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Hatch Gives Undeserved Escapes. What Game Mechanic Gives Undeserved Kills?



  • _AdamFrancis_
    _AdamFrancis_ Member Posts: 698

    Also, when a survivor dies to EGC, they die to the ENTITY, not the Killer💀

  • _AdamFrancis_
    _AdamFrancis_ Member Posts: 698

    Only if the Killer has to earn it. If you played like crap you shouldn't be rewarded for it.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684


  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,144

    I still run whisper just so I don't need to deal with immersed gameplay.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    No....cause thats a terrible idea... and all I really do is play killer...and it still sounds like a terrible idea.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Imagine if when the hatch was closed the last survivor is immediately sacrificed

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    AFK pig

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Might as well be if you have No Way Out or Whispers. NWO is such a good perk in general but is particularly brutal against the final survivor.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Not like hatch gives mmr..

  • iamhnf
    iamhnf Member Posts: 77

    I do. Maybe play all killers and you will understand their pain not that I agree with all of their complains. But survivor's cries about NOED and camping after 5 gens are done (some survivors still whine about this). I still dun understand why survivors are complaining about NOED, its a 1 perk free slot the whole game and sometimes even end game. And come on about camping after 5 gens, what are killers supposed to do after all the gens are done, when killers can secure one kill since the game is ending.

    Although I can see tunneling and camping is and will always be issue in DBD until the developers decide to fix it. What are these compared to killer's pain when killers cant even play fun killers or low tier killers without having to struggle to get even 1 kill or getting bullied because the killer design is bad for looping or constantly getting nerfed.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Or allow survivors to bleed out faster, if there are only 2 left.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    We already tried the game without EGC. The Hatch is preferable to a manhunt.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    killer can literally close the hatch and start the egc which can kill the survivor if they so not open the gate before getting caught, it's really not that deep, hatch exist simply to prevent the game from dragging on forever, and if the survivor gets lucky so be it, it's not a matter of skill/fairness (this is a party game where killer can camp a survivor to death, survivors can finish te gens after 1 chase etc. we all poured a lot of hours into this game to accept that it's unbalanced mess in almost every aspect so focusing on hatch out of all things is weird ngl

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Probably facecamping.

    But...try playing survivor a bit and you'll see why hatch isn't a big deal. You've got maybe a 33% chance of finding it before the killer does, assuming they don't just find you.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,281

    First off, that's incorrect, both are baked in, but secondly, if all survivors get out, the hatch won't do anything for them. And if the killer slugs the third, it won't spawn either.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    You'd be surprised. how many games there are where 3 of the 4 teammates are doing the dumbest #########, screwing over the 4th who is legit trying their best. Whether it be 3 inexperienced players making all the wrong decisions and being paired with a vet, or the 3man wannabe bully squad with flashlights all getting owned by the killer. .The hatch needs to exist to give someone a chance who got screwed by matchmaking. Besides, it's considered a draw now and its a true 50/50 since survivors cant see it in advance.

  • Pumpkinbros
    Pumpkinbros Member Posts: 425

    Hatch has already been nerfed, your undeserved kills can be compared to your mori's since they were both nerfed the EXACT same way you can only get Mori's when you would've killed them anyways

    you can only hatch escape when you are the final remaining, it's not that deep, I wouldn't fret too hard over it.

    if you're upset you also have the option to just close the hatch? it's a fair game you both search for it, and you can close it before them if you so please, whether an escape Is deserved or not is not a thing that any mechanic is going to solve, that would just end up being unfair when one person gets treated better than the other, just doesn't make sense, BHVR did what they could to make hatch balanced, I'm not sure how else you expect to nerf it 🤷‍♂️

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Gate spawns. Depending on map, gate placements and what killer it is complete RNG can decide the difference between the killer genuinely having no chance to patrol both, or being able to see both from an elevated position. And this is also why the only alternative to hatch with any chance of being considered - just starting EGC instead - would just shift the complaints to something else.

    The way they made hatch escapes basically a "null" result MMR wise is the right direction, as far as MMR is concerned a hatch escape doesn't reward the survivor or punish the killer. Do the same for emblems and bloodpoints, so it can't make stuff like killer adepts or pipping at higher grades frustrating. Seems pretty common to see slugging for the 4k considered undesirable and boring not only by survivors, but by killers as well as it can be pretty boring for both.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    If you want someone down and facecamped he is going down, Bloodlust 3 guarantees you will eventually get that survivor, as someone said, its not efficient and the other 3 will get almost a guaranteed escape after they fix 5 gens in the time you do that but its the same as hatch, one escaped the other 3 ended up dead, 0 efficiency for the consolation prize on both situations.

    Have you ever played survivor? you know the whole "afk in the corner of the map and hatch escape lol" is a meme and almost never happens?, people who literally do nothing the entire match eventually get found anyway because the Killer has so much damn time to find everyone since they are playing 3vs1, if someone manages to be the last one alive its not because they did nothing and put 0 effort into being it, its almost always because they are either much better at stealth or much better at juking than the other 3 and they probably did their part trying to advance the objective, you still have to put a lot of effort to be the last Survivor on the trial.

    You asked for Killers equivalent of "low effort consolation prize while losing the general objective" and facecamping someone after getting 2 instances of Bloodlust 3 is that equivalent.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    If you dont pip on a 3k you are either camping or losing at tunneling all game. If you have 10 hooks and a three k you pip. BHVR already set the standards for a win if 2k is a draw....that would make a 3 k what?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428


  • raiguy
    raiguy Member Posts: 13

    Honestly, I think that tombstone Myers gives the killer undeserved kills because if it's paired with infinite tier 3 (which it almost always is) it just lets the killer mori everyone without even getting on hook or downing them.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Arguably NOED. Depends on the situation, but it definitely does result in some undeserved kills at times

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    The killer version of hatch is NOED, especially when combined with Blood Warden and the smoothbrain tactic of slugging. Why should killers be rewarded with instant downs and kills at endgame when they didn't secure the kills during the match? They've already nerfed hatch to make it ONLY available to the last survivor. They nerfed keys by forcing an opening delay and animation. They bonked Deliverance by making the perk useless if you're the last survivor and you've made it through the match without a hook; you still instantly die instead of getting to use your perk or make your 3 escape attempts at a 4% chance.

    The cure to hatch is secure the kills before you even get to endgame.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 466

    Great now we can run in circles around a pallet with no flavor to the character we playing. If all killers didn't have powers and were M1 that would be a very boring game.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199

    3k and a hatch is a win guys. The hatch isn't an escape, it's a commiseration prize. It even has null MMR weighting.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 972
    edited May 2022

    Someone is still moaning about the hatch?

    It's all but pointless at the moment. I commonly end up as the final survivor in a match due to team mates acting like absolute idiots and the amount of times the killer finds and closes the hatch within about 10-15 seconds is quite high.

    The hatch virtually needs to spawn next to you now to get it as an escape. If you got a 3k and a survivor has managed to avoid you and evade you for the entire match a chance to escape is more than deserved in my opinion. In fact I'd go as far as to say it even need a minor buff.

    Let's not forget that even if a survivor successfully hides and waits out the EGC that counts as a free win for the killer despite 'not deserving it' in the same sense the final survivor 'doesnt deserve the hatch' yet we don't seem to think that is an issue.