Tunneling & camping?

friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

Often people criticize certain perks for being meta.. need a rework, etc. Strategies like tunneling & camping often go overlooked. How do you feel?

p.s this does not include anything at end game collapse or when all gens are done, at that point, killer can (and should) camp/tunnel to secure kills.

Tunneling & camping? 117 votes

They are strategies & everyone should play how they want!
52% 62 votes
Tunneling is fair game, camping is not.
10% 12 votes
Camping is fair game, tunneling is not.
3% 4 votes
Both tunneling and camping hurt the game health.
33% 39 votes


  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    Your comment is valid 100%! I play killer and survivor equally and I’ve seen time and time again that tunneling and camping are very good strategies to almost guarantee a “win” (at least 3K)

    id never blame the players for doing what they need to do to win. However, I do believe the devs should do something to mitigate that to help the health of the game. It sucks being on the receiving end and getting tunneled or camped several games in a row.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276

    I think it's not correct to tell people what they must do and not do.

    However I would like face camping for instance being more interactive. The only viable counter play to it being "finish all generators as fast as possible" is not amazing.

    I wish too camping and tunneling were mitigated by making them weaker, but that will not stop some to continue face camping or tunneling even if it becomes not viable. Just make it fun is what I wish for.

  • friendlyant1
    friendlyant1 Member Posts: 57

    Honestly, I would like more of a solution from the devs to make tunneling/camping not viable for anyone to use.

    I find the game much more fun when killers are good at using their power and mind gaming during chases, much more interactive.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2022

    Yes I agree the devs should do something and it does suck on both sides.

    It is a bit of a tricky subject because you need to move killers away from the strategies without making them weaker, or allowing survivors to abuse the change, as a result. But that doesn't mean they can't test new thing out in a PTB or something.

    Just to toss out an idea: a shared hook pool between survivors to encourage faster hooks in general rather than faster hooks on one particular person. Of course game times would need to be increased in some way to make to give the killer enough time, or you could go the other route and reduce the number of hooks needed from 12 to like, 8 or make chases end faster. This would also encourage more teamwork form the survivors.

    Maybe it'll work maybe not, but it'll show they're trying and they can always fine tune a promising system. They should really use the PTB to try more extensive changes out and take more advantage of it. Other games have PTB's where they test things out and some things never make it to live, DBD should also take advantage of their PTB and let the players test out changes more in my opinion.

    The most we hear on any change we don't get is "The devs tried it and didn't like it so we threw the whole idea out" like the beginning of game changes we were supposed to get.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Depends on your definition.

    Some people think being in the same zip code of the hook is 'camping' for example.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Something needed to be done a long time ago to improve how the killer objective works. The optimal way to play killer is unfun.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    edited May 2022

    (Valid strats)

    I say this even though I just got facecamped from first hook to death by noed users in literally all my survivor matches today.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    Same here. Most of the time survivors leave the last 3 gens side by side and expect us not to patrol the last gens?

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628

    There is a fine line here, and both must be used wisely, you can not overdo it with one or the other, sometimes there is no need for this at all if the survivors are weak, you can just play for points and hanging.

    But my answer is tunneling, and I think it is tunneling that leads most games to wins, because if the survivors lose one player early on, then they will have a hard time, try to cover the survivor so as not to lose the pace of the game (in terms of repair).

    Camping leads to defeat (for killers), and the game of hanging turns into a review of yellow auras

  • Xei86X
    Xei86X Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2022

    Tunneling and Camping are very toxic ways to play. However, both are.... legit ways of playing. I wish i had another option on here for such a statement but its like how else do you want the game to be micro managed. Solution? I got no freakn idea.. I know both are super bad and just complete nonsense for survivor (Above statement is right, low mmr its very bad, higher its like nessasary since its rage enducing and i hate being forced to play like that). Only thing i can really think of is if the Entity punishes the killer for being too eager since it isn't getting torture before the sacrifice for lore wise? I dont know though.

  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167

    I honestly don’t mind being camped and/or tunneled, the killer can play how they want.

  • Orion172
    Orion172 Member Posts: 7

    Shouldn't have to tell them it's bad etiquette, most times tunneling campers get low scores but still do it cos they are scared to not get any kills. It's getting ridiculous now, 7 out of 10 games is like this. It's getting very boring.

    Perhaps they come up against a team of Loopers who they can't catch so camp and tunnel to retaliate.

    I thought we were playing to have fun but it seems not. Is this a game for trolls only?

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2022

    I think you misunderstood the concept behind "don't tell others what they can't do": there will always be people that won't listen to you or won't agree with you, so telling others "but you can't do that!" is a waste of your time. How many times have you seen survivors trashing the killers because they were camping with things like "noob camping killer". I see this kind of thing a ton.

    There are many reasons why killers camp, face camp (bad matchmaking, bad map, or they just want to). But in any case, playing against a camping killer is not something fun. The only way I see to make this more fun is to make camping interactive, and thus it should allow survivors to have another counter play than "do generators".

    The only reason I want a change of the sort to be done is only because I seek fun. In a scenario like you described, I'm pretty sure nobody is having fun (at least I wouldn't as survivor or killer).

    And yes, a LOT of changes must be done to make the game more fun. It's not for nothing if I take a lot of breaks from the game.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Tunneling and camping are both effective ways to play the game and pretty annoying for survivors. What doesnt help is that some killers are designed in such a way that the correct way to play them is by doing those things.

    I know a lot of people complain about huntress camping but her power allows her to deny a large area and quickly down survivors that attempt a rescue, playing huntress efficiently is basically camping. Same thing for killers like bubba or hag, they are basically designed for those things.

    There are also killers like the twins where you almost have no choice but to slug sometimes. I know its not fun for the survivors but if i down a survivor with Victor and Charlotte is at the other side of the map, what other choice do i have?

    Slugging, tunneling, camping are just parts of the game. Often times not fun for survivors but thats not really the problem of the killer.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Tunneling and Camping help the killer out and if Survivor's don't like it well that's there problem then. The same could be said with gen rushing or trying to bully the killer may not like it and it's not good but, if they wanna play like that than they can do it.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I kind of think option 1 and 4 both apply simultaneously. Tunnelling and camping is harmful for the game's health, but in the current DBD meta, it can often feel like a necessity.

  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 43

    Regardless of the previous speakers (because I didn't mither to read all that just yet. It's not far from a new day over here): it is definitely valid as soon as there is no other option for the killer towards the end of the half. But getting knocked down right at the beginning of a round, only to be slugged that yes, maybe a teammate will be lured in, and then being facecamped? That is worth zero waiting time. Let that happen a couple of trials and I go kick some sorry arses...

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    Most of the times those accusations are overused.

    You hooked someone and the rest of the survivors are swarming around the hook? Ugh, such a camper, yada yada.

    4 exactly same dressed survivors, so you lose track of who you chased? Tunneler, go #########, yada yada.

    Someone who's freshly unhooked fights for your attention by making ton of noise or bodyblocking you? TUNNELER, get him

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited June 2022

    "It's not the player's fault, it's the devs for designing the game this way and leaving it alone for so long."

    Yup, that's most things in this game. There's certain builds that just force you to tunnel/camp. DS forces you to leave people on the ground and camp them until it runs out. That's not fun for anyone involved. It's especially juicy though when you down them near a gen that was near completion. Then you can patrol their body and the gen at the same time. Not fun for the survivor I imagine. Getting left on the ground for several minutes can't ever be fun. I think that would be painfully obvious, but apparently not!

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I don't think "The ping pong strategy" is tunneling but then again most survivor players claim that "hooking any survivor at least twice for any reason" is tunneling

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • “Tunneling” is a useless buzzword, there’s no consensus on what it even is let alone why it would be somehow unfair or unsportsmanlike or whatever. Virtually all the complaints I’ve seen of “tunneling” after a match are simply people who are sore they got downed twice in a row.
    • ”Proxy Camping” is literally just zone defense. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. Actual “face camping” where the killer just stands at the hook doing nothing is a problem only in that if players feel (rightly or wrongly) like it’s a viable strategy then the gameplay loop that results sucks for everybody, with a killer bored doing nothing for two minutes, a survivor stuck on a hook doing nothing, and the other survivors having their best strategy to be just stay on gens most of the time. That’s why the devs have actually mentioned working on trying to find a systematic way to steer killers away from “face camping” but haven’t said anything is wrong with just “camping” in general.
  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    edited June 2022

    Camping and tunneling is perfect valid, tunneling is the killer rushing the objective in the same way as survivors rushing the gens, altough killers get punished for rushing with DS. When the killer camps and tunnels me, i dont get salty, i accept and is perfectly fine, the match is harder for killer than survivors.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    Manu times, against genrushers, these techniques are the only way to get kills. Also, some killers need these strategies to reach their full potential, as hag needs to camp and Pyramid Head needs tunelling. People should not get salty about It though, we are in a game which is survivor-sided and main killers are forced to act like that many times.

  • TheCovetedPrince
    TheCovetedPrince Member Posts: 3

    I play both sides, but I slightly main killer a little more. In the past, I would have said that camping and tunneling were not valid strategies, but after dealing with swf comm teams, I absolutely think that anything should be allowed. I feel like survivors feel like they should be able to do whatever they want, even if the killer is at a disadvantage, and if the killer decides to target a specific survivor (the weakest link, the annoying one, etc) they are suddenly shocked and amazed and assume that the killer is just a prick.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Tunneling & camping are not Strategies it's just gameplay and a crappy one at that.

    When it's used every match from the start, middle or end its just gameplay there is nothing special about it.