Everything That Happened in the Anniversary Stream

Hey guys, it's your friendly neighborhood Adam main, and I wasted time watching the anniversary stream instead of finishing my exam studies lol.
Ok so, here's what happened:
Balance Changes:
It was said that roughly 40 perks on both sides will be changed.
Gameplay Improvements and QOL Changes to the Game:
Preset loadouts: You will now be able to preset loadouts and make loadouts and you will no longer have to individually equip perks! This will go for cosmetics too.
Matchmaking Incentives: You will now gain extra bps to play as the most needed role for that server.
The new Role menu, the menu will now be vertical. Check it out in the PTB now!
Prestiging can now go past 3. Prestiging a character will automatically unlock their perk on all characters.
Game flow refactor: While waiting for a match, you will now be able to check cosmetics, check archives, check the store, etc.
Archive update:, you will now be able to have both a Killer and Survivor challenge equipped at the same time. You will also be able to view full Rift Outfits.
Bots: Bots will now be able to be implemented into a custom match.
Streamer/Anonymous Mode: The premise of this is to make players feel safer in game. You will basically be able to you know, just completely remove names from your matches to keep everyone safe.
The beta tabs will be permanent.
Console Optimization: The team plans to implement console Optimization, but they said they need more time.
Renamed the finishing Mori, once you down the last Survivor the Mori will immediately start. Moris will be removed. RPD will also be reworked.
New Killer and Survivor+ Power:
New Killer is The Dredge. His power allows him to teleport to lockers.
When teleporting to a locker, he leaves behind a remnant, which can be returned to by pressing the attack button.
New Survivor is Haddie Karr. Y'all know her from the lore lol.
DBD will also have outfits from Attack on Titan. This could mean that we could expect collabs from Bleach, Demon Slayer, Naruto, etc.
New Killer and Survivor Perks:
Dwight's outfit:
He will cosplay as Eren Yeager.
Zarina will cosplay as a character I can't remember.
Oni will cosplay as an Armored Titan.
The new chapter name is Roots of Dread.
The new Map revolves around a city that seems perfect, but the residents are hiding something dark.
Haddies perks are: Overzealous, Residual Manifest, and Inner Focus.
Overzealous: After cleansing any totem, this perk activates.
You gain a 4% generator speed boost, this effect goes away after losing a health state by any means.
Residual Manifest: After blinding the killer, the killer is inflicted with the Blindness status effect for 30 seconds.
Inner Focus: You can see other survivors' scratch marks within 32m of you. If a teammate/survivor loses a health state within 32m of you, you will see the killer's aura for 5? seconds.
The Dredge Perks: The New Killer, the Dredge's perks, are:
Darkness Revealed, Dissolution, and Septic Touch.
Darkness Revealed: When you open a locker, any Survivor(s) within 16m of any locker's auras are revealed for 3 seconds.
Dissolution: 3 seconds after injuring a survivor, Dissolution activates, for 16 seconds. If that survivor vaults a pallet while Dissolution is activated, Nea will break that pallet.
Septic Touch: Whenever a survivor does a healing action in your Terror Radius, that Survivor suffers from Blindness and Exhaustion.
These effects linger for six seconds after a healing action is performed by any means.
New Map: The new Map is the Garden Of Joy.
New Map Offering: the Ichourous Loam
this is all freaking awesome.
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Loadouts have been something we talked about since like 2017 I think LOL glad we finally get them and also being able look at stuff as killer while in lobby
oh and give us back ability change killers in lobby
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True though.
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Yeah I don't wanna have to leave the lobby to change killers.
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yep def coming back to dbd
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Eh I don't think it's worth it.
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My thoughts:
- Queue incentives is a fantastic addition that is flying under the radar at present.
- Rebalancing the meta is going to be...interesting, but I'm worried that the nerfs to regression perks are going to shift things a bit too hard in one direction.
- Losing the BP bonus off BBQ is going to hurt.
- Tokyo Ghoul chapter when?
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left dbd for the grind thats kinda it why I left (except for the facecamp, slug, bm etc)
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Lots of nice QoL stuff, but the killer/survivor are garbage.
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Queue incentives are a bad bandaid for an essentially hostile killer experience.
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I'm glad I can put both a survivor and a killer challenge simultaneously.
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Super pleased with this year's anniversary stream. Currently downloading the PTB, to see what it's like. 😊
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It's a pain, but so long as killers have different MMR rankings, I don't see how that can change.
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EVERY TIME THERE'S A STREAM someone tries to steal GBK's thunder, lol.
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This content has been removed.
He never created these. Also I worked hard on this.
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They could've done better. The stream was I'll say mediocre at best.
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am worried about "Overzealous" is you cleanse just a totem after getting hit and hide the whole match that extra speed might get you pretty fast repair speed combined with resilience and prove thyself. (am just saying imagine that perk combined with a strong toolbox...idk 🤐)
also You gain a 6% not 4%.
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No Bubba camping changes? No basekit camping/tunneling counters? No increase to base generator damage or regression?
Then none of the other stuff really matters a great deal to me.
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bro I just got all killers to p3 with every perk and they add more prestige levels. I'm done lol
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I'm pretty sure the extra prestiges will give rewards.
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Honestly, this whole stream was nothing more than the same “we’ll be making changes soon™“ meme that has been ongoing for years. It’s incredibly easy to keep telling your audience “just wait for the awesome stuff we have coming!” and not actually follow through on any of it. Maybe I’m being unreasonable, but I’m getting pretty impatient. A lot of what they announced are basic changes that 1) shouldn’t take much time or effort to implement and 2) things that a lot of players have been asking for for years.
If you all of a sudden got excited about the game because of yet more empty promises, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. I hope BHVR proves me wrong this time.
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He makes them after literally every stream lmao
I respect that you worked hard on this, (and your speed in getting this out there) and I understand that you can't put a trademark on these type of posts, but if your motivation in making this thread was upvotes then I suggest you don't do it next time around.
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Yeah true. And this anniversary felt very unimpactful, we should've atleast got a licensed character teaser.
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I don't see your point.
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Yeah the whole thing reeks of desperation to me personally. They have ignored all this stuff and now that other similar games are out/coming out, they choose this time to fix stuff that we've been asking for for a long time? Seems off to me. Maybe I'm wrong but when they've put fixes off or say they are "too much work" , doesn't make me believe that these changes are anything but forced and not them caring about the game or what their player base wants.
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I ain't mad about it. As long as they are fixing their game I don't really care.