This right here is exactly why I left DBD…



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,217

    Complain? Where? I'm not, at all. The "no sense" part? It was just to point out the exact same thing.

    Again, doesn't matter to me. Use any label you want: face camping, camping, proxy camping, tunneling, slugging, tea-bagging, ... why not?

    Moving on ...

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Killers are the salt of the soup, they need to have fun. With all the teabags and clicky and broken maps its good they ask for changes, especially the broken Deadhard

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 441

    Hug tech is not an issue, neither is noed. I agree with the rest, though. A lot of killer mains, including myself, can be entitled.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,217

    Speaking of issues. I often read various complains about various things, usually driven by ignorance or laziness.

    However, I never see anyone complain about Iridescent Hatchet which feels like the most busted add-on in the game. It has always puzzled me.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 441

    Yeah, her Iri head is in a similar vain to Legion's Pills+Mural Sketch. Extremely busted, its just that not many people use them ( in my experience) because they are a gamble. If you aren't on your A-game, you will do nothing with your power.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I'm sure someone else pointed it out to you, but I wanted to ensure it was without going through this whole thread.

    There is no counter to Tunneling or even Camping. Yes, they're good, viable strats for Killers that make games easier- and it has been for years. But there really isn't any counter to it. You can maybe counter camping with a 1 for 1 and a team who knows to slam gens- but that level of coordination is difficult to achieve without comms, as anyone who isn't on the same page can lead to the game becoming a 4k really fast. To add to it, the only real counter to tunneling is to just... not go down in the first place, or to go down in a strong area and hope your team does gens in the mean time. DS only buys you time, and unless you have a team of pro-bodyblockers or the Killer you're versing doesn't know what they're doing, if they want you dead, you will die.

    Not saying they're not valid strats, or that they're going to absolutely win you every game without fail- but in most games, they're really strats with very little counterplay. Or, at the very least, counterplay with little interactivity.