This is what South Korean community thinks about DbD

lav3 Member Posts: 758
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

Following sentences are from South Korean Community, DbD DCinside Gallery.

I just translated them into English.

There are lots of Korean words hard to understand so no need to check by yourselves.

This got 49 upvotes and 6 downvotes.

Title: "Are there any morons thinking current situation of DbD is pitiful?"

DbD got lucky since Chains of Hate DLC (Deathslinger / Zarina) when Covid-19 was a hot issue.

Player counts increased and average players of March 2020 is nearly 30k which was never the case.

After 3rd anniversary chapter, Silent Hill colaboration, DbD got another chances to succeed.

However, suddenly BHVR announced they will enhance map graphics, "Realm Beyond".

No one cared how maps look like. Players knew the only change needed on maps were balance design.

On January 2021, BHVR released The Game map rework.

Which showed how BHVR are stupid and ignorant of map balance.

Making people wonder if this Realm Beyond is something that players desperately wanted.

There was sudden UI changes that were so bad and worse than before.

And desync problem which made this game's steam review into Mixed or Negative.

Oh also the Clown got meaningless buff and Freddy became worse than before he got reworked.

Then BHVR promoted new killer so hard and he is the Trickster.

Who was an utter garbage when released.

Now what? 4th anniversary, Resident Evil chapter.

Crisis was nothing on DbD and got another chance to keep success.

And guess what? BHVR suddenly renewed survivors model.

Some people liked but some didn't which questions "Are these something that needed?".

Also implemented MMR system in this casual (how BHVR thinks) game.

Literally deteriorating weak killer problems and made balance between S and K worse.

Then Boon appeared. NFT issue was hot.

Deathslinger became fun killer to 'I don't want to play this' killer.

Spirit became deaf (Iron Will buff / Stridor nerf), all green addons became trash.

Killing another killer players. While Nurse and Blight players increased.

And Survivor players complain Nurse and Blight because they can't get easy game on both.

This year, Sadako which is female version of Wraith costs money to buy.

BHVR tries to embrace LGBT community while not giving a single F on game balance.

BHVR is utter incompetent company and deserves failure.

Because they kicked all good chances they had to make this game better and eventually didn't do anything at all.

Imagine the content in this game is either 'repair generator and leave' or 'kill survivors'.

What other gameplay contents do we have? Hmm?

Honestly I am not fond of Crunch thing in game companies but I think BHVR should :)

I feel bad about how bland and boring DbD became but not having a single pity on BHVR.


I know there were lots of changes to make certain killers better, make minor perks getting values.

Still the changes come so late nearly as "lazy".

Last thing I want to mention is

"BHVR likes to listen to their communities? Even if they do, do changes come fast?

They must have done things that players wanted, right?"

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 691

    The lore team does an excellent job and whoever thanks people for things can thank them I didn't leave when I first joined and had pretty awful experiences. This may have been during the matchmaking experiments though so that may have been a factor because the return was less bumpy. May have also helped that I stockpiled loads of bloodpoints from when they were handing out around 100,000 of them a day so I had a few more perks to work with second time around.

    It's a shame the game is so harsh on newer players and lacks single player features. Yes it's a party game but some people like to play such games alone with AI because they don't like letting other people down, anxiety and other issues.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    BHVR is utter incompetent company and deserves failure.

    Well, that is too harsh, but after that totem upstairs on midwich map behind the body pile, I am not sure of their competence.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    I'm more concerned with why you asked if you should care what they think. Obviously any company who gives half a crap about their product is going to care what their consumers think about it. As far as why you should care? If you care about this game you'll want to see it received well and spoken of in a good light. Or did they say something that offended you and made you not care what they think about concerning everything else about the game?

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    It doesn't surprise me that some people may see the game this way. I really don't think most gamers care about this stuff and when they do see developers giving focus to social issues like "representation" in their game it could cause them to think they don't really care about the game itself. Whether or not there is any or even some truth to that doesn't matter. At the end of the day what matters is how well your consumers are responding to and receiving your product. Representation of the lgbt community may appeal to some people but it most certainly is not going to appeal to the majority of them.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    The art style was already pretty much gone,the contrast between the original and new maps was gigantic

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,344

    Exactly this, wont see any comments on "when is this happening" "why wont you address this"

    It's "here's a picture of my cat" DEV,MOD,BHVR then posts.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714
    • I like the map reworks, I think the new versions look much better than the old ones, plus they got rid of a lot of old infinite loops. And more recently the new version of Haddenfield is mechanically improved as well.
    • Clown’s buff wasn’t “meaningless”, he’s objectively more powerful than he was before the buff.
    • MMR is actually better than the old matchmaking system
    • I couldn’t care less about NFTs either way
    • The only Boon that was problematic was Circle of Healing, the others are fine. And Circle of Healing has been nerfed twice now and seems like it might be in a more reasonable range.
    • Sadako is not a “female version of Wraith”, anybody saying that is just playing her wrong.
    • They’ve had big balance changes most of the recent mid chapters, including big changes just recently to both Legion and Ghost Face. Saying “they don’t care about balance because they made David gay“ is utter nonsense.

    Yeah, whoever posted this is an idiot.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,285

    "Honestly I am not fond of Crunch thing in game companies but I think BHVR should :)"

    🤮🤮🤮 way to manage to write a line of text that's absolutely abhorrent no matter if it's serious or """"""""""""""""""ironic"""""""""""""""""""""

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    I love how everyone here is a senior software developer / firm owner.

    What you think? that they have 200 teams within dbd development? lmao

    BHVR-o-bots. Activate. Defense. Protocols.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,481

    Devs are -if at all- using the forums in their free time and are not supposed to comment on game decisions or community feedback (except for those devs that are working as community coordinator/manager or similar.. and Mandy and Peanits are actually giving many insightful comments). Also if there are important announcements, in most cases it wouldn’t make sense to announce those in a random forum thread. Those will get addressed in dev updates, and they have adressed many topics that the community wants answers to (SBMM tests and feedback in January dev update, most of the killer and perk changes, even direct community feedback like Boil Over and CoH changes).

    Mods are literally here to moderate and are not even directly working for BHVR at all.. I don’t know what you are expecting from them??

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759

    This is what a handful of South Korean people think**

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    bhvr has united people across the world. incredible.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    No the purpose of the forums is for us to argue over everything and not to do any type of constructive discussions on anything....RAWAR I'm right your wrong opinion is the only thing that counts.....

    Ahem....Did I get that argument right or did it need more hatred and unwillingness to see others views and points....

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,527
    edited May 2022

    As I said before the problem isn't the representation of LGBTQ, but the fact that their priorities are clearly focused on this matter rather than the game's health, and this is A UNDENIABLE Fact... my reports never answered, the bugs not fixed (hello there giant blob in midwich for example) and the last matches that I did speak for themselves

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    "Lore" team, suuure. Lmao. Anyway, I definitely disagree with some of their statements although most of them are obviously true.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    And Survivor players complain Nurse and Blight because they can't get easy game on both.

    Very biased dropping half truths like the previous changes in killers that had a specific reason accompanied by statistics, and not due to "popular demand".

    It's very easy to make a similar post pointing out things ranging from david being gay to the constant nerfs in survivors and end my biased view saying that killers just want "easy down 4k"

    Another us vs them. Typical.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Not interested what people who call other people morons think.

    Not going to read the rest.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,093

    I guess Lore team is the new Cosmetic team being blamed for everything wrong in DBD that isn't their job.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,758
    edited May 2022

    who cares pretty sure players from everywhere think the same

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,423

    That one had me rolling.

    Literally the whole article is a joke.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,481

    It really isn’t that big of a focus when it’s only one tweet among hundreds. It’s clearly parts of the community that currently focuses on the representation and really nothing else.

    reports and bugs werent fixed quickly before and won’t miraculously get fixed faster with or without lore having some representation.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    You have a poor sense of discernment if you think my reply above was my take on the lore but rather an opinion about how the DBD player base as a whole has differing views on the state of the game. If what the OP mentioned is actual criticism of the game from people who play it then I think that holds some weight to it. I know you felt moved to say something to me in the context you mentioned, but in all honesty it didn't make any sense in the context of what I was talking about. You might want to take a moment to think about what I said next time before replying to me.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    How do you know its just a handful? I know a lot of people who hold similar views who don't talk about the game on forums and social media.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 829

    Made some ok points but mostly bad ones and were disrespectful and up their own butt like they know better then anyone else. Sounds like your typical disrespectful "BHVR stole my lunch money" player that could come from anywhere.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    They can do what they want. What matters when you're selling a product is how many people you reach selling that product. The LGBT community isn't the only people who play video games. In fact I'd argue they are the minority. And of course in all fairness not everyone who doesn't support lgbt is going to stop playing the game because they choose to represent it in their game. But do you think some of them will?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    This is true! This is why its important to discern between opinions and facts. In all fairness they may see representation of lgbt as good for the game going forward based on data. I don't have the data, but I do have experience and in my experience the lgbt community makes up a small portion of gamers, but I could also be wrong.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,087

    Those South Koreans knows what's up.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,087

    They do have a point. Bhvrs doing everything except balancing the game.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,253

    This is a fair point. The game in recent time has had a few things done to it that I actually like on the development side of things. The Resident Evil chapter and Haddonfield map update to name a couple things I really like.

    That being said, it only takes "one tweet" for example to stir up DBD's very diverse community and keep the conversation about it going. You are right that it is only parts of the community that seem to focus on things like this, but they are part of the community nonetheless. I'd also argue a lot of them are not active on places like the forum here but make their voice heard in how they choose to support the game going forward.

This discussion has been closed.