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so is Ghostface better or worse?

Some people say his reveal is way worse making him nerfed rather than buffed (that buffs aren't any big).

is it true or false?

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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Worse. I am glad they fixed his reveal mechanic but his buffs are not enough. He feels weaker than before.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    His cooldown add-on (where the best for him) also got deleted mostly so he also has longer cooldowns generaly speaking then before the "buff"?

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I think people believe he's worse because they aren't playing him right. If you are just in shroud out in the open chasing somebody of course he's going to be revealed. You have to play in a more stealthy way like hiding behind corners or under windows and such.

    Like... Actually hide.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Substantially worse. This feels like a deliberate nerf to him.

    You can hide. But here's the thing - you could hide before.

    However, I'm guessing that Reveal is now validated on the survivor end, because in the past what would happen is if someone happened to accidently see me, I could quickly duck out of sight.

    Now, if you get 'seen', which appears to be a ridiculously wide cone emanating from survivors, for even a second you'll get revealed with absolutely no way to prevent it.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Didn't see a single ghostie while doing tomes, so i guess worse?

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    by far worse

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Latency always affected the mechanic. I think what you're observing is more the consequence of revealing now decaying as opposed to immediately resetting as it used to.

    They also made it possible for survivors to reveal independetly, while previously only one could and it would block the others from initiating the reveal.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Whatever the cause, this amounts to a pretty substantial nerf to an already 'C' tier killer.

  • Member Posts: 809

    I want to say worse, but it's hard to judge when everyone try to play him the same as they did before.

    He feels worse if you play him the same way.

    He feels okay if you adjust to his changes.

    But he doesn't feel better in any way.

    Legion turned out to be an absolute bomb of a rework, Ghostface got the short end of the stick

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I've been trying to 'adjust' to his changes, but it feels like the only way to do so is to have really amazing internet and for all the survivors to have the same. Otherwise you get revealed by fresh air at times.

  • Member Posts: 809

    the reveal is super weird now, like when i'm survivor and i just catch a glimpse of GF, it'll proceed to fully reveal him even tho i broke the line of sight or he hidden himself.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    His reveal mechanic should be looked at. He feels even worse to play now.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Okay after playing him now I can see it is like 2x as more easier to reveal him than before.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Get dunked on ghostface!!! imagine thinking he could be good, add to it the new chase music, bhvr manage to make him worse even in the sound department.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    Better because they made his reveal mechanic more consistent

    Worse because they made it so hilariously easy to reveal him that I'm impressed he doesn't get revealed the microsecond he goes into stealth mode

  • Member Posts: 890

    Which doesn't matter so much when you can get the power back in like 18s with a brown. And then have the exposed effect last 70s with a brown, lol.

    People thinking he is worse are crazy imo. The addons are so good now. Literally two addons to hard-counter exhaustion. Wallhacks addon in chase that is literally better than his perk. Mapwide wallhacks addon, etc etc

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve played him a few times and couldn’t tell for sure on the reveals being easier to do for the survivors. I did notice that the extra Marked duration where it now lasts 60 seconds did get me a few extra downs. Basically once you Mark someone it’s like having Haunted Grounds on them in that it lasts so long there’s a decent chance after Marking someone from a distance that you can run into them 20-30 seconds later and get an easy down. Which means you don’t have to rely as much on 99% finishing a Mark on a target and then tapping it when you’re already in chase, you can actually Mark early and ambush later.

    As far as reveals go, I’m guessing the devs are probably monitoring how the new Ghostface is playing with the new reveals and if it seems like he’s getting revealed too often or too easily they could tweak it a bit. Some of it though could be some people simply not being as stealthy as they think, I’ve definitely seen a few streamers playing stealth killers who don’t use cover on approaches and just walk straight toward where survivors are like they’re invisible.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited May 2022

    I've seen only 1 Ghostface since the update, we all escaped.

    He also used the 10 % movement speed for 5 seconds Add-on with "Philly", reduced stalk time. He had decent Add-ons, wasn't enough.

  • Member Posts: 70

    worse hes unusable now

  • Member Posts: 769

    He definitely sounded really good on paper before the ptb and update. He doesn't feel the same in actual practice. He feels the same and the add-ons are a mixed bag that don't contribute. Legion got a whole slew of good add-ons but Ghostface got some weird one's.

    The reveal mechanism needs another look at. It feels consistent but still too punishing on ghostface. His aesthetic with the tatters doesn't help either.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Pretty much this

  • Member Posts: 519

    it doesnt matter how long stalk is or fast recovery is if you get revealed way easier now

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