Idk why the finisher mori is an issue??

I understand some players are complaining that if you’re the last survivor alive and you get downed, you won’t be able to use DS, power struggle and flip flop.
But it’s not like that happens often anyway and you know you’re most likely dead at that point. I don’t see why it’s a problem.
Mechanic is fine. But we have not choice, that's my problem. It should be optional.
Maybe i wanna give hatch to last survivor? Or i have hook mission? Or i am trying adept my killer, so i wanna get more hook points?
Mechanic is alright but it should be optional, not automatic.
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It takes agency away from the survivor and killer at the end of the game, forcing both to watch a canned animation for..... What reason?
It's pointless at best and harmful to a lot of fun stuff that can happen in the end game at worst.
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I’m fine with BHVR making mori or hatch optional.
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"why the finisher mori is an issue?"
Because despite the survivor being in dying state on the ground, and the last one.... they still feel entitled to one more chance.
Nothing else.
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I like it as yellow mori becoming basekit, but I’m not too happy with it being triggered upon hit.
No final BBQ stack, no destroying remaining pallets/walls.
Also, watching the final survivor being carried into the sky after a tense match is really cathartic. With a forced mori it’s… eh.
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I dislike stuff being forced onto me
zero reason why it should be automatic
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Well it won’t be here until the fall so maybe the devs will implement an option to carry the survivor to a hook or hatch.
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Well, for adept you would hope they would realize that and give you merciless anyways
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I like Carrying my Jill’s and Claire to hatch😔
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People saying "because I want to carry someone or give them a hatch" is what is wrong with the player base.
It's not "Kumbaya By Daylight" people!! You wanna give people nice escapes. Go play "Care Bear Simulator". Honestly!!
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I will play Dead by Daylight. And if i am on good mode, i will give hatch to last survivor.
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I've never considered the player base especially toxic, but that has to be the first time I've heard of kindness or sportsmanship being "what is wrong with the player base" 😆
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gee sorry that I sometimes give hatch if the last guy did well or was unlucky
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I think the only problem is being automatic, it would be good to give us the choice of moring for free or hooking them.
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How often do we see Cypress Moris these days? No one uses them, because they´re worthless.
Same goes for the new mechanic. Even when it will be basekit, we´ll barely see the mori sequence.
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Talking about being entitled. LUL.
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The only critisism on it I can understand is when people say they want it to be a choice - but then I also understand the flip side of that coin, where making it a choice would enable the Killer to bleed out the Survivor out of spite, which would go entirely against the idea of this mechanic saving everyone some time.
But yeah, anyone complaining that it "robs them off potential escape attempts" has some strong Copium.
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The end mori would most likely count as a hook.
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Because for the last 6 years almost everyone has been up in arms about how "free" things given to either side are not a viable solution. I don't care if it's the last survivor and it's their last hook, there should still be player agency even in situations that might seem unwinnable. Doesn't matter if it's a killer wanting to carry for the hatch, a small chance that the killer can't make it to the hook because a hook is gone, if it's a DS proc, Using Unbreakable because the Killer doesn't wanna pick you up for some reason, or whatever the situation could be.
Honestly, those are the most memorable and intense chase moments, especially when you have your squad in the background hyping you tf up during those moments. It gives you all something collectively to cheer for and share a moment, and if you pull off the 1v1 escape its only the cherry on top. Now killers can just be given the last kill for free on more quality interactions like that which many people enjoy. That is very important because this game has recently had a lot of things that are not so enjoyable and now we are just supposed to be fine that they get rid of more things people like? What's to like about that?
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on2 -
Which is your choice. I disagree with you doing that, but your game and your choice.
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Because you can be kind and show sportsmanship without giving someonethe hatch. And the problem is that people doing this a) creates expectations and fuels survivor entitlement, and b) is kind of condescending and disrespectful. Actually rather unsportsmanlike.
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Faster games will benefit us all. I hope they also make the end game collapse automatically when the last gen is completed.
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If he did well you wouldn't need to "wipe his backside" or hand feed him his "Farleys Rusks". Do what you will, by all means, but I have issues with this, as apparently the only way to "be nice and respectful". Hogwash.
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The issue can be easily fixed.
Killer downs last survivor.
Prompt comes up with a 10 second delay: Mori or release?
You pick, event happens, everyone happy, yes?
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Re: Giving last survivor the Hatch
The simplest thing to do there would, to me, just be don't down them and let them find it. Or close hatch and give them gate.
Though I do wonder what happens when the survivor is downed separately from the Killer (nemesis zombie, honing stoned bear trap, failure to mend, etc)
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Several reasons:
-There are many situations when the survivor would have had a guaranteed escape that's now an instant kill. Downed right on top of gate or hatch, DS, Soul Guard, downed near open gate with no hook nearby, downed far away from the killer at a hatch offering location while other teammates left through the gates. That's not fair.
-Giving hatch is dead now, and many people actually liked that. It also prevents you from having one last chase with a survivor you plan to spare if you catch, or last minute mercy decisions via item offerings/boops/hatch spawning on the way to a hook.
-This is coming at the removal of mori offerings, so the ability to mori all four survivors is gone now. Reducing the state of moris to basekit cypress moris is pretty lame.
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I'm in agreement with the majority. It denies optional interaction between players at the end of a game, which sometimes leads to the most hilarious and memorable moments. Making every 4K game end in an automatic mori would make games incredibly predictable and boring. Just make yellow mori equivalent base kit to give the killer the option, and if they want to use it THEN it will transport the mori animation to a pre-determined portion of the map. That is literally all that needs to be done.
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Imagine calling giving the last survivor hatch after a hard-fought game and several pulse-pounding chases unsportsmanlike. Hatch is literally saying "this was a great game and I appreciated playing against you; you earned this."
I've seen, like, two survivors get mad at me for giving hatch versus well over a hundred thank-yous and ggs. If you have a complex about it, fine, but I'm pretty sure you don't speak for the average player here. If anything, the 'my opponent showing me mercy is unacceptable and condescending and I need to beat them myself' implies an ego issue on your end, not anyone else's.
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This new mechanic is great for the games health. Killers can no longer bleed out survivors out of spite and it gives the match a much more satisfying ending. Gone are the days where killers are afraid to pick up the last survivor as well. If anyone wants to give hatch then either the killer can refrain from downing them or the survivor can jump into a locker.
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Nah. I just choose to pkay the game as intended, and show respect by not showing pity. Also, sound slide you probably give money to charity... then tell everyone you have given to charity 😂😂
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Also, I never claimed to speak for the average player. I was giving my opinion. I said as much.
I dislike that now everyone shouts and "boasts" about giving the hatch out of pity, that everyone else is expected to. Or at least you are "not a nice person" if you chose not to. That is why I have an issue with it. The bragging and the expectation it sets. On the flip side I don't expect survivors to hand me a kill if they stomp on me (which happens a lot lol). I don't thank someone for showing me pity. Want to be nice to me... play the game as intended, within the rules, respectfully and fairly......and what will be will be. That's respect for your opponent! Or if you must.... give the hatch without feeling the need to broadcast it.
That is my opinion.
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Yeah, the inability to perceive hatch as anything other than pity is definitely a you problem, because that's probably not why it's being offered. Which, hey, you do you, but please don't project your insecurities over the community at large. Some of us actually enjoy a nod across the aisle from time to time.
And I'm too broke for charity, dude. I'm just incredulous that anyone's actually claiming giving hatch is BM.
As for the rest - I mean, I'm bringing up giving hatch because it's incredibly relevant at the moment? It's a feature that's about to be taken away and going "hey, I do this, I like doing this, I like having it done to me" is the clearest way I can think of to plead for it. If you don't care for hatch, that's totally fine. I really don't care or think the way a killer wraps up a trial reflects on their character unless it's, like, "I always drag the survivor to hatch to close it in their face, bring them to gate and yank them off it at the last second, and then bleed them out while nodding." People are allowed to play for keeps, nothing remotely wrong with that. Nobody's ever owed hatch or has the right to expect it. But it is nice to have the occasional friendly interaction at the end of a match, and your take was pretty damn accusatory about the whole thing, so of course I was going to react to it.
As an aside, I'm kind of curious whether you think dropping an item in front of the killer before you leave is a pity move as well? Because that's what I've come to understand is the clearest way to indicate respect to a killer. And I've always perceived that and hatch as the same message; "this was fun, I enjoyed playing against you, GG."
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people wanting to offer the last survivor the hatch for whatever reason is not a bad thing
On the other side, a survivor giving a killer a free kill at the end of the game is also not a bad thing
we as a collective player base do what we want so long as it isn’t breaking the rules, and showing empathy isn’t breaking the rules
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Not being able to hook the last survivor after a done match on Midwich or something is kinda annoying.
If you REALLY wanna spare someone, cant you just not down them?
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That's not the problem. Problem is that as killer I can't let last survivor escape and carry her to hatch or exit gate. It just make it very hard to show that you let them escape and show some friendliness.
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Well other way is just to farm with them and let them escape then I quess?
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I get some people not wanting it to be automatic because of some niche situations to which I can empathize and potentially agree but I don't get the hatch complaint. I give people hatch all the time, almost every game I win in and in the new system you can just not down them if that's what you want. If you want someone to have hatch then just give them the hatch or close it and let them have the door instead.
Wanting to down them first to show you're on top before giving them a pity/mercy escape just for the sense of superiority and dominance is being a smug af winner. I have no problem with that being removed.
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I too worry about not having the option to give the hatch to the last survivor. I don’t always do it if I’m being honest, but I’d still like the option available when necessary.
I do understand the reasoning behind having the last survivor be instantly moried - I guess it should slightly speed up the process of the end game, and should give a satisfying conclusion.
I was thinking there could be a way around this - perhaps when the last survivor is downed, there is an on screen prompt for ‘mercy’ or ‘Mori’. If the killer chooses the former, they are automatically picked up and auto-guided to the hatch somehow with no interaction. If they choose the latter, they get moried and the match ends - thoughts?
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve accidentally drawn out the game because I’ve taken forever to find the hatch to give to the survivor haha 🤣
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Then people shouldn't expect everyone to do the same. Or assume that if you don't do it then somehow you are not showing empathy or respect. That's my issue.
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I think it best we choose to end this debate and agree we both have a different perspective on this ok.
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Nothing about this new change prevents you from letting the last survivor go out the hatch. Just don't down them first.
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No. Play the game as intended. Don't cheat and make sure you play fair. That is how you show respect to your opponent. This whole hatch debate seems to forget that. To assume you have to go out of your way to "be nice", or the implication that acts such as this is the only way to be nice is wrong. You get the 4k, fair play. You get 0k, fair play. Respect and move on.
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To respond to various comments here:
- Nothing in this change prevents you from letting the last person out the hatch. Just don't down them and BOOM they can use the hatch, done!
- I agree that the last person downed should count as a hook for purposes of missions and things like BBQ and Chili and pips, etc. That can hypothetically be done in the automated system just fine though.
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Well I want to win so I can't play fair always. I have lost easy 4K:s sometimes because I wanted to hook everyone twice before killing anyone. So sometimes you just have to be evil and cheat.
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Nah. Respectfully disagree. And again this is what I perceive to be a problem with the community entitlement. You shouldn't have to hook everyone twice before a kill to "play fair". And not doing so is not being evil or cheating.
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They should have made the iridescent mori basekit and something that you have to earn through the match rather than just forcing the yellow one.
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As survivor, I'm fine with the change since it gets me out of the game faster and onto another. The times I wiggle out and get hatch is so rare, it's better this way, overall, for me.
As killer, the only issue I really have is that I might have to play an extra game to finish a tome challenge.
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This stops survivors from crawling to a quiet corner of HECK until they fully bleed out. This robbed killers of their Mori’s, specifically the Yellow Mori, in the first place.
Survivors simply have to be standing up if they want the hatch. They can’t be lying down. Killers can have them wiggle free, and survivors must expend their Unbreakable before the animation gets them.
This buffs Rancor really well too. Just make sure 2 survivors are alive when all the gens are done. You will get 2 Mori’s if you play your cards right. The obsession, and the last survivor.
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"Just don't down them."
I like to play the match to a conclusion. To me, that means either I down the last survivor or they escape. Once I've downed them, I'd still like the opportunity to choose to give them hatch or the gate (as I do in probably half or so of my wins).
If the issue is bleeding out survivors, just add an interaction where you can hold down space or something similar, to massively speed up the bleed out timer.
I really like the Mori or Mercy idea, except I'd have Mercy just spawn a hatch within a few meters of the survivor and disable the Killer's pick-up ability. It's quick and easy and allows both types of play while eliminating toxic endgame shenanigans.