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Ideas for new game modes

Chiky Member Posts: 598

I have been thinking of new game modes that could be added to the game to add variation. Since the game is extremely repetitive for both sides, a little form of variation would be very welcomed to stop players from abandoning the game.

Here are my Ideas:

-All random: You get to choose which character you are playing with, but all addons and perks are chosen at random from all existing perks and can't be changed.

-Buffed Play: Same as normal game mode, except players can have 8 perks instead of 4. I'd like 8 because it can be insane, but 6 can do the trick too.

-1v1: One killer. One Survivor. No hatch. No generators. No lockers (only killers can open them to reload). No basement. Goal: Survive for X minutes. When the time is completed, the hatch appears.

-Double Fun: 2 killers, 8 survivors, 10 generators. Everything else the same.

-Hardcore: Killers can get you mori on your first down. Everything else the same.

What do you think? Have tou thoight any other game modes that would be fun to play?


  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,694

    As badly as I want new game modes, after 6 years I don't see that happening at all. The same questions get asked in every Q&A stream because the devs are unwilling to implement things that the player base desperately wants like bots and new modes.

    Honestly after seeing firsthand everything you can do as a survivor in the new Evil Dead game, going back to DBD to just work on generators seems really boring. Not only does it have everything that we've been asking to have in DBD for years, but the thing I love most about playing as the killer in the new Evil Dead game is that there is no equivalent to gen rushing here, because the survivors are encouraged to take their time and search for better weapons and equipment otherwise they'll get completely destroyed. Bottom line, it's definitely more along the lines of what an asymmetrical horror game should now be.

  • entertainment720
    entertainment720 Member Posts: 246

    I love your creativity.

    I am thinking the 1 v 1 would have no perks?

    I also wonder if the hardcore mode would have a way to make it hardcore for the killers, too.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Here's what I think of your ideas:

    -All random: Good and viable, "randomize" option should already exist tbh

    -Buffed Play: Fun in concept, probably unplayable in practice (imagine 8 slowdown perks combos, healing perks and second chances etc...) the games would probably be very sweaty and very long.

    -1v1: Sounds fun and viable as well! I wouldn't forbid survivors from entering lockers bc some perks need them (inner healing & head on for eg), just greatly reduce the time a survivor can stay hidden in it before a crow shows up

    -Double Fun: So many people want this but honestly this is just going to be survivors slamming gens while one killer facecamps and the other chases someone else. Death on first hook is going to be the norm and killers probably won't get a 8k ever. Still think some games could be fun tho, who knows.

    -Hardcore: I would consider forbidding perks for killers to make it hardcore for them too (or at least reduce the number of perk slots), otherwide it's basically hardcore for survivors but easy mode for killers. Maybe lessen the number of gens too. The idea is good but the balance would be awful is everything was the same.

    The ones i would want implemented would be a randomize button but not as a different game mode and the 1v1 mode, so we don't have to go in custom games and can go against random people, maybe also the hardcore mode if it was more balanced.

    I also want to be able to play a customized game alone or against bots for practice but i don't think it counts as a new game mode

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    I'm not sure if 1v1 would have no perks, it would be too slow I think. But it can be teste with and without.

    As for hardcore mode for killers, I haven't really thought about it. Someone mentioned disabling their perks. Maybe even disabling all addons. The kille enters the trial with just the basic attack and the ability. The thing is, this is the mode I thought originally for me playing as survivor, not killer, and I really want a challenge :P

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,325

    They have always been against splitting the playerbase with extra modes and now with the player base shrinking they definitely aren't going to risk a split now.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    Not gonna lie, i was thinking a hide and seek one, but didn'y think anything creative enough. This one seems fine.

    The hunt one would be so fun to play. I'd love that one in the game. As set up, each player would load which killer they want to play as? A randomly chosen killer would be a good idea too. More balanced because if someone chooses nurse they have an advantage due to her speed I think...

    I also thought about a capture the flag mode, but instead of killers, everyone would be survivors. I love the idea that the "flag" is a survivor tho... Imagine this: 1 killer per team, 4 survivors per team. 2 teams. One survivor is marked as the Prey. Same set up for the hooks as you mentioned. The goal then would be for one team to get the enemy Prey, and hook it. Once they are hooked, another player on that team becomes the prey and a point is scored. When a team gets 4 points, they win. Survivors there can help their team's killer to find the Prey, and a new mechanic where a survivor can hold another for a few seconds so they can't move would be really cool to have.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 598

    I think it would bring more players to try new modes instead. It's like those rotating game modes in LoL and Aram. If they only had normal game mode i would had stopped playing lol years ago. The mix of different game modes makes it difficult to be completely boring.