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How Often do you use No Mither & if you do why?

DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
edited May 2022 in Polls

I have have about 1000 hours in DBD & use No Mither exclusively whenever i play Ash which is about 1/6 survivor game.I started running it along time Onryo was coming out,did that so players learning Onryo will have an easier/more fun time.But then i got addicted to it when i play Survivor i want to play against good killers but MMR back them was really bad that i faced against not-very highly skilled killers & the matches weren't that challenging so then i ran No Mither to handicap myself to have more of a challenge.The build i run is No Mither,Sprint Burst,Iron Will,& Were Gonna Make it.

How Often do you use No Mither & if you do why? 81 votes

All the Time(Main Build)
Ethromel 1 vote
FilthyLegionMainRavenTheWraithDarkMagikWampiritaIlliterateGenocide 5 votes
Seiko300VolantConch1719Leonardo1itaAetherBytes[Deleted User]AhoyWolfNougattueurShapedPrex91[Deleted User]ValikTatariuAnnso_xN8dogPSPHaunterofShadowsGarlicRice[Deleted User]SmokeTheScrapperStabby_Abby 24 votes
Never Touched It
White_OwlMat_SellaF60_31roundpittGinGoMazoobiTaigaRoboMojoHellraisingPredatorSebaOutbreakRobotfangirl67darkcloudlinkQwQwHerachi_SakuraLiphiusThatOneDemoPlayerAurelle[Deleted User]DredgenWar237deKlaw_04 24 votes
brokedownpalaceDimekSkeletalElitemusstang62EnderloganYTMattie_MayhemOGHannonLegendxtr4meFobboHex_LlamaInk_EyesAnchorTeaTheArbiterViskodGazgemauchGamerEzraCyanide2817Bennett_They1Themsizzlingmario4 27 votes
Post edited by DarkMagik on


  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I used to run No Mither when I decided I wanted to be better at the game haha. I unequipped spine chill bc I was too dependent on it and equiped No Mither instead so I would stop being scared of being injured and be forced to learn to loop rather than take a free hit and run away with the speed boost. It actually helped me a lot, I don't mind being injured anymore, also i became decent at looping. Actually i might do a No Mither cure again lol I remember killers dropping chases against me back then, hasn't happened in a while now... also it's kinda funny when your teammates DC or refuse to save you bc you're running no mither against Oni

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    Never Touched It

    Never used it, but I do threaten my friends with it

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Never Touched It

    I only used it for Adept David and one of the tome challenges and I never touched it again. There's no point in bringing it into a match.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I'll use it for memes once in a blue moon, or if I'm running DH.

    I used it once when I was getting started and I regretted that almost immediately.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I only really use it for the rift challenges.

    If I really, really want to troll on some teammates during a 4 man SWF squad, it's a hilarious surprise.

    I have a countering question:

    If they made No Mither balanced in some way - so it isn't a pure handicap perk - would that hurt your experience?

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Only time I’ve ever used it was in a 4 stack with my friends where we all had it. We got a nurse on RPD and she just decided to farm lol. She also had insidious and just hid for the first 5 minutes so we didn’t even know it was her until we finally found her.

    Only good memory I have on that map.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    Never Touched It

    Why would I shoot myself in the foot?

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326
    Never Touched It

    This perk is the only reason I want to be able to see my teammates' loadouts when I go into a match. I hate going into a match where someone is throwing by running a perk that puts the entire team at a disadvantage, and I would gladly dodge a lobby if I knew someone had No Mither.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    Never Touched It

    I feel the same way. At least with flashlights, there's the chance they could get a game-winning flashlight save. With no mither, that player is essentially handicapping both themselves and the team as a whole, without any benefit being provided. Incredibly frustrating to see a no mither player as a Survivor. Incredibly good to see a no mither player if you're playing Killer though. Probably means an easier game.

  • Legend
    Legend Member Posts: 2

    To troll friends or to put survivor in "hard mode" and I would only use it very rarely in a full SWF to avoid ruining random players experiences as survivor.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    Sometimes when I play in a swf we do meme builds.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I only use it combined with resilience, spine chill and wake up or counterforce as a stealth rusher build. Perk is legendarily awful outside of this. Meme status well deserved (but at least it's not sole survivor)

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    I only use Dead Hard with No Mither.

  • GarlicRice
    GarlicRice Member Posts: 118

    When I'm playing with my streamer friend and somebody redeems them to play no mither we usually all put it on as well for the laughs. That's the only time I use that perk.

  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167

    other than using it for meme builds I have never touched it, the meme build I like to use with no mither is self care, autodidact and pebble enthusiast.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    SWF Meme Builds.

    Like all of us running to Locker Alley in Red Forest with Head On and Flash Bangs.

  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 43

    I used it in the beginning to learn from the disadvantages and found it fun in parts, but now I prefer to use Iron Will and Unbreakable when playing alone or when there is at least one random. I hate dcs.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    It's absolutely busted perk with right team and build.

    Me and my SWF made many killers furious with it.

    A lot of killers don't know how to play around it, so it's easy to abuse it.

    It's completely useless perk in solo Q tho

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2022
    Never Touched It

    As a killer, I love seeing people with No Mither. Free infinite exposed survivor all game. Juicy free kill for me. Not sure what Behavior thinks they are doing, but that could be said for most of the things they stuff into DBD

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    most of the people who run no mither, don't try to get any value from that perk xD It's sad to see when i'm playing killer.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    If I'm getting bored no mither can make a game much more intense. of course i will always pair it with dead hard

  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 43

    I used it in the beginning to learn from the disadvantages and found it fun in parts, but now I prefer to use Iron Will and Unbreakable when playing alone or when there is at least one random. I hate dcs.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    The most serious time I used it was for the No Mither challenge in the Tome, and it was interesting in that it forced me to play differently but I wouldn't run it normally unless I was doing a specific build for LOLs.

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176
    All the Time(Main Build)

    I use No Mither all the time. I use it in conjunction with Resilience, Urban Evasion, and Spine Chill. Why? Because it makes everything I do exponentially faster, and just at the cost of one health state. I'm a proud gen rusher and like to stay stealthy and try to insure that some survivors escape. All the benefits outweigh the cons. I'm simply good enough to use it. My only gripe with using No Mither is that it gets broadcasted to the killer, and that shouldn't be the case. Just make it so that the survivor using NM goes down in one hit. The killer doesn't need to see the icon next to my picture on top of whatever disadvantage I already have.