to say is: Why does it matter? Why do we need to know the sexuality of characters only in the game to be killed? Does him, or someone new, being gay change the game in any way what-so-ever? No.
I can agree that it seems lazy to just turn an existing character gay for the sake of representation, but people have been hounding BHVR about this non-issue for years so I don't blame them for just going "Alright just make David gay so we can move on from this."
As sad as it may sound, having a blatantly gay character in the game would just have people playing them get targeted for that reason alone by hateful people. Some are being targeted already for using the Pride charms.
If the characters were more than just a husk for the player, the same as any other survivor at the core, it might have mattered but in a game like this it just makes no sense to put any weight on the character's sexuality. Unless they wanna use it as a story beat for how they ended up in the fog. Which in the end doesn't affect the gameplay in any way.
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I'm a trans bi man and I also thought the announcement was kind of... cringe?
It looked more like they were outing him as gay instead, he should be the one giving us some kind of hint about it in the tome/archives.
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All I'll say is, it can be weird for companies to make one of their characters gay just because. There is a certain "why?" factor when we know that more than likely David was never originally meant to be gay.
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In which case, I apologise (please accept this tiny dog as my apology)
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so you and a handful of others don't agree, which means that "everyone" is mad? were you decided the royal ruler of all gay men? do you get to decide what fictional character does or doesn't qualify as gay?
you don't? you're just another random person with an unsolicited opinion on the internet? well, sucks to suck huh?
get over it.