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  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    Excuse me for not idolizing your deities.

    The Stranger Things case is enough to realize that the contracts are in permanent disfavour with BHVR, which proves that the negotiations are always only one way.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited May 2022

    I never even said it’s completely out of question that you might be right. But maybe stop acting like your assumptions are god-spoken. You are just assuming and you are not even considering that there might be other factors than BHVR that could have lead to the state we now have.

    and stop acting like you know everything when you actually stated that the Scream license was in DbD without a survivor or map.

    and how in the world is the Stranger Things case proving that the contracts are in disfavour for BHVR? Renewal of licenses works just like that and if it’s not getting renewed it can’t be sold anymore obviously, otherwise, everything else stayed in the game and BHVR can also make balance changes etc for Demo.

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    I know very well that they only have the Ghostface costume, and that is enough to prove to me their incompetence in the management of licenses. They just crumbs instead of trying to offer something grand and respectful to each license.

    Between the current state of the game and the catastrophic management of licenses, you really have to be naive to believe that BHVR knows what they are doing. And I repeat and will repeat it, the second chapter RE only serves to bring back the sheep of the first chapter who left from last August. BHVR is so deep abyss of incompetence that they can play on the ephemeral success of a chapter on license.

    And yeah, I'll keep my divine words whether you like it or not. When we see the mess that is DBD, we can only regret that it is a studio as unqualified as BHVR that takes care of it.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited May 2022

    Few things:

    1. this means that older licenses could be expanded upon and getting extra maps
    2. Texas chainsaw massacre doesnt have a survivor either. Nor do Billy, Trapper and Wraith. Not really an issue.
    3. Meg, David, Jake, Dwight and Claudette do not have a killer either. Nor does Ash(cant believe people keep forgetting Ash is licensed)
    4. L4D doesnt really have a specific killer, Bill was pulled into the Entity after dying, none of the L4D infected really had bloodlust. Sure, they would attack humans on sight, but humans werent really hunted down by them.
    5. Scream license was just the mask. So there was no licensed map or survivor. L4D had no killer, and maps tend to be tied to killers. Texas Chainsaw Massacre technically has a map, as Coldwind Farm gained a map on it's release(and Coldwind Farm was already heavily based on TCM locations). Hellraiser doesnt have a map as the box being opened only really summons Cenobites when opened outside of hell, and there isnt really a location bound to Hellraiser that is significant. Ringu kinda suffers the same thing. There is a map if there is a common location. For Jason? Camp Crystal Lake would easily fit. For Chucky? I mean, maybe the toy factory as that one appears twice, but even then, not really a location. Ash does have locations, but no killer(same issue with L4D)
    6. Maps for Blight, Twins, Trickster, Hellraiser and even Ringu were skipped to rework older maps. We basically got all existing maps renewed which was absolutely neccesary.

    As for adding another RE chapter for RE fans. No, there are simply a few common requests for licenses. Wesker and Nemesis were both demanded heavily. I wouldnt be surprised if Wesker was originally intended to be the year 6 anniversary and agreed upon when Nemesis was being added. Technically, Silent Hill has made an appearance through Nurse before, as Nurse is based on the nurses in Silent Hill. Billy was based heavily on Bubba.

    As for the improvement for the HUD in SoloQ, while in a game like VHS its fully needed as the game is heavily based around comms, in DBD there are non-comms teams that are stronger than a lot of comms teams. So you need to consider that into the design, meaning you cant just copy-paste the things from VHS to DBD. You'd have to playtest the given information first and adjust how much info is given, how the info can be interpreted, how you want the info to be interpreted and if the info can be used in other ways other than just gaining info on teammates. That takes quite some time. In addition of other things that have a bit more priority than improving SoloQ experience with 10%, like changing the meta in a way that improves the SoloQ experience with 60%.

    As for improvement on the long term, I mean, look at the state of the game before each anniversary. It's definitely improving a lot. The changes to improving the game are not big enough to notice between updates, but its massively improving. Look at the 2020 anniversary and people could remove 3 totems from the game and still DS the killer. Look at the 2019 anniversary and you have killers running Pop and Ruin together, slowing down games so much that even Billy was an S tier killer. Billy dropped to an A-tier killer after the ruin nerf(which is why so many people claimed the old ruin was better, even though the new ruin is objectively stronger, but lacks synergy with pop). 2018 anniversary and you have people proxycamping the obsession on the hook with a mori, while using Ruin, Pop and Dying Light, basically guaranteeing 3 kills with effectively 0 effort.

    Does the game improve too slow for your liking? Take a break for a bit, dont suffer through a game you currently do not like to play. I am currently on a "break". I only play like 12 hours a week at best, when I used to play easily 32 hours a week. I have taken a 2 year long complete break, no playing DBD at all, before that aswell. So this is coming from experience. You're burned out from DBD, take that break.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    It was the music also that really got me attached to the Silent Hill lobby and chapter. Hearing that eerie Silent Hill music combined with DBD's theme was just amazing. The art and sound departments for DBD are spot on. I really hope we can personalize lobbies one day.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Perk overhaul. I literally can't play killer right now. Every time a survivor uses dead hard to extend a chase it gives me the feeling that I get waking up for work in the morning.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    There's alot of little nice stuff but nothing really exciting for me.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Yeah pyramid heads lobby theme is amazing. Easily one of my favorites. I really wish we could chose our music and lobby background