Gameplay Concept - Generators Debuffing

I wrote this up initially as an idea for a Trapper rework but realise it might have something going for it with the meta perk stuff going on.

The overall idea is that survivors have one or more periods of negative status effects / cautionary slowdowns applied as each gen is completed. The lore is that as each gen gets completed, the Entity is pushing back against the players (survivors). As a concept:

After the first generator is completed, there is a period of "Exhausted Status".

After the second generator is completed, also add a period of "Blindness Status".

After the third generator is completed, also add a period of "Hindered Status".

After the fourth generator is completed, also add a period of "Oblivious Status".

After the fifth generator is completed, also add a period of "Incapacitated Status".

There are a lot of variables possible.

I also put this specifically into a new character where perhaps it works better -

Might or might not work in all contexts, but an interesting idea for the right context.

Maybe it's a better idea for my new Totems concept - @Peanits