Dead Hard shouldn't give distance

Pochoclo Member Posts: 15

I don't have a problem with the perk itself, I finf it interesting the mechanic that it can make you dodge a hit. But, the thing that I will never understand is the distance that the perk gives to players.

I like to play m1 killers like Legion and Ghostface, and sometimes Im in a good chase and I would be able to down a survivor, but they have Dead Hard and they make it to the window and extend the chase for like 1 or 2 minutes or even longer.

I really feel bad and infurieting, because what I am supposed to do in this sittuation as a m1 killer? I can't "wait it up", because it's distance that people use to make it to other loops

I don't know if IM exageratting at this point, pls tell me how you feel about this perk


  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    I've started to see less and less of dead hard users recently and more of other exhaustion perks such as lithe or balanced landing but I personally find it more annoying than overpowered since most of the time you can just bait it out. I definitely think dead hard needs a tweak to make it more fun and viable for survivors since half the time it doesn't even work.

  • Pochoclo
    Pochoclo Member Posts: 15

    Im literally so tired of playing against 3 or 4 of them per matches. Ngl, I made that post because I just came back tired from school to have some fun, and the first match drove me insane and I wanted to cry so much because of it. I need the, just to rework THIS perk

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    "I don't have a problem with the perk itself I just think that it should be nuked from oblivion and become quite possibly the least useful perk in the game."

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I'drather it give distance than iframes

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Exhaustion should do more than just "no perk wombo combo for you", it should make the survivor louder in general

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    Being Exhausted should prevent you from doing fast vaults, defaulting to a medium.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yes distance should go.

    Anyone who says that will kill the perk is just using the perk for it's free uncounterable distance.

    It also holds back half the roster

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 680

    The perk should keep the idea of dodging a killers attack, which creates a skill curve. You're rewarded for predicting the killers attack but are punished for incorrect timing. It's a mind game.

    Current dead hard is not a mind game, at least most of the time. It's a crutch get out free perk if you know how to use it. It saves a survivor from their own mistake and nullifies a good play by the killer. All because it gives free distance

    There are times when a killer is finally able to hit a survivor but all they have to do is dead hard towards a pallet or window and they get out free.

    Still, this is only worst case and this doesn't happen ALL the time just to clarify

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2022

    I agree.

    "Overall I'm in the boat of "nerf exhaustion as a whole" cause I doubt they'll be reducing map sizes anytime soon."

    On board with this as well.

    While DH is the worst offender which is why it's getting all the heat which is rightly deserved, Exhaustion as a whole has been way over tuned for years.

    To put into perspective, if a perk was close to being at a "balanced" level of power then a hard nerf would make it disappear from the meta. However if we hypothetically literally doubled the Exhaustion debuff we would still see an Exhaustion perk on every single survivor in every single match. That is a massive nerf and they would still be meta..which should tell us how ridiculously over tuned Exhaustion perks are if you could nerf them that hard and they'd still be in every match.

    People have just been allowed to get used to using over tuned perks for so ridiculously long that they've become accustomed to that level of power and think it's "balanced". Same can be said for a lot of the other second chance perks for that matter.

    The main issue is map design, but as you eluded to, that isn't getting fixed. So this is the next best option.