Rotten Fields...

The amount of times I go against a Trickster, Bubba, or Huntress on this map is insane.
I despise this map to an absurd level.
One of the worse maps
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Deadzone city
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If you are unlucky with Shelter Woods spawn logic, then it's probably even worse since there is no field to cover the view and you have more than like half the map dead zone :D
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Oh please no... not that one too. Shelter Woods can kiss my booty cheeks.
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I despise rotten fields as both survivor and killer. Other Coldwind maps? they're meh, playable. But Rotten Fields are my nemesis
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I want to leave the match so badly whenever I load into Rotten Fields.
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I don't care about any corn maps.
Swamp maps can go straight to hell though. All the way to the way to bottom. Express lane.
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This map sucks for both sides. One of the worst maps in the game. Just delete it along with Shelter Woods and Wrecker's Yard.
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I never understood how people think it sucks for killer, as killer I'm glad to play on this map unless I'm playing trickster. At survivor we got 3 pallets to work with.
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Maybe because those Maps lack in identity. They dont have any unic structure, building or feature.
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unless you play killers like billy or blight, rotten fields a terrible map. It's big, all the loops are compressed on the edges of the map,lack of vision, easy to find gens and difficult to apply pressure as killer. Moreover, it's the most uninspired map i have ever seen, no main buildings to make it unique, nope, just corns lol. Good thing it has the basement at the center of the map
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😩Had it 4xs in a row last month vs:
1 Clown, 2 Huntress and a Slinger
In RF’s defense, there are at least 3 or so areas to utilize Balanced Landing.
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The devs cant be ar5ed to use the coldwind skin and make new variants of the map. Half the work is already done, just needs updating/freshning up with new obstacles and scenery.
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Sheesh, I feel like this map just attracts all of the range killers.
Still hate it though.
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The only time I feel that way toward Swamp is if the center tries to be a rotten field/shelter wood wannabe and be completely empty.
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I once saw a clip of someone spawn into this map with a glitch that caused the corn not to show up for them. I think I bookmarked it... yeah, I did. Take a look if you're interested.
Someone stole my corn. Can't have ######### in the entities realm. : deadbydaylight (
It is amazing how empty this map really is. Not BHVR's finest moment. As much as we like to complain, you can really see how map design has evolved from the earliest iterations - ideas like 'this map has low visibility to make up for enormous dead zones' don't work well in practice. We don't get the giant football field maps like Azarov's or Suffo Pit anymore, either.
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Yeah, it is definitely interesting to see how far maps have gone from 2016 to now.
My favorite ones as of right now are Dead Dawg Saloon, Thompson House, and sometimes Midwhich.
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It's one of the best survivor maps in the game. It's nothing like shelter woods, here you actually have stuff to work with.
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One of the best survivor maps?
I haven't heard someone say something so generous about Rotten Fields before.
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It is
As said before, map is big, survivors have a lot to work with on the edge and as a killer its hard to keep pressure across the map and find survivors
Plus its the typical "hold w" map that make killer lose lots of time
Definetely not killer sided
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Not in my games.
Bubba, Trickster, and all of the range killers are always there so I'll still despise it.
The map's barren setting is so ugh- Sure, its size is definitely noticeable, but that doesn't make up for a boring map that forces you on the edge of the map just to loop.
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Rotten fields is the Shelter woods of Coldwind farm
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That map is not bad for that killers imo, maybe not in the case of Bubba. You can make those killers lose their sight and miss their ranged attacks in the huge cornfield.
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I just hate Coldwind in general. It's so bright I struggle to see red auras and I suffer greatly from cornvision.
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Just run ds and have 3 inept teammates do gens and predrop. Pretty much gg there.