Rework Nemesis Alongside RPD
Nemesis has to be the worst designed killer in the entire game. If the killer is halfway decent, they deny any form of skill from the survivor. Drop the pallet? Whip over it. Don't drop it and keep running? They put the whip away with minimal cooldown and M1s you. Try to juke it? Nemesis has complete control over his camera(Unlike Pyramid Head btw) and can lock onto you with the whips lingering hitbox.
The zombies are a whole other can of worms. The fact that they can just randomly waltz up the a gen that's being worked on and force every survivor to abandon the gen for awhile until the zombie slowly walks away from it is boring. Even worse if the Nemesis how Ruin and the gen loses tons of progress from something completely RNG. A zombie walking into a loop against a killer that is extremely anti-loop is boring. They just simply exist and you lose the chase even faster.
And while this isn't the fault of BHVR, it definitely doesn't help
No offense to Nemesis mains, I'm sure its fun on the killer side, but it's extremely unfun on the survivor side.
Nemesis is probably next to Demo as far as fair and balanced killers go, yes Nemesis is good at loops and that's his thing but you have an extra health state he has to build up his power and the zombies stare at walls half the game.
If you're struggling against Nemesis that's a you thing tbh.
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Nah, they can keep him as he is. Just nerf Pig again, that should be enough appeasement to show that they care about survivors.
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What? Do people actually consider Nemesis good?
I feel bad for the guy, whips are basically 3rd health states and unlike DH, this gives survivor a speed boost.
Even if you infect some one they can go pick up an item to undo that and next time you see them, they will again have 3 health states.
Your power starts out pretty weak and if you are against decent survivors by the time you unlock your 3rd tier its probably close to end game.
Crouching behind basically the smallest object renders you immune to his tentacle.
Tentacle not being able to injure a survivor when its breaking a pallet is hilarious. You get amazing moments like hitting a survivor vaulting a pallet and the tentacle i guess going through them to break the pallet instead.
Its an annoying to play killer. I would like to see him reworked so he either doesnt start at tier 1 or his infection cant be removed at all.
IMO he is just a noob stomper.
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What is fair about anything I mentioned about his anti-loop? Demo at least needs to be somewhat precise on his shreds and he gets punished pretty hard for missing a shred.
The extra health state hardly matters when all the vaccines are gone in the first two minutes and even with the 3rd health state, he closes in hits so fast that it hardly matters. I can run a killer for awhile if I'm able to actually use my experience in the game and use proper mind games and positioning, but Nemesis just pulls out his whip at pallets and vaults and suddenly nothing matters. Its just like DH, it ignores player skill and mindless.
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I don't think he's "good", I just think he's a horribly designed killer. He's very similar to launch Legion. You can still win against the killer pretty easily, but it was boring because the chase didn't matter because eventually you're going to go down and the chase wont be very engaging because old frenzy ignored player skill.
Crouching behind loops can dodge the hit, but Nemesis can just hold his whip and keep walking alongside the loop, you eventually have to get up to run or else he'll catch up. It hardly does anything against a Nemesis that actually knows what he's doing.
I'd agree about the item countering him and giving constant 3rd health states if there were more than 4 of them to share with the whole team.
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nemesis is fine if you ask me he just suffers from the pyramid head problem where every add on is essentially bad
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If all the vaccines are gone immediately that's something you and your team are doing wrong because that should not be happening. Like if you're taking vaccines the second you get contaminated that's just playing poorly.
Nemesis is fair because they have no mobility they just have the whip and they have to upgrade tiers. So if you're spreading out well doing gens should not be an issue. I'm not sure if you realize it but you can duck the whip at high loops and hitting the whip is much harder if the survivor hugs the killer so Nemesis absolutely has counterplay.
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Nemesis is fine. Leave him alone lol. He is fair and balanced killer.
He needs better add-ons and smarter zombies, that's all.
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The tentacle has a shorter wind up, can be put away quicker, can hit over pallets, has a lingering hotbox, can break pallets and gain more distance since he walks forward, and has much less of a punishment of missing than Shred. Which one sounds better?
And Huntress is slower and cant just put away her power while maintaining her 115 speed. You can continue to run through the pallet and keep looping and she cant just walk through and M1 like Nemesis can. They are completely different.
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Remove the ability to avoid Nemesis' tentacle by crouching and he'd be perfect
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All he needs is his rocket and better zombie control or ai
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nemesis is just boring honestly
one of the most underwhelming and repetitive killer powers for a horror icon like that is just. bad man
he's clearly just designed to be an easy killer for new players to pick up, no-effort map pressure (when the zombies don't glitch out and turn useless) and another copy-paste anti-loop power. i don't care how weak killers like sadako are, at least they're actually fun.
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I'd already be happy with the flamethrower.
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Nemesis is actually on the weaker side, the fact that he gives every single survivor an additional health state (which can be replenished up to four times via vaccines!) really cripples his early game. It takes far too long to get him to tier 2, that's when his tentacle finally becomes useful. If you ask me his pallet breaking should be available from the start, he's just too underwhelming against competent survivors. Also the fact that you simply can duck to deny his ability entirely is another annoying aspect to his power.
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I like Nemo because I don't like pallets as a killer. Getting rid of pallets/making pallets unsafe is his thing - survivors still insisting on using pallets as a safe heaven are usually the ones that are the easiest to down; pre dropping ones or "skilled pallet campers" are the survs getting the most value out of pallets with him. Or at least those two strategies tend to keep me busy with one survivor for a good while. Other than that it seems looping similar to how you would huntress seems to be a good strategy for vaults and tiles in general; breaking line of sight also seems to be a generally good idea if your Nemo really likes his tentacle.
And, since it sounded like someone wasn't aware: you do slow down when pulling the tentacle, similar to huntress winding up. Don't play huntress very often but it at least feels as though she is actually quicker to M1 after putting away a hatchet than Nemo after cancelling the tentacle.
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Nemesis himself is fine. His zombies are not.
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Nemesis is definitely poorly designed in my opinion. He's not unfair or anything, he's just really boring and uninspired.