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Grinding will kill this game

Chiky Member Posts: 598

At this point I have almost an entire month playing daily at least 6 games per day, sometimes even more.

It is incredibly absurd that in that amount of time I'm still almost 3K shards away from buying the first character.

Is this a way from the developers to try to get you buy the characters with real money?


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,049

    That is the basic principle yes.

    Especially when you think about the fact that shards haven't even been a thing for the first few years and the game didn't die then.

    Of course the ever increasing amount of characters and perks become slowly but surely ludicrous to grind for.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    but that's ridiculous. If i was playing lol I'd had at least one new champion in that time... I've played already 1 day and 22 hours, I'm 2/3 for a new character... that means that to get all killers I would need to play like 2 entire months (full gameplay time). That's absolutely ridiculous...

    Also, you say the game isn't dying but every time I see reviews, or anything they mention how the gsme has fewer and fewer players after each chapter...

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Oh boy, wait until you learn how many blood points it takes in average to max out every character (survivor and killer) in the game

    Soon™ though, they're working on it don't worry!! They just need to find a suitable long term solution!!!! In the meantime adding an easy temporary solution is out of question, after all band aid fixes have never been a thing in this game right? Wouldn't want to start now /s

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,049

    And how many characters does DBD have vs league?

    I mean i find the grind also ridiculous and know that the whole principle behind the state right now is money.

    Take for example rainbow six siege, i don't know how excessive the grind is because I was having enough fun with my late best friend back then that i bought every season pass, but without the season pass each character costs 50k renown (the shards/BP there) and you make it takes you also several days of grinding for one.

    Of course every other game but DBD has an "aging price" system where the older the character is the cheaper they become and DBD should maybe have something similar but the lack of it won't kill the game.

    What you are talking about is grounded in the reduction in fun on both sides since the implementation of SBMMR. Before that matchmaking was also most often completely random because, when the majority of the community regardless of actual skill made it into red ranks, everyone got matched with everyone else.

    With SBMMR this was "improved" but basic balance issue came into the spotlight (as expected by some people like me) because equally skilled killer players and an 4 men swf for example aren't what the game is balanced for.

    In light of this, more and more people left the game after the anniversary chapter high.

    That hasn't much to do with character grind even if that doesn't help.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Im not buying anymore characters until grind is made bearable. ######### that

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Grind never killed the game, and it was almost worse than now. Even though the grind is real, the devs have to make money. This is most possible on new content, so buying dlcs/characters with real money is the most standard way of earning money for a gaming company. Its quite nice that there even is something like shards, so you dont necessary have to buy OG dlcs with real money, even though i would like to have some more ways to earn shards, but more for the vast amount of cosmetics that are already available for shards than for characters.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    I think that's what caused the big turnaround from the Nemesis bump in players.

    Tons of new people jumped in, but when they realized just how much of an investment in both time and money it takes to unlock all the perks and get a setup you like on the character you want to use they peace'd out.

    It's daunting starting up DBD at this point as a new player and having to unlock all of the perks. It means playing with setups you don't like while you wait and wait and wait to maybe one day be able to play the way you want to.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,857
    edited May 2022

    Iri Shards: Award shards as part of the free track on the rift. There's so much empty space in there, fill it with shards and BP.

    Bloodpoints: Reduce the grind for new players without affecting how much a new chapter will take a vet player to grind out.


    Have unlocked perks become available for all characters at tier 1, effectively removing all tier 1 perks from the blodweb and reducing the general perk grind by a third (which equates to tens of millions of bloodpoints if we're looking to max out all characters) However a new character will still take 40 blood webs to unlock those teachables, and 3 bloodwebs minimum per character to upgrade to tier 3. Effectively reducing the 'additional grind' (for players otherwise maxed) by just 2 bloodwebs.

    Additionally, this removes the need to fish for perks in the bloodweb, dealing with insane rng. You will have your BBQ available at tier 1 on all killers the moment you unlock it. You'll still need to grind (33% less) if you want it at tier 3, but you'll at least have it at tier 1 in the mean time.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

    I can actually confirm this, LoL is a free game too and it only takes about 2-3 days on the pc version to get a single champion, and older champions cost less over each major patch iirc. You can also get capsules in PC LoL that gives you free skin and character shards through capsules, keep in mind that League is a free game and it has better ways to unlock new characters than a paid game, and if you look at Wild Rift the grind is even better on a mobile game as you can get new characters that drop through character arrival events, on a free game.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,049
    edited May 2022

    And while i don't condone the methods bhvr uses, i have to say that you compare 26 killer characters and 30(?) Survivor characters, that are basically reskins and can be seen as one after obtaining the 5-6 meta perks, with nearly 150 characters that are mostly unlockelable by the new stupid gacha system with the champion shards and you are not always able to farm a new 6.3k blue essence champ in 2-3 days depending on the the rng on the shards worth.

    It took years to unlock all chars in the old ip and is probably not that much faster in the new blue essence system.

    DBD is horrible in that regard but please don't make it seem like lol is a cakewalk in comparison when putting effort to mass of characters relation.

    Edit: Also lol might be free but damn if riot hasn't dialed their cash grab antics up to eleven with the new 3rd "season grind" with the masterwork chest and -capsules, that needs 125€ worth of unlocks to finish. Plus the ever rotating event passes plus a bundle of new skins every patch together with the usual 8 chromas per skin😑

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    Sorry, but can you explain why grinding will kill this game, instead of the broken code and bugs that come with that, the hackers, the toxic community or the lack of balance? what are your arguments for that?

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I mean, the grind for iri shards is pretty brutal. I've had the game for almost 2 years now and I'm still missing 2 original killers. I bought all the original survivors and the rest of the original characters with only shards. Considering I've taken advantage of events where they give bonus shards, the Bubba iri shard refund, and the few times they put killers on iri shard sales, it's really sad how slow the grind can be. It would definitely be nice if they threw in some extra shards in the rift awards, but I get why they make it hard to collect shards. It is a company that "has to make money." Still wish the grind was better.

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 540

    I seriously don't understand their logic on how removing perk tiers will not solve the problem. They said it themselves it would cut the grind by like 66% or something, but it's a "bandaid fix!" Half of the things in this game are bandaid fixes disguised as perks. Wanna stop camping and tunneling? Use BT and DS. Survivors spawning separately which means they earn an unfair win? Use Corrupt to block off gens from getting done too fast because of the spreading out spawns.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,857
    edited May 2022

    Personally I think "removing all perk tiers" is a bit too heavy handed, and grinding tiers (as limited an effect as it might be) still serves to provide some sense of progression. Plus some grind is still necessary or there's nothing to play for.

    Which is why I prefer simply removing the need to grind out the first tier of every perk. This reduces the grind by 33%, removes frustration of fishing for a perk via the bloodwebs insane rng, and only minimally impacts the continuing grind for players already fully caught up.

    I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have tier 1s guaranteed with the rest of the grind reduced by 33%, instead of having the grind reduced by 66% but still be required to grind out dozens of webs to find the one perk I want.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Back before bloodwebs were buffed: "grind gonna kill dbd"

    197 perks later: "grind gonna kill dbd"

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

    To be fair towards Rito, atleast if you wanna unlock a character you wanna play you don't have to play for a full month but then again I play Wild Rift where you get alot of boosts for blue motes, while the game only has 87 (Soon to be 90) characters compared to LoL's 157, like if I ever get a PC to play LoL on that i'm just gonna get Fiddlesticks and thats it, maybe some other characters in between. Basically what I am saying is compared to DBD, League atleast lets you get a character you like still even if you don't do the weird gacha system in like maybe 2-4 days probably

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    So far my friend groups consist of 7 people and 5 people. Neither of them want to play because of how long it takes to get stuff in the game... Just to start with that...

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    The point isn't to be able to buy every character for free, it's to get one free inbetween every few paid. They wouldn't make any money if people were able to easily grind the paid content.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598
  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598


    That's what cosmetics are for. They even had some characters that can onlh be bought by real money. That should be more than enough. Also, the game is not free so they are making money already by selling the game. If the game was free i'd say "yes, they need to make money somehow", but they already do make money...

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    That is exactly why. The game is pay to win. If you don't pay money you have to wait a long time. You have to wait the long time till perks appear in the shrine, and you have to wait a long time to get Iri for new characters. If you don't use Iri for Bloodpoints from the shrine then you have to grind an outrageous amount of hours to unlock the most common perks on that character.

    Pay to get DLC and the character and perk availability faster, and you just cut out months of work getting Iridescent shards. Then start using iridescent shards to cut years of time out grinding BP.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,798
    edited May 2022

    I am not so concerned about buying characters, I expect to pay for those in most games. That's fine.

    My main issue with the grind is that for new players to have the meta perks available to them, they are going to have to invest a lot of time in addition to any cost of characters. It's just brutal, and exacerbated by the fact that the bloodweb is just loaded with useless trash you have to spend millions of BP on to access the good stuff. The grind is insane.

    Remove perk tiers, clean up the bloodweb, increase BP payouts.

    Oh, and make prestiging even remotely worth it, plz. That could be a fun feature, but as it is, it's nothing but a box for completionists to tick off a list, but doesn't offer anything inspiring.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,541

    Exactly. Every chapter that has two survivors actually makes me bummed out.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 884
    edited May 2022

    I don't really care about paying some bucks every 3 months for 2 new characters, but the BP grind has reached a level were it is not bearable anymore. The amount of perks is just insane, i haven't even begun leveling Yoichi and Onryu because i'm still leveling other characters, it's frustrating. And i play this game for 2.5 years nearly daily. I don't think this system is actually attractive for new players. I understand keeping players engaged with some form of grind and new content is important, but this is just frustrating because it feels like i can never actually reach a point were i'm nearly done.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    In these 1 day 22 hours of play I have already leveled pyramid head (yeah, i bought that one because there was no option to get with shards) and the huntress to lvl 50. I have just a little more over 6K shards. I'm saving BP to level up The Plague once i get shards to get her, but since BP are capped at a million, i've been leveling up Cheryl (currently lvl 47) and keeping my BP around 700K.

    In Cheryl's case, I noticed that not only the blood web is cluttered with random unnecessary stuff that i never ever use, but that also the chance of getting your perks to get them to tier 3 is a matter of luck. One of her main perks appeared for tier 3 at lvl 46, and i'm not even sure if i'll have the 3rd one in lvl 48 or 49 or even 50. It's a roulette. I'm of course not getting anything after the lvl 50, so there's that too..

    Even then we're talking about almost 2 entire days playing this game for almost 3 chatacters reaching lvl 50, and most of the perks are tier 2 (except those I use the most)... I don't wanna even think about the time it will take me to get all perks tier 3. And the fact that they are not shared between characters is ridiculous.

    I leveled the huntress first, then pyramid head, and I have no way besides spending hundreds of thousands of BP in a lottery blood web to see if I can get some of his teachable perks for her. And worst thing is that i'll get it tier 1, so dtarting all over...

    If the numbers are stable/constant, it means i need still 24 hours of continuous gameplay to get the 3K shards left to get my next character, then spend the million BP and hope that's enoigh to get her even playeble... It really makes me wonder if I want to spend 36 hours of gameplay (which is 200% ridiculous) per character I want, or if I want to spend those hours playing something that my friends also want to play. The game is fun (sometimes, being a survivor is boring af unless you're just roaming around with a friendly killer), but the time invested solo grinding in a game my friends don't want to play because of that issue is sad to say the least...

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    Update: Lvl 50 Cheryl, still no tier 3 perk...