Issues with the the new chapter of DBD

Icaurs Member Posts: 564
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So the new PTB chapter came out and there are some massive issues with the DBD.

Firstly the Dredge. His power simply does not work. Once a survivor knows they are versing the dredge, why would they ever enter a locker? How does that work in a chase? If a survivor is running from the killer, why would they enter a locker, maybe to escape, but they know they are versing the dredge, so why would they? So what about outside the chase. Well again, if they know they are versing the Dredge, the counter is to avoid lockers. Entering a locker is just not worth the risk. Sure he can teleport, but actually grabbing survivors in theory, should never happen. Making him another killer, with no real chase power, but the ability to teleport around the map.

Second the killer perks. Dissolution is simply broken. It breaks the foundation of loops, the ability double back as a survivor. When injuring a survivor by any means, any survivor within the terror radius does The perk is so broken, imagine it on killers such as Legion and plague. I'm sure players will try to explain why the ability to break a pallet while moving is completely balanced. But even if you don't agree on that., are we even playing DBD anymore? Survivors have been losing agency more and more so during DBD's history, but now a perk exists that simply forces survivors to run in a straight line, because looping at pallets will no longer be viable. Remember this perk applies to all survivors, not just the one that is injured.

Then there is the second perk Shattered hope. For the longest time, the survivor meta has been stale and has been in need of a change. New survivor perks tend to be... underwhelming but we finally had a meta change with COH. I want to say that I did not like COH, but it was finally nice to see a new change for survivors. But of course if anything is strong for survivors its too strong, and was nerfed twice. But ok, its now nowhere near as strong as it was, but its still far then other boons, so I can see it being used at high end matches. Now shattered hope exists, all boons are no longer viable. I can understand the ability to shut down COH, but none of the other boons are anywhere near strong enough to allow such as a strong counter. Will they buff the other boons to be at the same strength at COH to justify shattered hope. It's unlikely.

Lastly there is the new survivor perks.. They are terrible. Inner focus is just.. uninteresting. The ability to see survivors scratch marks, is simply a gimick. There is nothing wrong with this, but its not exactly viable. The ability to see the killers aura can be useful, but at 32 meters, and only for 5 seconds when they were injured. Its just not useful. Then there is Residual blindness. The blindness status affect only lasts 30 seconds, and killers do not rely on aura reading all that much anyway. It does guarantee a flashlight a flashlight, so its not terrible. Its a bit of a gimick but its by far her strongest perk. Lastly there is Overzealous. I am unsure how true this is, however I believe that the time lost, in order to activate the perk, by breaking a totem, you would need to repair between 2-3 generators before actually gaining value. This isn't even accounting for the fact that you lose it, if you are injured. 2 terrible survivor perks and one gimick perk.

I know this is PTB, and subject to change, but as it stands, the devs need to address all of this before releasing it to the public.


  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    edited May 2022

    Well, you seem to have misunderstood the new killer and the Dissolution perk and also just not know what you're talking about.

    Being able to teleport to any locker on the map from anywhere and from locker to locker and back to your original starting point is about a hell of a lot more than hoping you teleport to a locker with a survivor inside it. I don't think anyone would actually go into playing the Dredge with that in mind as how to use the character. That just doesn't make any sense.

    His power is very useful at loops because all you have to do is set down your Remnant and its the equivalent of the Artist placing a Crow. You can't loop there anymore because Dredge will just zip back to his Remnant and smack you.

    Dissolution requires you to be chasing a healthy survivor, injure them, and then 3 seconds later for 20 seconds yes, if a survivor vaults a pallet inside the killers terror radius that pallet is broken, and the perk deactivates. So just, hold W and leave the tile or loop around the tile and the pallet. If a Dredge player wasn't using this perk they could just put their Remnant at the Pallet anyway and it'd have the same effect.

    This perk would be useless for Plague and Legion because everyone is always going to be injured against Plague so... she won't have any healthy people to hit to activate the perk with, same goes for Legion who doesn't care about dropped pallets anyway because they'll just vault them or they'll be using a Legion Pallet Eating build and they'll break them when they vault them or from Spirit Fury, so there's no point for Legion to use this power either.

    It could be good on other M1 killers that need some chase power help and its about time they got some.

    There is nothing wrong with Shattered Hope. If a killer wants to dedicate a perk slot to exclusively stomping Boon Totems, then that means you still have 5 chances per map to have a Boon active on the field. This just means you can't keep re-enchanting the same totem over and over and over and setting up camp around it. Think of all the annoying killer perks that can't be brought in this spot instead, and if the survivor team doesn't bring a Boon then your killer just has 3 Perks.

    I can't defend Haddie's other two perks much, but Blinding the killer for 30 seconds? A killer that's not able to see anything but Scratch Marks? Not their Generators? Not their Hook and Scourge Hook Auras? No Trap auras for Trapper or Hag? No fountain Auras for Plague? No survivor Aura reading at all?

    Yeah, no thanks. That's kind of super annoying. That's a good Perk.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 313

    Ah sorry just point I think might be wrong im not 100% sure but I don't think scratch marks count as aura reading so would that perk actually block vision on scratch marks?

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    It doesn't block Scratch Marks, that's why I said "anything but scratch marks".

  • glauxii
    glauxii Member Posts: 2

    Yeah, the killer seems fine. And FUN to play against.

    I will add to Dissolution, however, that it just requires a survivor to lose a health state, but I don't think it helps out plague and legion that much anyway save for about 3 seconds to break the pallet.

    Importantly, if you think you're not going to make the pallet vault before the hit, don't vault the pallet to help spend a little more time as a survivor. As a killer it's a time saver to break the pallet.

    I was playing survivor on PTB yesterday, and found I triggered dissolution when I was put into the dying state while vaulting. I was the new spirit fury all along.