Main Menu Quit, should just Quit without confirmation

Main Menu.

Select Quit.

Should just exit the game - no need to ask for confirmation.


  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    Under what scenarios is one "accidentally quitting a game"?

    What percentage of the player base decides to leave and then decides it's an accident?

    There is a massive screen of stuff on it with one small square allowing you to leave - you click the small square you leave and you click anywhere else, you stay.

    Why do you need to be asked to confirm it. We're all old enough to know how to click or not click a main menu screen. It shows maturity of a game that you can leave and that's it.

    If you are so distraught by your action, you can just reload the game "on purpose".

  • Tiagoquix
    Tiagoquix Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2022

    There have been several times that I went to click to exit the game and accidentally clicked on "Custom Game". So yes, depending on the person's "hurry", they may end up clicking in the wrong button accidentally.

    If you are so insistent on having such an option, then the developers can add an option that is turned off by default.

    Furthermore, it's possible to close the game using the "Close Window" prompt in Windows, and you may also accidentally end up clicking on it.

    The confirmation is helpful and, again, I reinforce the idea that I am against removing it.

    " If you are so distraught by your action, you can just reload the game "on purpose". "

    No. Acidentally quitting the game and having to restart it is annoying, especially on low-end PCs.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    With all due respect, all I see in your post is comments about how you have or you believe you might click the wrong button. It's the individuals responsibility to click the correct option for their needs. If you clicked "Custom Game" accidentally, the game doesn't know or care - it thinks you want to play a custom game. And how are you accidentally clicking or near clicking Close Windows if you are not planning on exiting the game. All I am seeing is you should be taking more care and not "hurrying".

    Maybe the quit button needs to be moved? Maybe there is a menu option (confirm to exit) which should be off by default - simplifying the user experience should be the goal, if you want to add a step of insurance, that's up to you. I'm playing a video game, not doing brain surgery. This all seems like wasted development time unless it's super quick.

    If you want to stop playing, you click quit and you leave.

    If you accidentally click the quit button, you'll learn to be more careful next time.

    If you click anywhere else, you don't.

    On the small chance you decide to change your mind and you suddenly want to play more or you genuinely click the wrong area of the screen (your responsibility, not the game's), you just reload and it takes a bit longer on older computers - no big deal.

    This is a minor QoL improvement, simplifying the user experience, where the interaction experience improves and vastly outweighs the potential losses - not even real loss, but potential loss, on a video game.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    booting up a game because you accidentally quit takes up infinitely more time than the one literal second that you are confirming that you want to close it.

    are you saying that your one second is more important than all the individuals who may have accidentally and innocently closed the game when they meant to do otherwise?

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    How many people are genuinely accidentally and/or innocently closing the game without meaning to? How does one just randomly happen to click the quit button?

    If you click one small area of the screen, you leave. I'm unsure why the game needs to confirm that that is my intent; I've been through the thought process of deciding to leave. I am clicking that button and therefore taking full responsibility for what it entails.

    If you don't want to leave, you don't click it.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    also pressing escape quits. being on killer menu and pressing escape to go back to home screen and accidently pressing it twice happens

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    I didn't know the ESC key did anything. Never pressed it.

    Just tested it.

    Pressing ESC from the main menu opens up the quit prompt. Interesting.

    That's a somewhat different interaction though from the explicit screen clicking on the main menu that I am referring to.

    If I am playing killer and click ESC twice (I can see how that could easily happen), then sure, there is a reasonable chance I might not want to exit the game. If I am on the main menu and I am clicking the Quit button, there is a massively overwhelming chance I am indeed looking to quit and the game should respect my click and enact it when I do so.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Yeah I agree on that part, still think it should have confirmation on other parts tho

    wouldn't mind if pressing QUIT, just QUIT.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    Just so I am not accused of singling out the quit button...

    People have mentioned long load up times.

    Can we please get rid of the cinematics and anything else that slows me down getting to the main menu. Put the media on a main menu page if you wish.

    I click the game icon. Get me to the main menu in the shortest amount of time. THEN, I'll watch your cinematics at my leisure.

    Or have a menu option where I can skip the cinematics.

    Or just ditch the cinematics and give me game and character balances.

    Or if you have to have some sort of extended load in, give me a single (longer) screen interaction, that takes me straight from opening game to main menu without 50 things in between. I'm ok with the game loading stuff not significantly changing at every update of new content. Perhaps there is a middle ground of single loading interaction with some limited big update stuff appearing as images.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    I disagree, I'd rather have the confirmation than accidentally quit the game and then have to wait for it to load again especially since loading takes a while.

    If you could toggle the confirmation box on/off in the settings I'd be ok with that though.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    I'm not concerned that some anonymous people on a chat forum disagree with me. That's fine. It's a video game - I'm not trying to solve famine or war.

    I use a variety of different sorts of software things. In the overwhelming number of cases, when I press quit, it exits.

    When someone provides evidence (none provided so far other than heresay and theory) that accidental quits are anything more than a miniscule or less percentage of actual quits and it is actually a genuine concern, then ok.

    I'll take the design change (or at least a toggle) that simplifies the overall interaction experience and along with it the risk of accidentally clicking it. If I click the wrong tiny spot, it's on me.

    I don't own the game - if it never gets implemented, that's fine and if it gets implemented, that's ok too.