Not so unpopular opinion - mmr isnt the issue, dead hard is



  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    The only reason this game would not have a finite duration is because people are not doing the objective.

    And I said 30 seconds PER survivor. Which is probably around 2 minutes of gen time cumulatively across the team.

    The game is snowball based. You can't hold up a single number and use it to prove anything. Gens fly by the fastest at the start of the game, when the killer has no hooks and no pressure. The second the killer starts getting hooks the gen progress slows down drastically.

    In a 3v1 you can basically cause all gen progress to stop just by hooking 1 person and then chasing another.

    And it's a pretty nutty take imo. You know I can win games by facecamping with Bubba with Corrupt, Deadlock, and NWO? Literally that's a legit 3k strategy if you get the first down in under 30-40 seconds. That's literally how much slowdown those perks introduce. Straight facecamping and still winning against SWFs.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Everything you say in the forums in support of Dead Hard or the idea that maybe 90% of the people here are just bad and don't know how to outplay one "mid" perk that's only situational strong will be instantly shot down

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Okay, I'm gonna have to have you put those goalposts you just tried to move and put them right back where you found them. We are talking about perks, not SWFs, facecamping, or anything to do with Bubba.

    Four Survivors can each run Dead Hard, trading off chases and creating countless minutes of wasted Killer time that DRASTICALLY outstrips Killer perks. Even if we take your claim at face value and multiple that 30 second value four times (for each survivor), we come to two minutes - and Dead Hard(s) can VERY easily buy you more than two minutes - no contest.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    You are telling me that killer perks don't slow down the game as much as DH. And I just told you exactly how killer perks can slow down the game enough to where you basically don't even have to play and can still win.

    Let's agree to disagree.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    How do you just agree to disagree on MATH?

    Corrupt Intervention lasts an absolute maximum of 120 seconds. That is the most value it will get, no matter how many games you play.

    Dead Hard resets every 40 seconds outside of a chase, can be run by all four Survivors, and RESETS ON HOOK.

    These are not opinions, man.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    I'll repeat myself

    If you use dead hard to dodge a hit you are doing it wrong and you cant even begin to understand the issue

    Dead hard is NOT a "hit dodge" perk. It is used to gain DISTANCE

    Scenario (that happens to me every single game) : you are avout to catch up on a survivor after a sucgessful mind game and a 30 sec chase

    There is a window, survivor cant make it because you beat him on the mind game. Survivor uses dead hard, reaches the shack window, here we go again for a whole new chase/mindgame

    Do you understand now ? How is it baitable ? How can you outplay the unevitable ? Tell me because i find it hard to understand

    THIS is the major issue of the perk. THIS is one of the most frustrating thing in the game. THIS is what we talk about when we say there are too many second chances for survivors when killers basically have none

    Stop be the "im kind enough to explain to you that you just have to bait it out" guy

  • VegasRalphie
    VegasRalphie Member Posts: 39

    That is a good point. I have gotten that first hook quickly before but honestly it doesn't happen very often.

  • Pumpkinbros
    Pumpkinbros Member Posts: 423

    I'm just not sure what kind of nerf you would want for a perk so simple, like LITERALLY so simple. some people can mess up with it, and some people are god-tier with it. it's a skill-based perk. give people props for a good dead hard! stop complaining, live an optimistic life <3

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    "Let's ignore every issue the game has and just live an optimistic life!"

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    To me, part of what makes dealing with Dead Hard tricky is that negating a hit from the Killer is the basic premise of the perk. Time it right, and the attack that should have brought you down doesn't, buying precious time.

    That said, I think a major issue is that isn't how a lot of survivors actually use it. They use it to make those last few steps needed to reach a pallet or window.

    I wonder how many of Dead Hard's issues would be mitigated by dropping the Dead Hard for Distance aspect. Maybe change it to an increased wipe animation for the Killer of the Survivor successfully dodges a hit with it.

    Reward using it as intended, prevent using it as not.

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    Dead hard needs changing and i have no idea why it hasnt happened yet.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    The correlation with Dead Hard and escape rates is meaningless because as you say, so many people take it that naturally you're going to have high escape rates with it, but that doesn't not mean that Dead Hard is the reason they escaped the trial.

    Quite the opposite. I very very rarely ever see anyone use a Dead Hard in a smart or creative way. 99% of the time, they just dash in a straight line ahead of me, and oh look they bought their selves a literal second of not being hit.

    Most people take it because they think they're supposed to take it and have no idea how to properly use it. It is a good perk, but most of its worth as perceived by the community at large is just because they're told it's good and people take it and use it in poor and worthless ways because they don't know any better and aren't thinking for their selves.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Actually the fact that Dead Hard is used by many people, but also has a high correlation with escape rates versus people that don't use it, is an indication that the high escape rate correlation is not necessarily linked to the skills of the players using it but is related to something inherent to the perk. You wouldn't see higher than average escape rates with a perk used by 40% of people simply because "a lot of people use it."

  • Impailer
    Impailer Member Posts: 97

    “As a survivor main” you wouldn’t see a problem with dead hard. Instead of rational thinking it’s not hard to see a clean-cut bias there.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    If you never saw dh uqed in a way that makes you fezl completely powerless, im sorry to say that you are in low killer mmr

    Even in mid mmr you often see people using it the right way. In high mmr, perk is there 95% of the time and is NEVER and i say N E V ER used to dodge a hit or gain a "few seconds on a straight line". NEVER

    You are so biased, its actually funny

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Im Iri Rank 1. I see it used effectively. For the invincibility frames, at vaults, at pallets, suddenly backwards towards and behind me.

    But these are the exception. Normally people just wait until they think I’m going to attack and just dash forward, which buys them just a second or two.

  • DownWithTheSystem
    DownWithTheSystem Member Posts: 7

    You are so insanely wrong. For every second that dead hard buys a survivor, the entire survivor team benefit. Tunneling has nothing to do with it because survivors can use dead hard in every chase.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 313

    Dead hard cannot be touched until tunneling camping and noed is. Dead hard actually makes playing survivor fun when going against these stupid strats and noed which suck all the fun out of the game. Address those things first then nerf dead hard

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985

    DH is going to get nerfed (too many complaints) & then everyone is going to complain about Sprint Burst. Then it’ll be Overcome. Then it’ll be Lithe, followed by Balanced Landing accompanied with map offerings. Then the community will say no more exhaustion perks.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Big difference between dead hard and your Doctor example is that dead hard is just a single perk that a survivor can bring alongside 3 other perks and the Doctor match has almost every single thing going towards the same thing. He has to pick a specific killer, a specific map offering, specific add ons, and specific perks to make it work. The survivor just brings dead hard and you just gain a third health state for free that can completely remove any skill from a chase.

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