"Nerf Legion" mentality
A simple counter play as before stay separate during frenzy, don't stun during frenzy if they run spirit furry, don't heal unless specific situations like end game since it waste time. Their add-on are fine majority only work if you mend yourself outside of that most of the add-on rely on each other an certain perk builds to work fully. People wanna complain about legion of all killers getting a 5th hit in a CHAIN. Anything such as tunnel, camp, gen spread (3 gens specifically) and maps working for one side has been a thing for years. If we really gonna complain about legion of all people might as well bring up the fact that survivor meta been the same for years only for 1 new healing boom to make it worse. Finding legion "annoying" is a opinion but their gameplay is to apply pressure an they enforce the only fun part of dbd, the chase. Solo Q always been bad an legion did not make it worse, as for swf get good an communication is key also since legion is in alot more games bring perks to counter then. Don't understand how people complain in a short timespan before learning counter play. Go ahead an argue down below but you can't deny most of what's in this post is indeed true if not all.
The onyl thing what i can say about this: true, your every single word was true
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The thing about the five hit chain using that Placebo add-on is, yes, you can get that fifth hit pretty consistently that way, but the time it takes is pretty long. It takes at least 10-20 seconds each hit of the chain typically, so you’re looking at 50-100 seconds between the start of the first chase and the final hit that gets a down. That’s one down per, say, 75 seconds of gameplay. Of course survivors are slowed by mending as well, but even so that’s still something like up to 60 seconds of time between downs this way where the survivors are free to do gens. That combo is definitely not an automatic win for Legion or anything, the survivors have enough time between the chain hit downs to get a lot of progress done on the gens.
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Yeah but what if me and my teammates want to strut around the map shoulder to shoulder as if we're in a Roman phalanx formation? Where's the counterplay there, huh?
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People just like to complain. That's no secret. Legion hasn't changed, he's just able to actually do what his core mechanic in game demanded.
Slow the game and cripple the survivors. His green button add-on especially helps as it makes people broken when they mend by themselves. He did a poor job of this before and now he can actually succeed in doing it.
But everything mentioned before by OP still applies.
People in solo q probably have a tougher time but swf just have to adjust themselves to separate.
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Agree with most of above, the one glaring statement I disagree with is "they enforce the only fun part of dbd, the chase". The chase isn't the only fun part for a lot of people, otherwise they'd just keep getting into chases endlessly, and gens would never get done lol. For me personally, there's times I enjoy chases and times I enjoy everything BUT chases.
Also, "get good" is literally the most cop-out statement used in the DBD community. Its not constructive in any way, and it's quite passive-aggressive and extremely insulting tbh.
I do stand by what you say though. However it is becoming more and more tedious as a survivor recently, to the point that I'm skipping playing DBD tonight just coz I cba with another slew of Legion after Legion after Legion.
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Almost every killer is stronger against SoloQ survivors
A sweaty knockout Nurse can make all 4 survivors DC