The Clown has any changes to the clown since he on the regular game?



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Dragonredking said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    I’m gonna make this simple, digging through the code, the clown has 115%. That’s 100% proof he’s the normal speed. Any further claims otherwise are stupid.

    go troll somewhere else go make your own post go play a game with your self, stop being a troll

    Your notion off what is trolling his perplexing.

    It's actually quite simple. Anybody who disagrees with him is a troll.

    But people like him (those who refuse to accept hard facts) is why we still have flat earthers.

    I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn sad to behold.

  • MikeLatin7
    MikeLatin7 Member Posts: 209

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    I’m gonna make this simple, digging through the code, the clown has 115%. That’s 100% proof he’s the normal speed. Any further claims otherwise are stupid.

    go troll somewhere else go make your own post go play a game with your self, stop being a troll

    Your notion off what is trolling his perplexing.

    It's actually quite simple. Anybody who disagrees with him is a troll.

    But people like him (those who refuse to accept hard facts) is why we still have flat earthers.

    I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn sad to behold.

    NO NOT TRUE THIS FORM IS NEW, anybody with over 1,000 posts since this forum as started is a troll sad to say they don't have anyone to talk to but it's true, they make conflicts thinking their having conversations with people sad to say it's not don't help the game to get better not at all, it really dose not help anyone but their loneliness it not constructive just for them sad to say but it's true sorry lonely guy/girl/ it, we are trying to build a real dialog about the Clown and yes I think the re-load time should be as the huntress time looking in the locker for axes

  • MikeLatin7
    MikeLatin7 Member Posts: 209

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    I’m gonna make this simple, digging through the code, the clown has 115%. That’s 100% proof he’s the normal speed. Any further claims otherwise are stupid.

    go troll somewhere else go make your own post go play a game with your self, stop being a troll

    Your notion off what is trolling his perplexing.

    It's actually quite simple. Anybody who disagrees with him is a troll.

    But people like him (those who refuse to accept hard facts) is why we still have flat earthers.

    I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn sad to behold.

    NO NOT TRUE THIS FORM IS NEW, anybody with over 1,000 posts since this forum as started is a troll sad to say they don't have anyone to talk to but it's true, they make conflicts thinking their having conversations with people sad to say it's not don't help the game to get better not at all, it really dose not help anyone but their loneliness it not constructive just for them sad to say but it's true sorry lonely guy/girl/ it, we are trying to build a real dialog about the Clown and yes I think the re-load time should be as the huntress time looking in the locker for axes, hard facts is what they tell you, like the moon landing, fake it don't work in every map, but you believe the moon land was real, and so you believe what they tell you, everything dose not work the way they or we hope it dose, they are still working on it but if morons like you are satisfied why should they try any harder

  • MikeLatin7
    MikeLatin7 Member Posts: 209

    @Jack11803 said:

    I’m gonna make this simple, digging through the code, the clown has 115%. That’s 100% proof he’s the normal speed. Any further claims otherwise are stupid.

    NO NOT TRUE THIS FORM IS NEW, anybody with over 1,000 posts since this forum as started is a troll sad to say they don't have anyone to talk to but it's true, they make conflicts thinking their having conversations with people sad to say it's not don't help the game to get better not at all, it really dose not help anyone but their loneliness it not constructive just for them sad to say but it's true sorry lonely guy/girl/ it, we are trying to build a real dialog about the Clown and yes I think the re-load time should be as the huntress time looking in the locker for axes

  • MikeLatin7
    MikeLatin7 Member Posts: 209

    @Jack11803 said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    I’m gonna make this simple, digging through the code, the clown has 115%. That’s 100% proof he’s the normal speed. Any further claims otherwise are stupid.

    go troll somewhere else go make your own post go play a game with your self, stop being a troll

    It’s literally in the code that he’s the same speed. Code CAN’T lie. Also, if I’m wrong. Prove it.

    NO NOT TRUE THIS FORM IS NEW, anybody with over 1,000 posts since this forum as started is a troll sad to say they don't have anyone to talk to but it's true, they make conflicts thinking their having conversations with people sad to say it's not don't help the game to get better not at all, it really dose not help anyone but their loneliness it not constructive just for them sad to say but it's true sorry lonely guy/girl/ it, we are trying to build a real dialog about the Clown and yes I think the re-load time should be as the huntress time looking in the locker for axes

  • MikeLatin7
    MikeLatin7 Member Posts: 209

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    I’m gonna make this simple, digging through the code, the clown has 115%. That’s 100% proof he’s the normal speed. Any further claims otherwise are stupid.

    go troll somewhere else go make your own post go play a game with your self, stop being a troll

    Your notion off what is trolling his perplexing.

    It's actually quite simple. Anybody who disagrees with him is a troll.

    But people like him (those who refuse to accept hard facts) is why we still have flat earthers.

    I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn sad to behold.

    NO NOT TRUE THIS FORM IS NEW, anybody with over 1,000 posts since this forum as started is a troll that means you sad to say they don't have anyone to talk to but it's true, they make conflicts thinking their having conversations with people sad to say it's not don't help the game to get better not at all, it really dose not help anyone but their loneliness it not constructive just for them sad to say but it's true sorry lonely guy/girl/ it, we are trying to build a real dialog about the Clown and yes I think the re-load time should be as the huntress time looking in the locker for axes

  • MikeLatin7
    MikeLatin7 Member Posts: 209

    @Jack11803 said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:
    you know > @FrenziedRoach said:

    @MikeLatin7 said:

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    All killers run at 115% speed. Only exceptions to this rule are Hag, Huntress, and Nurse. (And EW1 Myers)

    Jesus, your dreaming they don't, 1 trapper, 2 Michael Myers, Leatherface hillbilly without the chainsaw are the fastest without perks and with them they are like freight trains ready to run you down,

    I get that English isn't your first language, so I'm going to give you a pass on this one.

    I'm talking about their default walking speed, not their lunge or p

    I get it your a RACIST and white thinking that your comment is funny but it's insulting, my ancestors all was born on this side of the world you and yours are illegal aliens did you know that Britain let go all the criminals they had in jail and send them here to my country so most likely your grand parents was all degenerate criminals and the sins of the fathers are pass down to their children that why you are you to this day, and that's why you think your better and your not your just a loser like the rest of us, more so I'm going to give you a pass on this one just one insult you get just one, ok I heard about in-breeding I see it now have a nice day God bless you

    I’m gonna day what everyone WANTS to say to you.

    You are a complete, and utter JOKE! You have no idea what you’re talking about. You have no recourse, and can’t even form an intelligent argument beyond, “what I say is true because my ego is massive”. You are a racist that pulled the race card (seriously that’s downright pathetic, you should be ashamed of yourself). Now why don’t you never do what you did again? Also, because I can’t help but plunder irony, if he’s a white person, and that makes him bad because “sins of the father” doesn’t that mean it’s not the devs fault the game is bad? And if it is, doesn’t that mean you are just single hand-idly throwing those accusations because you are cornered?

    Cease and Dissist at once. And I dare you to try the race card on me, and figure out what race I am.

    NO NOT TRUE THIS FORM IS NEW, anybody with over 1,000 posts since this forum as started is a troll that means you, sad to say they don't have anyone to talk to but it's true, they make conflicts thinking their having conversations with people sad to say it's not don't help the game to get better not at all, it really dose not help anyone but their loneliness it not constructive just for them sad to say but it's true sorry lonely guy/girl/ it, we are trying to build a real dialog about the Clown and yes I think the re-load time should be as the huntress time looking in the locker for axes

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918


    Well looki here, someone got you flagged... and it was for a real reason.