From Keys and Maps to Compass

Replace keys and maps with a Compass.

One of the handheld older style metallic silver kind.

Having a similar combined functionality to the two established items is fine, including a latch on the back that can open the hatch.


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,164

    Scratched Compass (rare):

    - tracks gens and chests in 8m radius

    - shows Survivors in a 24m radius

    -20s of use

    Old Compass (very rare):

    - tracks gens, chests and Killer's belongings in 8m radius

    - shows Survivors in 24m radius

    - 25s of use

    Irideceant Compass (ultra rare):

    - tracks all objects in an 8m radius

    - shows Survivors and the Killer in a 24m radius

    - 30s of use

    Add-ons :


    - add 5s of use

    - +4m range


    - add 10s of use

    - +8m range

    - better efficiancy

    - set marker


    - +12m range

    - don't lose item when dying

    - see obsession all the time/ obsession sees you

    Very rare:

    - don't lose item when opening the hatch

    - objects are shown to all survivors

    Ultra rare:

    - can open the hatch

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    Looks ok. Maybe a tad less on the time. Just one main thing - the hatch.

    Opening the hatch now is a far different concept to how it was. The Compass should be able to open the hatch far lower down. At minimum, decently more available than now.

    Adding it lower will actually add another gameplay element of risk - as the last survivor, do I risk the closed hatch or stick with the gate? Now a closed hatch is barely realistic. Making a latch on a compass far more available makes it actually somewhat of an option - still risky, but you actually could have a somewhat ok chance of getting out.

    Also, Set Marker, Don't Lose Item When Dying and Don't Lose Item When Opening Hatch should go. The first is just silly and the latter two don't apply to anything else, so shouldn't here either - if I die, I lose my item, the end. Maybe some new addons to replace.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,201

    Additionally to the comment above, if it can still open the hatch, why not just keep it as a key?

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    It shouldn't be kept as a key, as the key is a whole gameplay mechanism that has largely lost most relevance and should be reworked completely and the best idea is probably to combine it with a very similar mechanism (maps).

    A key is just a bit of metal that opens a thing.

    The Compass has a hook or latch attached to the bottom of it that interacts the same way (maybe breaking the item as it's final act) or the Compass slots onto the hatch and the magnetics override the locking mechanism and make it pop open, again destroying the item but opening the hatch.

    I see on another thread that the key might also be of use in terms of speed boosts to traps, chests, so on. That could be an ok idea for a medium-high level addon - you attach the latch on the compass (the same one that opens the hatch) to the item and it helps it move a little quicker.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I don't like the idea of removing existing items. No problem adding new stuff though. Just make the existing items more worthwhile (i.e., revert hatch nerfs).

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I'd rather instead of removing items and merging their usefulness - they should simply fix the ones they have.

    Honestly, what you described should be the map item - flat out.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,164

    I must say that I would not like to have to look out for swf with keys again who disappear into the hatch....

    If they would rework keys so that they are only obtainable during a trial and/or personal (this way everybody would need a key for a 4-man hatch escape), then one could argue that reverting the nerfs could work.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I’m fine with keys remaining personal only. Though “Where did they go?” was one of the most fun and difficult achievements. The hatch has just become a sad and worthless thing since its harsh nerf.

    They could’ve also never introduced hatch offerings for survivors.. why they ever did before hatch and keys were even nerfed is beyond me. Take those out and leave it to RNG only, or leave them available to killers only.