If the killer in the 6th anniversary chapter is garbage I quit killer.



  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Same could be said for Twins or Hag. They're not designed to camp/slug.

    Hag is designed protect a specific area, and Twins are designed to be used as a team and harass multiple Survivors at the same time

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Can Victor pickup? Then, Twins by pure core design, slugs. It is absolutely necessary to slug as Twins, and it's up to you to decide how much you will slug. But if you -must- slug by design, why wouldn't you go all the way and play exactly how the developers intended you to?

    Same as Hag. Slow, requires setup, it is widely known (maybe you just don't play too much) once a Hag hooks someone she will -always- camp or patrol the hook.

    "The Hag player decides if they camp or not, like other killers"

    Yeah, but because her very design heavily favours camping, you will naturally gravitate towards that.

    Let's discuss anything we like, but let's not fall for hypocrisy.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Can your Dire Crows pick Survivors up? No? Then Artist is a slug-based Killer.

    Can Hatchets pick Survivors up? No? Then Huntress is a slug-based Killer.

    Hag has a slow start and is a setup based Killer, and Trapper aswell. Is Trapper a camp-based Killer aswell?

    Is Bubba a camp-based Killer just because he's good at it? Trickster too?

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    What they should do is announce they are taking the game away for a long revision. IT'd be better for them to take a break, actually see what their game is and then relaunch. They've already made it successful, by the Myers Miracle and judging by the RE chapter Hype, they can get people back in the game with the right License so yup taking a break, making a revision on the game and then relaunching with a proper change and update would be good for them.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    M1 killers aren't fun because they're M1 killers in a game not favourable to M1 killers.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Can you show me a clip of how you become the hatchet? Do you count your birds as another killer with its own identity? As far as I know Victor isn't a piece of wood but a whole separate killer integrated within Charlot when you're not activeling using him? Maybe you have the ability to turn into objects? Are you sure you're not playing Propnight?

    Trapper: Lots of camping potential especially in hooks placed indoor with narrow hallways or doorways, less than Hag because of how his power is more passive in terms of trap activating as opposed to Hag physically teleporting herself. Absolutely encourages camping to a lesser degree. Watch some videos if you don't play enough to know this.

    Trickster: His very power mechanics excels when a survivor is locked in an animation because you're not punished by the spread of your knives as much, hence you miss less, hence when a survivor is either close in the open (As happens when someone is attempting to unhook) or locked in the unhook animation, he can be a very effective camper. Again, doesn't mean he is specifically designed to camp unlike Hag or Twins.

    Bubba: Same as trickster. His power makes him a very effective camper. Doesn't mean he's necessarily designed to camp unlike Hag and Twins.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited May 2022

    Victor, if I remember correctly, is counted as a projectile, or at least has a projectile hit-box. He's not a Killer, he's a Killer Power, so Huntress and Artist are slug-based Killers, since they can down Survivors from afar but can't pick them up, same as Twins.

    I don't think we'll get anywhere. It seems like you have a specific agenda (or just don't know what they're designed to do) against Hag and Twins, so it doesn't matter what I say

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    A projectile is something you throw, and it follows a trajectory by its own inertia. As far as I know, Victor is something you can freely walk with, control, attack or not with, simply follow.

    Victor =/ projectile

    Huntress and Bird Lady do in fact, use projectiles. Unlike Twins, that we already established, don't use projectiles, as Victor isn't a projectile, but a whole separate fully in control entity. So Victor is both a killer power, and a whole killer by itself, with certain limits.

    I don't have a "specific agenda" against Hag or Twins, other than I think they're very unhealthy for the game and it encourages very toxic playstyles. Doesn't mean every killer can't camp or aren't good at it, but at least they're not specifically designed for it.

    We shouldn't have killers designed around the most toxic mechanics in this game.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    So we're back to you calling efficient play toxic, lovely

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    If you repeat yourself, I'm being forced to repeat myself too:

    Get out of your own fantasy. I said you can be efficient and toxic, and efficient and not toxic. Example: A Billy might tunnel or camp in specific moments, or all the time, but it's not ingrained in his very design. Twins, by design (just like Hag, designed to - and encouraged to camp) are specifically designed to play in the most unhealty way possible, slugging and camping (and encourages tunnelling). So yes, it is very possible to be efficient and not toxic.

    Maybe it is your personal style to always be toxic regardless of how efficient you are being, but that's just you.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Same could be said for Twins or Hag. They're not designed to camp/slug.

    Hag is designed protect a specific area, and Twins are designed to be used as a team and harass multiple Survivors at the same time

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Can Victor pickup? Then, Twins by pure core design, slugs. It is absolutely necessary to slug as Twins, and it's up to you to decide how much you will slug. But if you -must- slug by design, why wouldn't you go all the way and play exactly how the developers intended you to?

    Same as Hag. Slow, requires setup, it is widely known (maybe you just don't play too much) once a Hag hooks someone she will -always- camp or patrol the hook.

    "The Hag player decides if they camp or not, like other killers"

    Yeah, but because her very design heavily favours camping, you will naturally gravitate towards that.

    Let's discuss anything we like, but let's not fall for hypocrisy.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Can your Dire Crows pick Survivors up? No? Then Artist is a slug-based Killer.

    Can Hatchets pick Survivors up? No? Then Huntress is a slug-based Killer.

    Hag has a slow start and is a setup based Killer, and Trapper aswell. Is Trapper a camp-based Killer aswell?

    Is Bubba a camp-based Killer just because he's good at it? Trickster too?

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i'm sure you will

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910


  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Worst part is that even the anti loop kilelrs are weak, all survivors need to do is rush gens, predroop pallets and hold m1. Pyramid head is too slow and clunky to put the sword on the ground, artist gets nerfed before launching, nemesis has inconsistent and bad hitboxes easy to dodge (same with pyramid head). Dredge has mediocre and slow anti loop, weak teleport and the typical m1 killer struggle to maintain well. You are right.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    She is average, easy to counter. S-A tier before nerf.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    edited June 2022

    I did not, I think he is really fun to play. Nightfall makes him a very strong killer that can travel around the map really quickly. The map however is terrible for most killers. It's worse then ''old'' Haddonfield if you ask me.

    Something that made me very happy as well is this:

    General Killer Improvements 

    The average kill rates (how many Survivors are killed each trial, on average) are a little lower than we’d like – a sentiment echoed by many community membersTo ensure the Killer feels like an unstoppable force to be feared, we’re making slight improvements to many aspects of Killer gameplay. 

    We’ve reduced the time it takes to break walls and pallets by 10% (now 2.34 seconds, previously 2.6). Generators can also be kicked 10% faster than before (now 1.8 seconds, was 2 seconds). While these changes may seem small, a fraction of second can be the difference between hitting a Survivor and them reaching a pallet. 

    Next, we’ve reduced the cooldown for successful basic attacks by 10% (now 2.7 seconds, previously 3 seconds) and reduced the duration of the Survivor’s speed boost upon being hit by 10% (now 1.8 seconds, was 2 seconds). Moving forward, Survivors will gain slightly less distance upon being hit, making it more difficult for them to run long distances to a safe area. 

    Finally, we’ve tweaked Bloodlust to increase in power quicker than before. In most chases, Bloodlust does not activate, though there are rare cases where it can be necessary. The long build up often leaves the Killer in a bad spot even if they eventually get a hit. We are adjusting Bloodlust tiers to activate after 15/25/35 seconds of chasing rather than 15/30/45 seconds.