Soooo. What's the point of sadako

Dredge is just her but better. Better teleport, actually has anti loop. Yea sadako as condemned. But you get that like once every 50 matches. I'm sure the owners of sadako are real happy knowing everyone will be playing a free killer and not theirs
Cool license makes my brain dispense the funny juices.
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Definitely needs changes with him around.
Manifesting needs to add condemned progress to those that witness it, on a 30 second cooldown.
More speed boost bonus after projecting
Condemned adds exposed
De-manifested offering some kind of anti-loop being able to walk through dropped pallets or something.
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She child :)
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Dredge is a solid killer but it’s not “just Sadako but better”. Aside from the broad statement that they both can teleport around the map they aren’t really similar.
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Sadako has a stealth form.
Sadako gets a speedboost from teleporting.
Sadako is easier cause less teleport options.
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Apparently, Nightfall will be a stealth mode for the Dredge too once it's working properly, either he will be harder to see (which is already basically just as good since Sadako isn't even really that stealthy in stealth mode) and he won't even light up like he does unless he's in hitting distance of you.
And having less TP options? That's a difference alright, but not one I'd highlight as a point for them existing. Especially considering his TP mechanic is just overall better... She has him beat with the speed of TP outside of Nightfall I guess, but 100 second cool down?...
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Sadako makes me happy inside and Dredge does not. Also she had actually useful perks.
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Anyone with eyes and headphones can counter her stealth,she gets a speedboost yes, after an incredibly telegraphed tp that also tells you where she is coming from so you should realistically never get hit after a tp, and last point is true shes easier.
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I disagree those Dredge is better Sadako comments. But i agree with one point. Sadako needs buffs. I mean we already have better teleport killers, Dredge will be one of them.
Sadako's other power is useless, they need to buff it. It almost imposible to make 7 stacks if survivors ignore televisions.
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The two do actually feel pretty distinctly different, but Condemnation should be changed/buffed to further separate them from each other.
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Oh no. She needs buffs.
But that doesn't stop her gameplay style making me happy :)
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I think you forgot that it’s mainly about winning and not who’s the most fun.
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People who haven't had time to understand killers always think a new killer is just a better version (or worse) of an older one. People said "whats the point of the deathslinger, he's just a worse huntress". But they both have their place and uses.
The Dredge's teleport across a map is blindingly slow, I'd say Sadako CAN have better map control, there are a lot of variables at play there though with TV timers. With a proper buff to condemned she could be a threat for sure.
Drudge definitely has better anti-loop though, no doubt. They have similarities but there is definitely a place for both.
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Winning is fun. Losing and having no chance it anti fun
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Is winning when the other side has no chance also fun?
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I love her too, she is my third main after Nemmy and Nurse. I loved her design, powers etc. But i would not say "No" to buffs =)
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the TVs being turned off should not effect her teleporting. It should just click the tv back on once she teleports. That is huge limiting factor for her. Turning off TVs should only help reduce condemned for survivors in some way.
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She’s not a child
Samara from the American remake is a child
Sadako from the original Japanese film is an adult
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Oh, I didn't know that. I've only been told that she's a child xd
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To make the Dredge seem better than he his
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I'm not saying that Sadako doesn't deserve to be a buffed a bit - my hope would be for condemned to get a rework. But as it is, Sadako is a Jack of all trades but Master of None. She has different tools at her disposal that are all OK - another killer that I feel about in a similar way is Demo.
I quite honestly don't think these Jack of all trades types are awful against average survivors - I know there are people who insinuate they only play SWAT teams but I'm inclined to disagree. Not saying I never struggle as killer but there are also a lot of very average survivors playing this game! I do understand that this game can be very frustrating and feel imbalanced and it can feel more rewarding to go with a killer that masters one or several of their strengths. Personally, I believe/hope that if solo queue was buffed a bit then it would be possible for below-meta-killers across the board to be buffed too. As it stands, however, you can't really do this
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Call of brine.
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That scenario only exists as survivor in this game, but no
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So what about Blight with Ruin Undying PGTW Corrupt Alc Ring Blighted Crow against four solo queues? It’s not like that scenario is that uncommon either.
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You’d have to ask SWF that get matched against poor Sadako :’)
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If the solos are good, they win.
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Well... uh... Sadako is cuter?
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She is our first cute killer. That's a win in my book.