does this community not find leatherface top tier????

ive heard some people in this community saying leatherface is not top tier
does this community finds leatherface not 'top tier'????
if you dont find leatherface top tier i dont want to know any other assumption you have about this game
He's top tier in his ability to force a 2K.
He's not anywhere near high tier in terms of power.
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They're all otz botz here bruh.
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He’s a bit weak outside of dead zones, and his notorious and unmatched ability to proxy and facecamp.
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If you consider consistently being able to get at least 1k top tier then yes I view him as a top tier. Otherwise no, bubba is Freddy before his nerf in the sense that he is just a pub stomper and that's it. They aren't bad but they aren't gonna get a 4k against a good team.
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it also depends on genspeed and first chased player
combine both with slowass entity phase its not guaranteed at all, if survivors not monkeyng around
actually no much difference between bubba and wraith since bubba also wm1 killer
you maybe placed at mid mmr which still someone gonna hide and stealth around wm1 killer and someone sit around hook
or not running and genning without reasons, classic na player duh-
than he can force 2kill now
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He is S tier for securing kills.
That's about it.
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You act like Lethal Pursuer, Corrupt, Deadlock, No way out and NOED aren't a thing lol
You can't force a 4K but you can easily get a 2K, if not then you're probably not that good with Bubba lol
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he can be played around in chase pretty easily.
Coordinated teams should be able to pull of a save against him if camping, it’s hard but not impossible.
There is not much of a mindgame with him that doesn’t end up being M1, as it’s not that hard to play around the saw and induce a tantrum.
Yeah if you can steer him and time the saw well and know how to manoeuvre to even deny BT, he can seem pretty strong, but he’s mid tier at best really.
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only corrupt is close to what you should looking for
you may need spirit fury,enduring,brutal,bamboozle for end first chase quick enough to try 2kills here
idk why our common sense is still too hard for na players
always i get answers when i see streamers you guys have and think its good
if we had bad skilled surv main like pug goes toxic or whine, our community will burn because theres no much left of killer players even in japanese server
we having long ass queue as survivor in new earth, because you guys still bad at this game
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He is top tier for camping and ensuring a 2k with noed.
In terms of his actual chase power I consider him to be low A tier.
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He suffers from the I lost purely based on having to walk from point a to point b problem
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Low A tier imo. S+ for camping. Pretty great at snowballing. Kinda feels map dependant. Pretty good in chases in dead zones and pretty great at eating pallets but kinda gets rekt by windows. Has pretty great addons imo for what its worth. Definitely not in the same tier as say, nurse so definitely not top tier.
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I take it you've never played him against high MMR survivors. You'll quickly see his weaknesses come out. They'll hug every loop so tightly and time every pallet throw perfectly. They'll abuse windows so much that bamboozle is basically a requirement.
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Leatherface is one of the best killers in the game. But people here think Sadako is strong and that Artist is better than Nurse or that Pinhead is top tier. Best not to take their opinions too seriously.
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actually we thought na for second earth already since killer players in kr dried, and it was 3years ago
it were not popular collab era of dbd, userpool was similar as now and no one played with console here
there were skill gap we not even minded ~200 ping as survivor because "more" loop and seal clubbing possible in na,
its insane since this game is all about timing and no brainer, high ping survivor only got massive penalty in chase
which every timing need dead hard for you guys but using dead hard not even allowed with that ping for us
but we thought better 'performance' possible because there no much nurse compare to our server
also we don't minded about spirit before nerf unless its surv "main" people and drifting billy was golden balance for most people
we never had word "instasaw" because it were 100% loopable and only that level of charging speed possiblity to not make billy same boring wm1 as others in chase, billy nerfed also standrad on na,
in that time you guys having conversation about is nurse skill or op
and it was pre-nerfed nurse, we never even count you guys same human being at that time
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oh my god you guys still using word "mindgame"
its too ancient for talking about balance because surely you and me not playing same game
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Yeah just dunno if I'm gonna take you seriously.
From the things you've said, the players you are facing don't sound very good. Granted, that's 95% of players.
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you not even worthy to say "git gud" because you don't knowing what my fingers pointing at
basically you are new orion, go defend yourself ill just wait 2years like other koreans
even 2years passed standard not applied to you, would i feel any worth?
thanks for you, i found hope from you and come back again 2years later with hope
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He is top tier when it comes to face camping, which, as we all know, is the pinnacle of skillful plays
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They are basically saying the the Korean servers are too far advanced for the rest of us mere mortals to understand. They're the best player ever, of course. Don't question them or else your bad.
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Enduring Spirit fury and Brutal strength are all redundant perks to leatherface's ability. His chainsaw when breaking pallet breaks pallet in 1 second. It is fastest pallet break in the entire game. Every time leatherface breaks a pallet, he automatically does spirit fury without drawback of spirit fury.
His only real weakness is chained strong windows. He can play around single windows with his chainsaw with add-ons, but chained windows are his cryptonight. bamboozle is only real chase perk he needs, it removes his weakness of chained windows. Single windows with bamboozle allow leatherface to break unfair pallets with complete ease.
Billy used to use Enduring Spirit fury with bamboozle because Billy's curving requires him to disrespect pallet stuns which made Enduring a very potent and necessary perk for good billy players. He is also had a bug where if he get stunned during middle of his chainsaw, He would keep charge on his chainsaw. Leatherface has no real reason to disrespect pallets in most cases so enduring is irrelevant perk and Spirit fury is redundant perk to his ability.
Billy had reasons to use it, leatherface has little reason to use it.
I think your misunderstanding nostrada96ass point.
He is saying that you can escape leatherface with 1 kill/3 escape by doing generators despite on generator slowdown. He is right on that. This is true. I'd say that from limited testing(30 games), The ratio was something like 8/10 games you would get 2k-3k as Leatherface by purely hard-camping hooks.
In practice, strategy should not very effective because generator progression is suppose to exceed hook regression. It is true if all of your teammates are perfectly optimized on objective, but soloQ has always been strictly not optimized in generator speed from lack of information. I think once they add survivor icons, the reliability of such strategy for killer will be less but I also think these type of games for survivor are not particularly interesting.
I think leatherface is most underrated killer in DBD and I think the reason is that leatherface towards survivors is like old billy with no add-ons. When you face bad old billies, you could loop billy for 5 generators because for some unexplained reason:
A big part of survivor and killer community believes that if you are good at killer, you can just auto-win every single game as killer with no add-ons and no perks with added twist of 30 second afk.
This isn't reality. Killers very much rely on their add-ons to empower their abilities to defeat strong players. billy very much relied on charge-time reducation add-ons to curve top-tier survivor looping. I would say Bubba is new billy. for strong survivor players, Leatherface is as bad as he was pre-rework against strong survivor looping. He is only powerful with particular set of add-ons if the killer player is exceptional skilled at understanding the limits of his chainsaw.
Only very few billy were good at curving with billy in the past, just like there was very few leatherfaces that are remotely good at using him. So most billy you face in the past were a joke to play against just as most leatherfaces are a joke to play against excluding the very few good ones. as such, Average player either thinks he is average/terrible where as Veteran players know he is strong.
Luckily for killer player, the fact that Casual survivors don't complain means that he preserves his strength. If only every other killer was like that.
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He's on the same level as killers like Oni (A tier imo) but not anywhere near Nurse, Blight and Spirit level.
His ability to camp is amazing though 👍
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He's B tier. His chainsaw is easy to dodge thanks to Windows, but he has the best Hook protection in the game
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He's a solid A. He mostly suffers in areas with tightly connected tiles. But that could be said about almost all the roster.
He's very consistent and straightforward otherwise. Definitely my go-to option when I want to switch off my brain.
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I would pay to see you play him against even a decent SWF.
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Giant maps exist and are plentiful. He has no mobility. He can down fast and his power quiclly males work of pallets. However he is still quote loopable and lacls the mobility to make an impact.
I will never bother to make any sense out of bubba facecamp/camp strategies for three reasons.
A. It boring as all hell dull and lacls any excitemt whatsoever bar the odd meme game.
B. On average youll get 2.5 survivours so its not even a comsistent 4k which im gald it isn't.
C. Did i mention its boring? You get barely any blood points so your not expand your roosters current perk selection.
Camp tangent aside his mobillity is his weankness and even then he is very loopable.
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LF is a pubstomper and efficient camper but against good survivors who time palletstuns and use windows efficiently his chasing potential is very limited. T3 Myers is more threatening on loops than LF
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Can tell you never watched Seth play Bubba. He is the Bubba mindgame king. Educate yourself.
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On the flip side high skill Bubbas can handle tight loops and probably also have Bamboozle in their loadout for exactly that reason. So that balances out.
Bubba’s main weakness isn’t trees and windows, it’s lack of map mobility. The only thing keeping him out of the top three killers in my book is he has to walk everywhere. But outside of that he’s not just good at face camping, he’s also a solid slugging machine since his chases and downs are shorter than usual and he can wreck pallets very quickly to weaken the map for the long haul. So you can do quite well with Bubba without face camping if you liberally slug and force pallet drops constantly to keep pressure going as much as possible throughout the match. Eventually you’ll have hooked a lone survivor three times that way, slugging others, and then the snowball can get you over the top to a win. It’s just that early game macro you have to watch out for because of the low mobility,
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Most of the fun killers are that way sadly.
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LF is very difficult to go against when you play Solo Q. He's easy to avoid because you can see him a mile away but once a teammate goes down the chances to snowball into a 4k goes up greatly.
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He's the best goalie in the League, I daresay.
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At getting a 1k by camping? Sure
Otherwise he is pitifully weak compared to other killers
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Top tier killers are the killers who can hang with the Top Tier 1% survivors. Bubba can not. He will get destroyed if he tries any of his camping/tunneling bullshit from low-mid MMR. The top 1% consists of mostly 4 man SWF’s & killer players who do not camp or tunnel. So if those killers use Bubba and play straight up, they won’t have a consistent win percentage up there. This is why you see so many Blights & Nurses when your favorite content creator streams. Now don’t get me wrong, there are players who can pull it off with him consistently, but they are very skilled, knowledgeable on all things DBD, and in the minority.