An idea for both survivors and killers

xiozen Member Posts: 61

Now this may have already been mentioned before but watching the new killer in action gave me the idea of perhaps the devs adding a passive trait to all of the characters (including killers).

The passive could be unique to that character but not so strong as to being game breaking also it would add to their personality and individuality instead of being able to just swap out survivors (for example) without there being any major difference between them.

I think this would raise the level of complexity in this game.


  • NumiYumi
    NumiYumi Member Posts: 10

    This sounds good on paper but in the end there will be always one or two top tier survivors who have the best passive and most ppl would want to min/max everything possible. It's wouldn't be funny to see only, for example, Megs in your every lobby. It could also lead to ppl being mad because their favourite surv's passive is trash and they cannot really play them if they want to bring strong build in the trial. Not to mention that teammates in lobby will sometimes be toxic just because sb wants to play a character with weaker passive.

    All in all idea is really fun but it's probably better to just leave it be as it is and focus on other things.

  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246
    edited May 2022

    I think passives would be cool but maybe not individually for every survivor. Survivor perk metas are already super exclusive, imagine now having meta survivors. I can't hear fengs cries for too long or I'll go crazy.

    Maybe instead create four survivor archetypes, the supporter, the enforcer, the observer, and the brave or something like that.

    Each archetype does something unique, a special power. And each archetype has its own bloodtree, where you can spend bloodpoints to recieve new special passives and prestige the current ones to be more powerful. You can only add one special power to that archetype though, so you may have unlocked 3 or 4 special powers but only one can be added to your survivor.

    For example, the Supporters can have passives like

    -safe unhooks progressively increases your healing speed throughout the match

    -picking up a survivor from the downed state grants you aura reading ability for the rest of the match if the killer is nearby a downed survivor

    ... and much m6ore.

    And to encourage a more balanced stream of archetypes you could add specia powers that aid different archetypes. For example

    an Enforcer archetype power could be something like...

    -grant yourself gen repair speed when an a brave survivor is being chased

    ... and vice versa

    a brave archetype power could be...

    -stunning a killer with a pallet will grant observer archetypes aura reading on the killer for a short period of time

    I just think these could be interesting, killers could have something similar too.

    Brutal, Terror, and Ruthless archetypes.

    Each having their own passives that can aid in combating survivors.