Should pips be tied to devotion xp?

DH3206 Member Posts: 270

I read this thread yesterday:

Which got me thinking. Since the ranks are not used for matchmaking anymore, maybe it is time to tie the xp you earn every match towards the pip system. The more you play, the more rank you get and the more BP you get every month. I think this is way more fair then be at the mercy of other players for the rank you will get.

I was thinking something along this:

Ash IV-I: 1500xp for every pip.

Bronze IV-I: 3000xp for every pip.

Silver IV-I: 6000xp for every pip.

Gold IV-I: 7500xp for every pip.

Iri IV-I: 10k xp for every pip.

What do you think about this change?

Please, don't move this to feedback, since it's a discussion, not a feedback thread.


  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm assuming that this means that you'll get Devotion XP for each pip you have when the ranks reset?

    If that's the case, i see no reason why this shouldn't be a thing, levelling up and getting Iri-shards can be quite tedious, so anything to decrease that grind would be quite nice

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 270

    No, I mean that you get 1 pip when you get the required amount of experience. But just like it's used with the rift to get the rift fragments, the match xp is also going towards your pip.

    Sorry for the bad wording, but English is not my first language.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,001
    edited May 2022

    Not against it, but I think your scale is whack.

    Something more like:

    Ash: 1.2k

    Bronze: 1.4k

    Silver: 1.6k

    Gold: 1.8k

    Iri: 2k

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I mean sure but I've never had any trouble getting to rank/grade 1 since I started playing this game. If you just play you'll eventually get it unless you have below 100 hours of play time. I'm all for reworking the grade system in general though because it's useless and doesn't make any sense.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 270

    It was more like an suggestion for the xp. But the numbers can always be changed, of course :D

  • Malicius
    Malicius Member Posts: 15

    I'm fine with the pip system as is except I do not think you should downpip at all anymore. I'm fine with the requirements to +1 or +2 in a match.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Honestly I wouldn’t mind if they just scrapped and replaced pips and Grades and Devotion Levels and Prestiging with a single coherent system that gives rewards for playing regularly. Basically the main purpose of all of those things is to entice people to keep playing the game for the long term by rewarding bloodpoints and shards and some costume pieces. But it’s such a complicated mess with three totally different systems that work independently, plus Devotion levels give essentially nothing at all (they indirectly speed up your shard collection by resetting the experience counter but that’s it) and Prestige has one skin per character but is so punishing to progress a lot of people don’t bother doing it. The bloodpoint rewards for Grades are good but that’s about it as far as reason to really be interested in any of these three progression systems.

    Who knows though, they’re supposedly already working on a major overhaul of the bloodweb to significantly reduce the grind so maybe that will also impact Prestige levels or Devotion in the process.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,130

    Consider XP is time base. You could AFK yourself to Grade 1 with this system.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    "you'll eventually get it... unless you have below 100hrs" - as in per month? Cause that does seem to be what it takes minimum with average soloQ. It's also a ridiculous amount of time per month in a game if you do anything else in your life. --- But what is beyond ridiculous and actually makes me feel somewhat upset is that it took me well over 15 hours of soloQ only to get from gold1 to iri4 this month because of the things op listed. -- Then it took me five or six swf matches and a duo-match to get from iri4 to iri3. That's not even two hours.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    No I mean just in general. You won't have the skill to earn grade 1 consistently unless you have above around 100 hours. Once I got grade 1 for the first time it has been no problem getting it every time after.

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    You can tell me how your skills help you when one or even two of your teammates DC / suicide or that the killer tunnel you throughout the game, preventing you from working other emblems ?

    Just, stop with this ridiculous story of "skills". The matchs are so RNG and your win depends largely on the skill of your teammates, not yours.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Idk man like I said I just play the game and I get it. I don't even pay attention to it anymore. If you are struggling that's fine I'm just telling you how my experience has been.

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169
  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Well the matchmaking is decent so the survivors I get are pretty good and I rarely lose because of them.

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    You must be one of the few that MMR seems to work with. Your case therefore cannot decently be taken as a generality. For the overwhelming majority of SoloQ players, MMR is abysmal and nothing is being done to prevent DC players from committing suicide. From there, knowing how to loop a killer for 5 gen won't do you any good.