From Hexes and Boons to The Entity's Totems

Going to try and keep this short.

There is never going to be reconciliation possible between hexes and the perks attached to them. They are connected but overlapped as they currently are just doesn't work well and likely will not ever. There are just too many variables. A perk attached to a totem and a stand alone perk are related but not the same thing.

A perk should be a perk and a totem should a totem. They both have a place but both can achieve a seperate thing.

Here's the plan.

Current Totem Perks - Reconfigure them all as regular perks.

Totems - A new element. Something like... They are all from the Entity. Five on each map as ususal. Three are lit at the start of each game - one blue, one orange and one half of each.

The blue offers a random modest increase of an activity.

The orange offers a random modest decrease of an activity.

The dual offers both a small increase and a small decrease.

Examples are something like - faster gens, faster movement, slower gens, slower movement, faster healing, slower healing. Very broad game sort of things. Or completely random whatever.

Important to note, these should only be modest overall changes and not really significantly change the game play. Lit totems may be for everyone (or just survivors or just killer?)

Here's the tricky thing though, it's not stated at the beginning what is active. You can cleanse the totem and you might take something from the other side, but are you also taking something from yourself?

Or a concept like the above.

Perks should be perks. Totems should be totems. Never the twain shall meet.