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The Drowned One (killer and survivor idea)

Rebecca Phillips was out celebrating with friends at a local night club when she met a charming young man named James Cooper. The two of them hit it off over a bit more than a few drinks. Afterward, they decided to head back to his house. With him behind drunkenly swerving over a rain soaked road, Rebecca felt as if she was on an adventure. As the car passed over a large dam the wind from the storm gave it just the right nudge while the wet road took away just the right amount of traction. The car spiraled out of control before rolling over and over again. Off the side of the dam and into the dark cold waters below.

James in a panic managed to unbuckle and swim out of the open window as the waters rushed in. Rebecca was not so lucky. 1 week later James, drunk off grief and tequila, returned to the dam. Haunted by guilt and what could have beens, he stood on the edge of the dam wondering how it all must have felt for the young and beautiful Rebecca. He could feel the heart beating in his chest as out of the corner of his eye he saw the visage of a woman he couldn't quite make out. Suddenly a storm erupted from the skies. Vision now impaired he watched in horror as the pooling rain on the ground began to take form.

That now familiar sense of panic took hold of his legs. He felt as if he was running through water. A cold wet hand burst through the water below his feet and dragged him downwards, his screams silenced almost instantly.

REBECCA PHILLIPS: The Drowned One (Killer)

Slow moving killer that gains speed as her power grows. Using her Storm of Sorrows Abilities she can slow survivors, teleport around the map, hinder survivor's vision while making it easier to see survivors. Her perks allow her to form puddles around Gens that shock a survivor working on it, Repair a broken hook, and Increases her movement speed.

STORM OF SORROWS: Increases in power for every generator that is completed

Level 1: The Drowned One has no terror radius and takes a -25% movement speed. Pressing the active abilities creates a pool of water at the drowned ones feet. The drown one can place up to 5 pools around the map. Once placed they can not be moved. The drowned one can teleport to these pools by holding the active power down for 2 seconds.

Level 2: The rain increases Reducing the render distance for survivors by 10%. The Drowned Ones movement speed reduction becomes 20%. Pools of water now reveal the auras of survivor who move through them for 2 seconds.

Level 3: Survivor's render distance is now reduced by 15%. The Drowned Ones Movement is reduced by 15%. Survivors who move within 3 meters of a pool have their Auras revealed for 3 seconds. Teleporting to a pool with a survivor nearby puts a chill in the air. Survivors affected by the pool have a 5% movement speed penalty.

Level 4: Survivor render distance is now reduced by 20%. The drowned ones movement is reduced by 10%. The waters from the rain now cling to survivors coating them with a blueish green hue. Moving within 6 meters of a Pool slows survivors and reveals their auras for 4 seconds. Teleporting to a pool triggered by a survivor causes extreme cold. Survivors affected by the pool have a 10% movement speed penalty. If the survivor is the Obsession the survivor instead gains a 10% movement increase at the cost of becoming exposed.

Level 5: Survivor render distance is now reduced by 25%. 1 Exit gate is high lighted red for all survivors and the Drowned one. The drowned one no longer suffers from a movement penalty. Survivors gain a slight blueish green glow. Survivors moving within 9 meters of a pool having their auras revealed for 5 seconds and triggers a noise alert. Teleporting to a pool with a survivor near by will cause the affected survivor to suffer from a 15% movement speed penalty. If the survivor is the obsession, the survivor instead gains a 10% movement increase, but becomes exposed. The Drowned One can drag the obsession to a pool instead of a hook. If the Drowned one does this the obsession is killed and the all survivors have their auras revealed for 5 seconds.


Condensation: After hooking a Survivor a random Gen begins dripping with water. The next survivor who repairs the gen will get shocked. A shocked survivor screams revealing their location. For the next 5 seconds the affected survivors will make noise as if they were injured, this can be reduced through perks.

Freezing Rain: The auras of hooks that are broken by any means are highlighted yellow. While at a broken hook you can hold down the active button to forge a new hook out of ice. This new hook can be sabotaged by any survivors. While a Survivor is hooked on one of these hooks all survivors suffer a 10% speed reduction to repair and cleanse abilities.

Rising Winds: Gain a 2% speed bonus for every Hex or boon totem in play



Charming: Failed skill checks suffer no penalties or trigger sound alerts for all survivors during a Co-op action with you.

Should've been me: While unhooking a survivor you can instead take that survivors place. This action does not count as taking a hook. You can not unhook yourself, but gain endurance for 5 seconds after being unhooked.

Campfire: Once per game you may build a campfire. Survivors with in 16 meters of a camp fire gain the Warm status until the leave the camp fire radius. Warm status allows you to self heal, fully recover from being downed, and see the auras of the survivors and the Killer. The killer may snuff out the fire as if it was a boon, but doing so will blind the killer.