Meta perk changes better include NOED

Sick of seeing games that were really close and intense end in 4k instead if 2k because the killer brought NOED. Boo. Make killers have to earn it. Even DS has to be "earned".
I'm hoping it includes a noed rework yeah.
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Maybe the game would have ended sooner if the killer brought an early/midgame perk instead.
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With 40 perk changes announced and it split equally and of the most common and hence infamous perks I couldn’t imagine NOED is untouched
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Hopefully they understand what to do with it, and don't just nerf it. A mediocre, inconsistent perk like NOED needs a full, ground-up rework if you're going to change something about it, not just more limitations slapped on its current effect.
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Don't see why they would change a perk that doesn't activate. If killers want to play with 3 perks max, let them.
Hypothetically if they did change it; I wonder how the target 50% kr would shift and if buffs would be needed to bring killers back to it.
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If they don’t nerf noed I would uninstall, and I’m sure many people would do it also
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Keep noed as is and get rid of the movement buff. Boom done.
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I'd rather they just camp/tunnel people out of the game immediately instead of providing intense matches and cleaning up at the end with a perk they brought to do that - Tired of these cheap NOED deaths....Kill me BEFORE the end game, please.