About bloodpoints perks and farming

Some of us don't like the grind in this game. And thank god we have perks like BBQ & Chili, Distressing, Hex : TOTH, Beast of Prey for Killers and WGLF, No One Left Behind, Prove Thyself for Survivors.
If you run these perks you get a fairly decent amount of bloodpoints even if you don't play too seriously but I think we can improve this even more.
All these perks above affect these categories :
- Deviousness, Hunting for Killers. (BBQ & Chili for all KIller categories)
- Objective, Altruism for Survivors. (WGLF for all Survivor categories)
Here are my suggestions to boost Brutality for Killers and Boldness for Survivors by retweaking already existing perks :
New Brutal Strength
- Your great strength allows you to shred through your prey's defences.
- Increases the Action speed of breaking Pallets and Breakable Walls and damaging Generators by 10/15/20 %.
- Grants 100% more bloodpoints for all actions in the Brutality category.
New Sloppy Butcher
- You know where to hit to make them bleed.
- Wounds inflicted by Basic Attacks cause Survivors to suffer from the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status effects.
- Increases the Bleeding frequency by 50/75/100 %.
- Increases the rate at which incomplete Healing loses progression by 15/20/25 %.
- Both Status Effects are removed once the Survivor is fully healed.
- Grants 100% more bloodpoints for all actions in the Brutality category.
New Saboteur
- Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability:
- While a Survivor is being carried, the Aura of all Hooks within 56 metres of their Pick-up location are revealed to you.
- Unlocks the ability to sabotage Hooks without a toolbox :
- Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes 2.5 seconds
- The Sabotage action has a cool-down of 90/75/60 seconds.
- Sabotaging a Hook in the Killer proximity (terror radius) or while in a chase grants 100% more Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
New Brutal Strength would reward you more for kicking generators, pallets and walls while New Sloppy Butcher rewards M1 Killers who don't use their power too often. Pick your favorite Devs or add both. That would be awesome.
New Saboteur is actually even more ballsy in my opinion and rewards you for it. That perk also doesnt affect Chases, Pallet Stuns, Locker evading, Basement exploring nor Totems.
These perks are also in the base game and wouldnt require any DLC. (*cough* BBQ)
You might be thinking after this " What about Sacrifice for Killers and Survival for Survivors ? Why don't you show some love ?"
The main issue here is you can't run 5 perks at the same time (yet). So that's out of the equation. But I also personally believe it wouldnt make sense to boost these because that's the core of the game.
As a Killer you deserve 8k if you manage to get 12 hooks but you don't deserve 8k if you only get 8 hooks. Same thing for Survivors. You deserve the 5k for escaping but not because you wiggled more than you did gens.
Tell me what you think about it lads.
I've thought the exact same thing for Brutal Strength, a brutality bonus would just make sense. It would also be motivating for new players because Trapper is a popular killer and it's an easy to get perk.
I still would only make the Brutality bonus 50%, the reason Distressing has 100% is cause the extra terror radius is basically gimping yourself for most killers.
I'd also buff Brutal Strength to at least 25% bonus breaking/kicking speed while we're at it. Even 30% would be fine since there are a lot of pallets around.
The Sabo change I like a lot, especially cool because it's not just a passive bonus.
I don't think Sloppy really needs a Brutality bonus.
This thread does bring me to another point though. The BP gains for Brutality really need tweaking for instadown killers. It's very strange how Ghost Face and Oni both get extra BP in Brutality with their powers, but Bubba and Billy don't. In fact, almost all killers that have exposed or has an instant down get shafted for Brutality points. Myers only getting 300 points for an instant down in Tier 3 is just pitiful.
When it comes to Sacrifice, I think we should move the 4k bonus to this category. Makes no sense that it gives Deviousness anyway. Maybe increase the hooked score event to 600 or so, getting 10 hooks 2 kills should be an 8k in Sacrifice in my opinion.