The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

How is your current MMR experience?

Like the title says how is your experience right now as Killer and or Survivor?

Survivor: Killers didn't camp or tunnel but were way to high for my mmr imo. Weren't able to finish more than 2 Gens in every game and got killed very quick.

Killer: Gens are flying as hell not a single chance to get more than 1 kill if I'm even able to get 1

Sooo in conclusion: my experience is really bad for me right now on both sides... don't know what the problem is but yea.

So guys what's your experience right now?


  • KillerMain4Ever
    KillerMain4Ever Member Posts: 147

    I find 3 gens are almost done 3 minutes in, games are quick and it's a really fun time playing nurse bc everyone only holds w anymore

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142


    I feel like I need to throw the next 20 matches as Nemesis to get him into a better spot.

    I don't know what happened, but I've started playing him again since SBMM was enabled, and it's wildly, obscenely bad.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    MMR = The same meta perks every single game, gens flying during first chase and lots of tbags and clicking. I wish they would just rip the bandaid off and admit that MMR is killing the game. The steamcharts have been in a nonstop decline since it and boons were implemented. Any other developers would see this and revert but not Behavior.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    Terrible. SBMM / MMR will NEVER work in DBD.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288


  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 627

    Yep. It doesn't look good ATM. The playerbase has been on a steady decline for almost a year now.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187

    Solo queue is terrible. You can be above the soft cap and still get matched with teammates who get caught out in the open and go down instantly to 32m TR M1 killers. I've said it before but I genuinely feel like I'm wasting my time when I play solo queue.

    Killer hasn't become all that tough. There aren't that many good players out there, truth be told. I still rarely have all the gens get completed or have people escape unless I'm on a killer I'm bad with. Sure, the game is tough if the stars align and I'm actually matched with people near my skill, but it's rare. The last time I had the gens completed against one of my mains was day 3 of the matchmaking test when bi-directional matchmaking was enabled.

    I think actual top players are annoyed with survivor matchmaking and bored with killer. And players more towards the average are having a tough time because they're being overmatched.

    One-size-fits-all typically fits nobody

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,497

    Today was not so good. Some strange matches.

    Killers on the stronger side - my teammates from below to average.

    First match against Plague. DC on first down. 2 people killed themselfes on first hook.

    5x against Legion.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'd rather play OW comp.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Now, I refuse to play with more than one meta perk. - For survivor that's BT (usually for basement/egc rescues) and for killer... it depends on the killer (usually a slowdown perk - I also don't camp or tunnel; though not for some kind of moral reason but simply because it's not fun/is too boring). That might have an impact on how I perceive MMR / how I end up where I end up.

    Anyway. Survivor. SoloQ is miserable, as always. SWF is pretty fun. Though, I *am* genuinely surprised how I end up in the matches I end up in (read: not with baby teamies or baby killers after a 20-something death-streak that SoloQ tends to turn into). Maybe it's a special place in low(?) MMR; too low for actual newbs to show up and where no "comp player" would ever end up with their sweaty builds. I don't necessarily mind; there's great perk variety and great killer variety and interaction/post game chat is usually pretty friendly - and more often than not people actually know what they're doing so the on-hook-experiences where you see your teamies crouching around edge-map are actually kinda rare. (for SoloQ it's really more the lack of information that screws teams over / everyone having their own personal objective / a general lack of "team spirit"). Overall, I'd say it's like SBMM doesn't exist and it's just random for the most part.

    For killer it's very all-or-nothing; one round I 4k (/3kH) and would do so even without any perks equipped - and the next round I have trouble even hitting a single survivor. It's really strange and I would prefer some kind of middle ground where I don't feel obliged to go easy on survs - and also don't feel like some kind of idiot following around a carrot on a stick.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032
    edited May 2022

    There was a major drop off in survivor quality about two weeks ago. My killer matches are soft easy wins. I don’t need to bring gen regression anymore. That hadn’t been true since before MMR. If I do it’s often four gens left with a chance at hatch kinda games.

    Unfortunately, these are the same survivors I get to play with. They cannot hold chases for long, aren’t efficient with generators, pulling together friends for SWFs is a must to guarantee useful teammates.

    This may be the result of the MMR changes or could represent the drop in playerbase. Scott Jund made a video last year that the game may be easier since the good players are bored and playing other games. This current era reminds me of that video.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Seems fine. Mostly decent games, some “extreme” types, some newbies. Mostly dependent on the time of day that I’m playing.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Way worse since the last changes.

    I don't know which is my MMR, but I have an average MMR (I think) and I get a lot of tryhard survivors with most killers, even after a lose streak. Almost no chil matches anymore.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    They could be better. But it's mostly people don't run smart builds or play smart early game.

  • puncher
    puncher Member Posts: 118

    I am not buying anything until they fix matchmaking. I passed on every DLC since Pinhead. Also, I do not buy any more auric cells either. The matchmaking system is a massive failure.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    OMFG, that's bad. 🤣

    I just dumped Overwatch after six years there, after playing the OW2 beta. If that's the future of the game, I quit. Tried to finally come back here for a week between dumping Overwatch and the launch of Evil Dead. Lasted two nights. No thanks.

    So, now I'm just in-between games until Evil Dead next Friday. 🤷‍♂️

  • YuiMain
    YuiMain Member Posts: 28

    I am really sad, every game is a tragedy

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It's not that bad.

    Survivor is chill, I can listen to music in the background, effectively deafening myself for the entire Trial, and still have a 50% escape rate thanks to good teammates.

    Killer, more like Artist, as I haven't played any other Killer these past few weeks, has been chill.

    I'm currently tracking some stats with Artist, 25 Trials with "strong Perks" and 25 Trials with "weaker" ones, and other than the fact I can't go on a 14 4K streak anymore, there's not much of a difference

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    My desire to play this game lessens every passing week.

    As a SoloQ 4 Life survivor, most of the killers I face are significantly stronger than me or my teammates, someone going down every 20-30 seconds. If we get 3 gens done, that was an exceptionally good game, but 9 out of 10 matches end with a hatch search for the last person surviving. Thanks to an escape rate of 5-20% for the past 6 months, my MMR has decline to the point that I see Nurses and Blights very rarely. Those are of course the super cracked ones that never enter a lobby without the most broken addons and a map offering every single game, but at least I can just DC without building up my penalty too badly. And then there are the 10th matches were super experienced survivors are clowning on a killer with green perks and less than a hundred hours like it was ripped straight from one of those big name survivor YT channels.

    Killer is an absolutely mixed bag. Some games are pretty chill and I can 4k with non meta perks, and then there are the ones where I can sweat my ######### balls off playing super dirty and still barely getting a few hooks. And there isn't even a rhyme or reason, I can lose a bunch of games with one killer and not get weaker opponents, or just 4k with another one every single match and then start getting potatoes for no apparent reason.

    SBMM is still the same thrash system it has always been. People just finally had enough time to realize how garbage it is.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,578

    It varies greatly. However the last couple of evenings I've wanted to play, my first lobbies were fully equipped SWFs of several thousands of hours players. I wasn't using my main and wasn't in the mood for a sweaty start so I've played another game instead. Maybe the following lobbies would have been better.