Forced AA...we all get to enjoy Switch graphics on PC.

I really don't get it at this point. Was this intended? Or did they just break the game again? Just why??
It's 2022 why are we even talking about forced anti-aliasing. Now the game looks like garbage. And don't even get me started on the frame drops.
I mean after years of playing DbD I've come to expect the game to break in mysterious ways after every patch but come on! Oh well, I don't know what else to put here. You get the idea. BHVR get your ######### together blah blah blah
I feel super relieved that people keep making threads about this
we're all suffering through the blurry mess together
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Sadly I think it's gonna be a while before someone figures out how to disable it.
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Doesn't help that they have yet to bother acknowledging the issue. I guess it's really hard to show a shred of care.
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On the bright side you received a switch trapper skin to complete it.
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Ya it is laughable that they don't have more graphical options at this point....xD Like Would've thought..