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The Executed: Killer Idea

Shaun Member Posts: 28

A death-bound killer, able to draw its power from the life of others.

Body Description

Head: Death's Face: A head-piece from an electric chair covers the face of the Executed; a faint glow from the eyes penetrates the mask.

Body: Dangerous Inmate: An orange jumpsuit fit for the inmates of Cold-Grove prison. A rope noose is fit to match the inmate, and hangs down to the waist. It is important that each body piece has a noose, as it is part of the power.

Weapon: Guillotine Blade: A blade torn from a guillotine, it was modified to transform into a portable guillotine itself (necessary for mori).

Power: Death's Coming

Passive: Reap: All survivors start with their soul intact to their body, indicated via the HUB. Whenever the Executed lands an attack on a survivor with their soul intact, the Executed gains it, removing it from the player.

Active: Execution: Around the trial, four execution spots will spawn, with a special execution spot spawning close to the middle. The normal execution spots will look like makeshift gallows, with the special spot being an electric chair. Interacting with an execution spot will execute the Executed, sending them into the afterlife, where they get three abilities: Return, Spectral Siphon, and Spectral Swap

Once executed, the Executed will no longer be able to interact with the real world aside from the survivors. Pallets, windows, breakable walls, and generators hold no physical reaction; you simply walk through them. When standing close to a survivor, press and hold the attack button to begin Spectral Siphon, draining their life. Spectral Siphon requires the survivor to be within basic attack range and within the center of the screen. A full life drain takes about 6 seconds, depleting a health state, as well as taking the survivors life force if they have any. Remember that you are not physical; you can't pick up a survivor. If a survivor gets in a locker, interacting with the locker will drain the survivor of all health, forcing them to fall out in the dying state. Escaping the Executed before they complete Spectral Siphon will slowly bring life back to the survivor. Note that life doesn't equal health; think of it like the Trickster's blades in terms of damage. While under attack, you begin taking damage, but when you are not, you start repairing yourself.

Return: Press and hold the power button to be brought back to your body, similar to the Demogorgon's warping.

Special Ability: Mass Execution: If the Executed has any life force and is executed via the electric chair, the jolt releases all. For each life force you have, a phantom Executed is released from the chair, locking on to the survivor it came from. If the phantom Executed reaches the survivor, they get their life force back.

Special Secondary: Spectral Swap: If the Executed looks at a phantom Executed, they can tap the secondary ability button to take over the phantom, swapping their locations.

Survivor action: Save: Survivors can save the Executed from their station, forcibly bringing them back. The Executed suffers a small stun before being able to control their character again. If the Executed is saved from the electric chair, the life force will turn into the survivor that it was taken from and make its way back to the Executed, unless it spots they matching survivor, in which it will make its way to the survivor.

The power may seem complicated, and it is. To summarize; any attack steals life from a survivor of they have it. You can execute yourself to go to the afterlife, where you have no environmental restrictions, with the trade-off being you have an attack that requires focuses to deal damage. If you are executed by the electric chair, the life you collected is released, turning the match into a game of Pac-Man, where survivors won't know which phantom Executed is really the killer.


Charge the Chair: For each time you kick a generator, you gain a token up to 6/8/10 tokens. For each token you have, the next time you kick a generator, it loses an instant 1% progress.

Scourge Hook: Silence From the Noose: At the start of the trial, up to 4 hooks will turn into scourge hooks. Whenever a survivor is hooked on one, the killer will gain the undetectable status effect. This effect will last for 6/8/10 seconds after the survivor is unhooked.

New perk type: Cursed Generator

Cursed Generator perks will turn the areas around completed generators into dangerous areas that affect the area in the killer's favor (think opposite of boons).

Cursed Generator: Cutthroat Blade: Any survivor within 16 meters of a completed generator, when hit with a basic attack, will be inflicted with deep-wound, as well as be given the broken status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.


As before mentioned, the weapon is a modified guillotine blade that can unfold into a portable guillotine. The Executed stomps on the survivors back, pinning them down. He unfolds the bottom of the stocks, places the survivors head in, then folds over the top. A quick twist on the side, and the head is locked in place. He unfolds the shaft (similar to one of those extendo-reach toys in terms of unfolding), grabs the blade, and positions of into the side rails. The Executed then grabs both handles from the sides of the blade, and tossed it up the shaft. It hits the top, gravity takes over, and falls back down. From the survivors point of view, they only can look up, seeing the construct raised, the blade tossed, then fall back down. Killer point of view has it fully from the Executed's perspective. After the blade drops, the Executed quickly unfolds the device. The survivor wouldn't see it; the screen would suddenly go black. No fade-out, just the falling blade then straight black, followed by the fade-in to the end-game screen.