DBD really starting to be repetitive *cough* *cough*

Started playing again after a needed break, but I guess I got another reason to take another one. *sigh*
The last image is a bubba DC'ing bc he screwed up his first face camp...
Gotta love dbd :)
it be that way
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Clearly you just need to take some hockey lessons.
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Any recommendations on where to get them?
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You can be the leader of change. Ask for gens to take longer. Ask for perks like Dead hard to be nerfed to oblivion.
Ask for corrupt to be base kit.
In case you don't follow the logic here : Killers camp and tunnel because it is the only way to win in the current meta. Camp near a 3 gen or lose.
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Happy to help: https://www.mygoalhockey.com/ 😅
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No its not lmao
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Yeah a nurse was facecamping a Johnathan in one of my games at 4 gens.
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Pffft. Lets nerf Cannibal instead. Mmk? Thanks.
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"Just play kindred, BT and DS" they say
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100% of the games no exception killer will camp and tunnel, no matter the amount of gens left. Going in not expecting that is fooling yourself nowadays.
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Most of my solo games general. I swear the amount of camping Bubba's have increased drastically.
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All i see are filters and comms. But let's not talk about that.
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Damn not like killers havent seen the same survivor meta for 6 years and seeing 1 perk slightly change it because it was low key busted.
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Filters shouldnt be possible on console unless there's a saturation setting on the tv or monitor they play on.
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I feel like the camping Bubba's must be at a certain MMR level, regional, or time of day problem. I used to have a lot of Bubba's who would camp, but I no longer get them as much. Every once in awhile I'll get my Insidious Basement Bubba, but definitely not to the extent that I once got.
It definitely sucks to get camped the whole game because you fall into a MMR rut where you can't leave the campers and NOED gamers. I still get camped from time to time when I run the killer for more than 2 gens, which I understand because if they want to secure a 1k, then that's what they have to do. I just pat myself on the back because I wasted enough of the killers time that they feel the need to watch me die.
Camping Bubba = Split up on gens and leave as soon as you can.
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Get rid of the gamertags shown on the screenshots.
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I was just told that playing against Legion is the most boring thing in this game. So you are actually lucky, since you have a nice face to face with Bubba instead of mending yourself. Have you asked him about his basement?
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I dunno, I never see camping killers. Oh wait, that's right, it's because I'm the killer.
Bottom line: don't like camping? Play killer and don't camp.
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Or bhvr could make it so it's better for the killer to go after other people? It's not the killers fault that removing one person asap is the most effective way to win.
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But insert killer stressul excuse. 90% of these tunneling camping problems could be avoided if they encouraged killers to spread out there hooks with actual gameplay advantages. But nah lets just keep adding band aid perk fixes instead of actually baseline fixing the game.
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Yeah, I have noticed that many hardcore, vocal survivor mains actually can't stand playing killer.
They complain about certain behaviors that killers do, (though I don't indulge in camping), but they can't actually perform with killer without using those same tactics, they just won't admit it.
Nevertheless, I main killer and I always try to have and give a fun match to everyone, I can have fun this way and I don't find it stressful. I actually find survivor to be far less fun than playing dungeon master. I mean killer.
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Oh yes bc every swf deserves to have this...
Demonizing swf as if it came straight from hell.
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True, Ima go back to OW bc at least those matches aren't the same every single time.
Oh lord. I refuse to even play solo. If SWF has to deal with this, Ima go somewhere else. We're not even a hardcore SWF, but since so many players want to demonize SWF, I'll go to a game where playing with friends isn't a "bad" thing.
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Lmfao y'all are funny
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It’s mad, some people here have serious issues and it shows
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Yeah, I don't use filters. Heck, I don't even know how to use that.
Some of those images were taken with my phone bc my Xbox sometimes won't take a screenshot so I have to use my phone instead.
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I'm.... Did i'm the only one who play bubba without camping or facecamping? Nobody else??
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Killers overall are in a very weak state. The only way to win is to camp and tunnel.
This is a result of :
- Map Sizes being too large overall.
- the bottom 16/25 killers are just bad
- SWF gives too much of an advantage
- The game rules favor survivor way too much (objective time as killer is nearly twice that of survivor).
- Killers overall have very little power in the game until one person dies. There are too many second chances.
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This dude plays on Xbox.
No filters there but that doesn't fit your narrative
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It seems like it.
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Oh so playing with friends means you can't have fun ingame? Also, this person is playing on XBOX, pretty sure you can't use filters on console.
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I'm still heartbroken :(
We're not even a hardcore SWF, just some friends who want to play the game.
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The way swf is demonized in this community is actually kinda comical. I don't think there's a single multiplayer game in the world where it's FROWNED UPON to boot up a game and play with your friends.
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Right! We're really fed up at this point.
We've been playing other games and we're having a blast.
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It's a shame because I find it so much more "fun" to play it without camp, without tunnel, or face camp..
I hate to face him as a survivor, he's the only killer I have trouble against, but playing him has a more relaxing side, and fun with certain skills.. It's sad
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I'm glad you find it more enjoyable like that!
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I am a old survivor, I like to spend time playing killer, it relaxes me MUCH MORE than playing survivor, making me camp my 9 games out of the 10 that I did on the evenings...
...Even when I come across epileptic survivors (the most toxic). So I understand the frustration of being camping or tunneling, I avoid doing it, and despite everything, well... I still manage to kill some on the survivors' hooks, it's not the only solution, that's what saddens me when I see the legion of mains killer's who complain about the least viable skills of the survivors, giving them the illusion that rotting the part of others is the only way to win
And even play the most famous killers for camping because supposedly, it is in their gameplay, like Bubba, the twins... When I play them, I don't do it, all simply because it annoys me... I prefer to run after the others, at the risk of sounding like an idiot because I can't catch it after 5 gen, just to understand how they work and that, next time, I can catch them without worries, only stay planted like a turnip in front of the hooks
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You guys do understand people ''demonize'' swfs because it gives an unfair advantage right? Playing as swfs is like having 5 extra info perks on steroids for free. People dont like stretch res players because it gives information you are not supposed to have and the same applies to swfs.
Comparing dbd to other games is kinda silly as well, if you are playing league of legends you can just type or ping to communicate and game doesnt purposefully withold information from you that your team mates posess. If there is something your team mates sees, you can see it as well. Meanwhile just simple info like 'the killer is near shack moving main' or 'im doing gens there, dont bring him here' is both incredibly powerful and would otherwise not be information you get.
I think you fail to understand basic game mechanics op.
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So because OP dared to commit the cardinal sin of...playing with their friends, they deserve to have their games ruined forever?
0/10 take
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Didnt say that at all, they were expressing their surprise at people demonizing swfs earlier so im explaining why swfs are not liked much.
My bad for not using quotes i guess but go 0/10 take yourself lol
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5 years later, still loving the game but if I ever quit loving it, it will be the camp/tunnel extraordinaires that run me off. Yes, I understand the necessity of it but I will never succumb when playing killer.
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