Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Tunneling is fair

Tunneling is just a different word for chasing. Seriously, let's break this down... The Killer's job is to chase, down, hook, and kill survivors. The survivor's job is to do gens and escape.

If a Killer/ Attacker is chasing you in real life, what are you going to do? Turn around, wag your finger and say, "Hey! Quit tunneling me, you trash Killer!" Really... be sure to detail how that goes for you.

Killers chase, it's what they do. Personally, I don't target any Survivor for any reason other than being in my line of sight at the time. Maybe I noticed that you don't have any speed perks, making you an easier target. Maybe I noticed that you don't have a flashlight (or vice versa). If you're playing the game, you are a viable target and free-game.



  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Pftt as if you should ever care what survivors think. You don't play killer to make friends unless you are a cringe huntress main 69.

    And tunneling someone out right off the bat is the best strategy there is in DBD btw. The best tunneling perks that have ever existed in DBD, Deadlock + No Way Out, are in the meta right now. Both allow you to sacrifice tons of generators to secure kills.

    Even as a baby killer I always considered 3 gens for 1 kill a good trade, because it's so easy to snowball in the 3v1

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Nobody even agrees on what tunneling means let alone whether it’s good or bad strategy. For instance, some people call downing a person who was already injured and ignoring a healthy survivor “tunneling”, but obviously downing the injured person is way better than injuring the blocker. Likewise if someone just got unhooked, and you have a chance to down them and rehook them versus downing and hooking someone else, all things being equal it’s better to rehook the survivor who’s already been hooked once. But that too is called “tunneling” by a bunch of people.

    If your sole definition of “tunneling” is chasing someone too long then, yes, that’s bad strategy. Knowing when to break off a chase and switch targets is important. But a lot of people use tunneling to cover all sorts of other things that are only loosely related to downing people multiple times in a row or chasing someone after you hit them, etc.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    As killer, I don't normally tunnel unless I've been having many bad games in a row and there are 2 gens left. A bad game means no one close to being sacrificed, possibly one hook each at most.

    I stopped tunnelling earlier than that because as survivor I hate tunnelling. I was tunnelled out with 5 gens remaining yesterday from a proxy camper. It's not the first time to happen, and won't be the last, but to have a match in which the game was quicker than the lobby wait time is so frustrating and boring.

    Also, because you get so few bloodpoints due to this makes it feel like a complete waste. Yesterday's match, I was not even doing gens before I was found, as I was doing a totem challenge so tunnelling me felt like a waste lol. First I got to second stage as no one rescued me until then, then no sooner was I off the hook I was downed again, I was hooked in a dead zone so no defense. I didn't have ds unlocked so no second chance perk, which the killer did not respect anyway.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276

    When people say tunneling is not fair, I think they mean it's not fun.

    When I play in solo Q, I don't mind getting tunneled, but when I play with friends, it sucks waiting for the game to be over. Pretty easy to understand why.

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    It's a game.

    IRL, a chainsaw or a harpoon to the chest wouldn't settle with bandages found in a medkit.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Just a quick question..fair for whom?

    The only thing that angers me is the tryhard people that tunnel for the 4k, and then start crying that their games aren´t fun anymore because they reached sweatlord-territory in the mmr.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    Well I quess I just try to play more "right way." You can do what you want I tunnel sometimes but like it does not make me feel good and well if you play survivor do you like to get tunneled? And still I always usually chase someone else when survivor get unhooked so why would I go back to tunnel him/her.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    Well unhooked survivor may have ds so trying to hook him immediatelly might be even bad option to do so just slugging is better and I do that sometimes but usually survivors use bt. And I always try to hit unhooker before he unhooks if im in that kind of situation so it's worth to chase him sometimes and I end up downing them both and hooking them. But when unhooked use bt to protect unhooker from getting hit im gonna tunnel that's fair then. But still it's situational sometimes I still go for unhooker.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I don't care about getting tunneled as a survivor. Getting chased is the only fun part of survivor to me, the rest is holding M1. Sometimes I will go out of my way to stealth through an entire match without being seen but it gets boring quick even if it's effective.

    It's annoying when a teammate gets tunneled out trivially and the rest of the match is a wash but that's usually a matchmaking failure and not a problem with tunneling. I very rarely play survivor because I hate having potato teammates and even if I did not the gameplay is not very exciting to me anymore.

    As killer I tunnel people out because it's the best strategy in the game and makes the matches easier. The majority of survivors I go against are annoying and toxic anyways so giving them a short and brutal game to rage about is always nice

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,991

    Youre right!

    Certainly isnt fun tho!

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I mean if you think for a moment I am going to play a match for your amusement, you are horribly mistaken. This is one of the several reasons me and many others stopped playing this game. Solo queue is unplayable, and all the bleeding of players this game has been substaining for the longest time, is in a very big part because of that.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    You can tunnel sure but don't get made when you're seeing the same meta perks used to counter tunneling

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164
    edited May 2022

    People have been running that nonsense since before tunneling was so wide-spread, and they'd be running it regardless because it's all the strongest #########, so why wouldn't they?

    On the other hand, tunneling? Camping? Killers often HAVE TO in order to get some decent pressure. Why? BECAUSE of perks like the ones you mentioned.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    DS BT only affect killer if they tunnel. The only problem is DH.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233

    BT bodyblocking does still happen from time to time and it can be a pain if you were never trying to tunnel but the dude insists on you hitting him anyway. Then if you play it smart and outwait his BT, you can't punish their bad play because you'll probably eat a DS on top of that

    This doesn't happen as often as before though thankfully. The BT change did wonders in stopping bodyblockers from wasting huge chunks of time

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Sure it does, bait it out. What's that? Oh you mean to say the available counter doesn't really work. That both things are just bad for the health of the game and should be addressed.

  • xBlitzAce1989x
    xBlitzAce1989x Member Posts: 336

    Oh no not me lol. I seem to get a completely different set of Survivors whenever I play Killer (popping gens, cooperating, etc.) I tend to get matched with terrible teammates in solo lately. I'm really not sure how it works at this point.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    Survivors will use those perks because tunneling killers don't give survivors any other choise and if someone does not use them killer will take advantage of that every time. Camping is not really putting pressure if survivors are good and just do gens then. Tunneling is only worth it if the survivor is bad and don't have ds so then he is not able to loop killer long enough to others do gens. It's effective stragedy to get that 1K thought.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    SWF with sweaty meta perks and optimal gen pressure is fair, it's a different word for surviving.

    No one in their right minds thinks this is true and yet it's part of the game. Hell, it's the first feature you see when playing survivor 'Click on the + to invite a friend' whereas tunnelling and camping definitely don't have any of that. So this sweaty survivor gameplay EXTRA FAIR.

    I understand that many killers are just ... Not good and NEED these tactics to get anywhere, but my God at least stop trying to convince the world how 'fair' and 'legitimate' they are. You're just feeding onto the meme that this game is fair to begin with. You're still going to lose against survivors who are fed up with you.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I tunnel. I don’t think it’s ‘fair’ in every scenario but it’s part of the game mechanics.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    You're thinking of camping. Tunneling is proven to be the most effective strategy via numerous tests done by streamers.

  • xBlitzAce1989x
    xBlitzAce1989x Member Posts: 336

    Have you met my Insidious Camping Bubba? One thing that I love about him is that you don't even need to waste a perk slot on NOED. Just stand in a corner and wait for the magic to happen.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Missing David's and legion's posts already. Back to the same old daily rotation of camping, tunneling, DH, NOED and CoH posts.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Yes, I am familiar with that Bubba. Usually takes 70% of the game to catch someone if everyone's of equal skill in the team, and sometimes said Bubbas manage to botch their 1K. I don't know how some people get this bad but it happens.

    Obviously if I'm playing solo the magic does happen. But then again, solos are easy.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Because it's possible to safely unhook from a camping Bubba. It requires some skill but it's definitively doable.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 513

    You are still a player among players and they'll remember you in other games.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Eh it depends. Most of the time as long as the survivor isn't a god looper, it's better to tunnel than to spread hooks, even if you know they have BT and DS, that's just how strong turning a 4v1 into a 3v1 is.

    The only time tunnelling is the wrong thing to do is if the team unhook at the last possible moment, effeciently do gens -and- the person you're tunnelling is a strong looper, but all those things lining up isn't that common.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    If you sweat for 4K yes tunnel but I play for fun and want everyone at least have half decent match. I tunnel sometimes when it's only option left or I have mori but very rarely I still "super tunnel". Usually before I kill someone I still has hooked others usually at least once or someone even twice so it's bit of tunneling but pretty quickly after that I can make it 2vs1.

  • saylortaylor
    saylortaylor Member Posts: 1

    DH does have a counter. it's called fearmonger. u run up on someone w DH doing a gen and they're going to be running the entire time, how are they going to use DH if they can't get rid of the exhausted status...?

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    You know what else is fair? T bagging and flashlight clicking the tunneler all game and until the end game timer is a second away before leaving, nothing satisfies me more than the salty tears of a failed tunneler in my coffee.

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    Yeah, it's more when you hook a survivor, they get unhooked, you chase that same survivor again to hook them, they get unhooked, you chase them, then you hook them again. It's just not fun and I don't see how chasing after one survivor all game can be that fun either. As Killer, it feels terrible to do so, I actually don't understand how others can do it consistently, it feels dirty.

  • monster89
    monster89 Member Posts: 148

    I hate tunneling. Especially when u get rescued and u take 1 or 2 steps and u go back down and get re hooked.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    It's literally doing your objectif efficiently.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    I laugh when I get tunneled. Gives my team the best chance at victory honestly.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    All of this is very silly.

    The killer's job is to chase and kill survivors, yes.

    Survivors being plural.

    The killer must divide their attention and apply pressure across multiple players in order to better achieve their directives.

    If there are 3 survivors left and 1 is on the hook - go and find whoever is on the generator. Not only does it keep all players engaged, but it draws the match longer and makes Survivors have to work much harder for their escape.

    Tunneling and focus are different things. If someone has placed themselves in a unique position for you to punish, so you pay them mind as to best snuff out their play - that isn't tunneling, you're doing your job.

    However, if you are putting on the blinders and devoting all of your energies into a singular survivor, not only does the game become drab and uninteresting for the other 3 - but it gives them ample opportunity to complete objectives and work more effectively as a team.

    Some people like to say 'Tunneling is a viable strategy that the devs have stated they won't punish!'

    True, but it's uninteresting, unengaging, and is a very poor strategy.

    This, I believe, we can all agree on.

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    I don’t wonder why survivors run those perks at all, they’re viable perks and it’d be kind of silly not to run them. On the other hand, tunneling is just as viable. Making the game a 1v3 is far better than 1v4 in the eyes of a killer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    It is viable if survivor is bad and don't have ds or misses it. But those games I win anyway so I don't have to get one out quickly and well and 4vs1 is lot more fun than 3vs1. I find tunneling just unfair tactic too so I avoid it if I can win more fair way for example slugging. But I don't try to win slug everyone just but enough pressure so they can't work on gens. Those games where I have to play 3vs1 when someone dc early or sacrifice himself on first hook are not that fun survivors usually play more stealth and just try to hide lot more and that is what happens lot of time if you manage tunnel fast. But anyway when I tunnel it's usually good looper agains't me and he can loop long enough that other get gens done before I get to kill him and well the problem is usually that I start to tunnel too late. That makes it pretty unviable tactic for me.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    This part. I don't tbag or click normally, but there's something just TOO satisfying about taunting a killer that tried and failed to do it. It's rare to get one over on the killer when they play scummy like that, (especially in solo queue.) but when you do...I always feel like I gotta get up and walk a victory lap lmao.

    Like, I load up to play some chill games and you wanted to tunnel me all game? Well, at least you tried lmao. It's funny how killers will say "Getting one survivor out is a strat because a 3v1 is easier!" as they proceed to throw the whole game just to hopefully get 1k. Killer logic never fails to amuse.

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    it is tunneling if a killer goes out of his way to literally hunt you down even when he has hit other players once and will leave them alone until he finds you

  • xBlitzAce1989x
    xBlitzAce1989x Member Posts: 336

    In my case, it's possible that I realized that some Survivors have a looping build and I'm not going to waste my time with those individuals. I'm convinced that some loopers are low-key cheaters because they always seem to speed up at just the right moment... and yet as a Survivor, the Killer always manages to stop me from looping. I mean let's be real... most people won't even admit to cheating in a chase. If I see that I just can't catch someone, I'm going to focus on other people and possibly even ignore the looper.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,838

    I feel like everyone naturally assumes tunneling is the most efficient strategy because their favourite streamer does it.

    Tunneling is boring, but it can also be a double-edged sword. Sure, you'll guarantee yourself a 1k by EGC, but you'll lose all five gens and the exit gate by fixating on a single survivor. If you don't pressure the other survivors, you're walking away with a 1k which really isn't efficient.