Anyone else like seeing streamers struggle with you main?

As someone that mains Trickster, I really like watching streamers play him for tips but I also like seeing how they handle the tougher maps. It makes me feel less crazy/stressed about acknowledging his limitations and how I play in those scenarios.

anyone feel similarly about their “mains?”


  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    No but I love to see them get matched with the kind of people I get matched with most of the time when I play killer - sweaty af swf's and/or "bully" squads. It's funny how most killer main streamers seem to get total noobs the majority of their matches and once they face what I have to deal with constantly they start to crumble very fast, calling the match "boring" and "unfun" - yet they never complain about 4king multiple times in a row with 5 gens left against noobs.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,790

    You know, if you don't think a killer is good you can choose not to main him. Honestly, I think some people want to be frustrated at the game so they purposely go out of there way to make weak killers (who have never been strong) their identity. I cannot imagine feeling "crazy/stressed" about a character and saying "Yup, this is who I want to devote all my time playing."

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I actually stopped watching streamers exactly because it felt like 99% of their matches were against absolute noobs. You'd see people play Pig without Corrupt Intervention and get into a long chase, without a single gen popping, while if you yourself were playing her, even if the fastest chase in the world will get you 3 gens lost in the first minute since everyone and their pet goldfish comes with BNPs into the game.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I find it especially interesting how many hooks the top tier streamers get, before the gates are powered. More often than not, they get 5 or 6 hooks and only manage to get kills, because the survivors are trying to get everyone out. Which can snowball hard at this point.

    Now on paper those matches look in the killers favor, because only the kills matered. Buuut it really isn´t the same, when the survivors only died, because they wanted to get a 4 man escape.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because if you win, there's very little the other side can do to take that away from you.

    It's why I mained Legion for a year or so. He was absolutely bottom of the barrel and if you somehow lost to me, there's not really a way you can spin it to make it look favorable for you. Likewise, it's easier to lose like that too. The mindset of, "Well, this Killer is weak anyway, so I was pretty much guaranteed to lose" is a lot easier to stomach than the alternative.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Sure, I love watching Leatherface games. Not necessarily to watch them fail, I prefer seeing killers do well. But I do get a bit of schadenfreude watching the Bubba haters bump walls, not going to lie.

  • Diablitokawaii
    Diablitokawaii Member Posts: 38

    Some of them are priceless

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It’s probably not true that 99% of top streamer’s matches are against new players. I find a lot of times what actually happens is the streamer is so good at the macro game that they are able to keep all the survivors under enough pressure that only one of them is working a gen at a time, and then in the comments people will say things like “those survivors were noobs, they barely got any gens done”. Well yeah, they didn’t get them done because they were busy being chased and on a hook or slugged or healing each other.

    Otz doesn’t have a huge win percentage because he’s always against new players, he has a high win rate because he understands the macro game and how to apply pressure combined with being solid in chases.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    This is actually one of the things I like from otzdarva streak videos.

    I'm the first to admit he is most definitely not the most skilled streamer, probably because he doesn't seem to have a main, but that puts him closer to my skill level than, say, truetalent.

    Otz on his more recent streaks has been putting not only his best matches, but also his lost matches (that made restart the streak) and his very rough matches that were 1 mistake away from defeat. You can see him get bullied, Gen rushed, having to drop chases against powerful tile combos, but you also see him counter and often end gaining the upper hand or at least fighting back reasonably and this is something that I have been able, to a degree, to reflect on my own gameplay.

    I really learned from him and his defeats.