Ghostface is way to easy to reveal now

I just played a match as Ghostface and it was a ######### nightmare left and right I was getting revealed and by stupid #########. I went into stalk but as soon as I turned it on I was getting revealed and I would get revealed from behind. This one ######### survivor kept revealing me and i couldn’t even ######### catch her. Once I finally hooked her every ######### survivor ran to the basement and body blocked even with STBFL I couldn’t get them.

I threw my controller at my bed and almost broke another ######### tv cause of that match.

im done ######### this Ghostface is officially worse than Trapper. Atleast trapper can stop loops and end chases depending on skill and RNG. Ghostface has nothing I’m done with him.

I recommend just lowering his cooldown to 20 seconds. And make it so a survivors mark progress doesn’t reset on hit it only resets when you down them.


  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2022

    I dc as soon I spawn on a outdoor map, crazy how the made ghostface even less viable lol what a joke

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    My mental state is fine. I’m just describing how it is. Just because I say it doesn’t mean I actually do it. People break ######### all the time. You treat it like it’s only dbd. There’s a YouTuber who dedicated videos to smashing his controllers and tvs over Nintendo games and people don’t question his mental state but when I bring up a legit reason of a bad killer I need to get help? Get lost

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    We’re you staring at his face directly or were you looking at him while he was the other way?

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    You’d be surprised how many other people do it. My controller isn’t broken it’s fine it still works. I didn’t break it. I wrote this thread when I was in rage I’m fine now.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,443

    Good, let people drop the meme killers and start playing the good stuff, if they dont get dunked on hard while playing joke characters they will never learn.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    Out of my entire friend group, not one smashes their stuff. If you lose you should just move on, it's a game at the end of the day. I agree with others, you should seek help and stop getting excuses to smash stuff from YouTube.

  • frit
    frit Member Posts: 60

    there was definitely stuff wrong with his old mechanic. you could literally be inside of him touching his character model and it would never reveal, his old reveal was horrible

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    this thread was written in rage. I had a terrible match as Ghostface and I needed to let go. I’m fine now. These people think I need mental help but I don’t I just got mad at a game everyone gets mad. Just because I said I almost broke a tv doesn’t mean I actually did it. I never even touched it

  • Magicmaster0702
    Magicmaster0702 Member Posts: 217

    Staring directly at him. Not even breaking contact with his beautiful black eyes.

  • GrafSchalke
    GrafSchalke Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2022

    rarely facing Ghostface atm, but whenever I do, he´s WAY more difficult to reveal than before the patch.

    The reveal progress keeps resetting to zero every 0.5 - 1 seconds, it was announced in the patchnotes that progress will slowly decay now, but that´s not the case at all. Teammates report the same.

    I guess that should go to Bug Reports as well, but that won´t do anything

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    On the survivor side I actually hate this. Its too easy to reveal him, meaning its extremely hard to observe ghostface without tipping him off to where you are. I simply glance in his general direction and I get revealed.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Dbd forums when you need to play stealthy as a stealth killer

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Aren’t his counter-play choices great? Let him stay undetectable and able to expose survivors, or tip him off to exactly where you are. Even if you can’t finish the reveal.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,443
    edited May 2022

    I mean I think that is barely a choice, tipping him is always the way to go, what on earth are you risking by revealing your position to an m1 killer? Just dunk on them, teach them to select an usefull character next match.

    Post edited by squbax on
  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Reveal Mechanic needed changes but not these changes. We all agree but i'm even going to go Further than that.

    DELETE THE GODDAMN MECHANIC. Why should GF have a TR or RedStain to begin with? Those defeat the purpose of Stealth and going from TR and RedStain to no TR and no RedStain via Nightshroud is a massive warning to the survivors who were well within the TR. A power with such a massive Cooldown such as Nighshroud becomes very recognisable and makes survivors pay more attention cause they know there's potential for a surprise, note that i say POTENTIAL, yeah because it's not a guaranteed thing, even if GF marks someone he needs to be really close to them when he does so, so that the 1 shot actually saves some time, otherwise the Mark timer (now 60 seconds, which makes no difference at all cause looping is riddiculously surviver sided, for some understandable reasons but still massively suvivor sided) are not enough to compensate the lack of GF's potential in ending chases quick.

    No other killer has such a weakness as being seen. It makes no sense that revealing GF should remove all of his powers, no stealth no stalking. A stalker is a stalker regardless if their target is aware or not. You can try to hide and evade the stalker but the fact is the stalker can still go after you whenever. And don't forget this GF character doesn't obey the rules of the movies so there's no reason for this particular GF to be this damn weak.

    Technically speaking GF can still come and get you as it is, the problem is he has no way to do that in a way that makes him a threat. Once he is REVEALED he has NOTHING to work with and changing the system so that Marked targets can't reveal him doesn't make things any better because it's already terribly hard to mark survivors, you get revealed so fast and it's so hard to aproach and have stalking angles that you barely make any use of the fact that Marked targets can't reveal you. He has no other abilities to use, no anti-loop, no movement, no zonning or crowd control. Even if he has Nighthsroud he still has nothing else besides no TR and Redstain which are really big tells. IF Survivors suddenly stop hearing a TR and don't see a Red stain during chase they know GF player is trying to be tricky, in that case Survivors can just cut line of sight and SHIFT +W and be safe for long enough so that their teammates can do progress while Gf will just mindgame himself thinking survivors are still in loops when they're just gone. And god forbid if you are a GF trying to mindgame an unmarked survivor with Lucky break.

    Overall he has a terrible power, a terrible weakness power wise, a terrible dependency on indoor maps which is a massive weakness cause there's barely any of them and then the ones that exists are so absurdly big and safe that GF has to work extra harder than any other killer, even in the most favourable maps to him.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    The thing is he doesn't get manny stalking angles and he can be revealed by someone that he isn't even stalking. it's a 360º bubble. GF players can't keep tabs on Survivor movements. I can't tell you how manny times i've been in situations where 1 survivor would just follow me around the whole match revealing me without me being able to do anything to them cause they'd always be in the safest spots of the map and immediatly put distance between themselves and me and constantly leave me with no power the whole match. IT's so damn easy to just stalk the stalker. The fact GF gets a pointer telling him from what direction he is being revealed is a useless thing when they can be behind a corner and reveal you because of the third person perspective, and now that revealing doesnt regress anymore, GF can't even move from a reveal safe spot. IT's riddiculous that the stalker can't do ######### just because you are aware of his presence.

    They need to seperate Stalking and Stealth into different things to at least let him stalk while he can't use stealth so that he can get some stalking progress while he can't surprise attack anyone. Better snowball atleast but only if things playout that way, otherwise he'll still get steamrolled.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    That's a problem based on how they coded it. You needed a certain % of his character in the center of your screen to reveal him but Killers barely have collision, it's why Survivors can Dead Hard through them, can vault through them, can use pallets through them, etc. What was happening was that you were clipping through the character model so you weren't seeing the character model at all to make the Reveal work.