The Journey to Prestige 3'ing everyone

As I'm sure a lot of people are doing after the Anniversary stream, I'm grinding to Prestige 3 all of my survivors. So I wanna see how many characters everyone has P3 already and how the grind is going so far them.
Currently, I have 10 out of 30 survivors P3!
4 characters are P2 and the rest are P1, with the exception of Jonah and Ash who I have yet to Prestige at all.
Depending on what information we get in terms of a time frame for the Prestige update, I'll consider getting some killers to P3 as well. Still debating. I don't really play killer seriously enough to warrant the grind for it as well.
So how is everyone else doing with prestige?
Prestige 3'd Trapper and Jake years ago for PS trophy, haven't bothered with any others as to me its a pointless feature. Had there been decent Prestige based cosmetics or things worth Prestiging for, I would have done. I main Oni and only have him at 2.
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I've been playing for like...two and a half years at this point.
I have a handful of peeps at Prestige 2 and Zero Killers prestiged even to 2 :D
I just never really got into prestiging. I have so many damn add ons and items for everyone that I just never wanted to burn it all to prestige and start over again.
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Currently 19/30. Working on Yun Jin who's like p1-30 ish. The others that I haven't prestiged yet are at lvl 50.
I was getting everyone to p3-50, but now they've kinda announced a timeline for the rework I'm gonna stop at p3-1. It'll save me like 1.5 mill bp each.
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Since the announcement, I prestiged Freddy from 2 to 3, and Pinhead from 1 to 2. The rest was already at this level.
I realised I don't need to get Freddy to level 50 to get the reward, so he might just stay at level 26 for a grand while.
I don't think it's feasible to P3 all survivors in time. Though, there is a bloodhunt coming up, so I might make some solid progress yeet.
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22 Survivors P3'd
20 Killers P3'd
I stopped when Felix came out as I started playing less and whenever I wanted specific items or addons for a killer I never had the BP to get them, I'm going to begin working on P3ing everyone before the change happens so I can have all perks.
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THis is gonna be the most epic grind ever with the Bloodhunt coming.
May you all bathe in bloodpoints
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Since I've leveld up almost everyone to 40 or higher, I'll probably prestige my favorite survivors/killers to p3 if possible by the release date just to get the bonus they're giving out for it. I'm not really playing the game at the moment until all these fixes go into place.
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I have 14/14 Survivors and 8/17 Killers, take on account almost everyone at P3 has all perks except 14 (Yoichi, Jill, Leon, Jonah and 1 for Zarina and Cheryl) and all except 9 (Nemesis, Sadako, Pinhead), if I were to just P3 them I would have everyone at that rank already, what really takes time is getting the perks you desire and/or every single perk on a P3 character, reaching the rank itself is not that time consuming if you just rush it with disregard to perks, addons and focus on getting the good extra BP offerings (puddings/cakes and green stuff).
Im just curious, where did all those BPs go? because I main Myers and I started to P3ing everyone because I had more BPs that I could ever invest on addons for him.
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I got Ghostface, Spirit and Wraith to 50. I also spend a lot on Oni addons as his green ones are pretty handy. Also buy a few shrouds and bonus pts for solo.
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This is what I'm doing as well. Once I get them to P3-1 I'm stopping to focus on another character.
My prayers to the entity were answered with the bloodhunt announcement.
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P3 Survivor side: Meg, Feng, Kate, Ash, Ace, David, Claire (technically Jill but only technically), Mikaela, and Yoichi. I go for builds on them centered around one of their perks. So 9?
P3 Killer side: Trapper, Nurse, Shape, Doctor, Huntress, Pig, Spirit, Legion, Ghostface, Twins, Artist, Onryo so 12 there.
I'll probably P2 as many of the others as I can since I don't know yet if there is a level requirement for the P3 awards yet. If there isn't I'll just P3 them from there and level them up. If there is a level requirement I'll P3 L50 as many as I can.
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I've been too busy leveling up everyone, so I didn't have the spare bloodpoints to prestige any characters with the exception of the last survivor that I unlocked, who didn't have any items I didn't want to see go to waste, Yun-Jin.
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Killers P3: 13/26
Luckily I have P3'd a decent amount of my killers over the years. The ones I havent will get boosted to Prestige 2/3. With the exception of Cenobite. Trickster and Nurse which will just be Prestige 1. The other killers I have in limbo that arent P3 but have a decent amount of perks and way to much stuff to prestige so I just gotta wait till the new system kicks in before I start throwing points on them again.
Survivors P3'd. Claudette, Ash, Leon.
Always seemed like a waste to Prestige survivors especially when outfits were introduced. I only P3'd Leon and Ash because their cosmetics I knew would cost real money and couldn't be bought with shards. Now Im just getting everyone to level 50 so I can just get them all to prestige 1 at least when the new system drops. I still have like 7 million BP to grind just to hit that benchmark. May go crazier when double BP week hits and shoot for P2 on some...
The new shrine system seems very interesting to. Finally an actual use for my shards outside of the rare outfit purchase. Sitting on 90k
PS: Does anyone else find it funny that in the effort to reduce the grind most of us are grinding harder than we've ever grinded before?
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I have 20 survivors to P3 and 3 killers to P3. The rest are P1 or P2 (Excluding Meg and Quentin).
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I'm mostly planning to wait for the prestige changes to actually hit before doing anything, see how BHVR's "catch up" mechanic effects everyone. Even if the catch up doesn't put everyone at P1 or higher, once the changes are live I can then prestige without losing anything on those characters.
I may prestige David for the heck of it, but otherwise my focus will be perking out him and Bubba after getting everybody to 50.
That's irony for ya.
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I'm genuinely curious: are people doing this primarily to get the rewards (for having characters at P3 prior to the new system kicking in)? We know the reward won't be a cosmetic item. What do you think it will be? Will it really be worth it?
Anyhow, I'm fairly certain that many of my characters will automatically get "caught up" in the new system with at least a level or two of prestige due to the number of perks I have on them.
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Im doing this to future proof characters I don't have yet. It'll be so nice to just have most of what I need on a character the second I buy them. Also I assume the "reward" will be a special portrait for your prestige level that will be shown at the end of the game. To be like "Hey I hit P3 back when it actually hurt to do this." Will it be worth it? Not to me, maybe to some people.
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The reward is part of it, yeah. But getting all teachables tier 3 on everyone is enough incentive for me personally.
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I'm primarily concerned with getting all the perks on my characters. Particularly my Killers. Even if it's just at tier I.
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I'm trying to P3 every survivor, or at least all the original ones. All my characters are lvl 50, not prestiged. Progress since the announcement (and yes I accidentally prestiged Yoichi forgetting he's a licensed character):
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I have 4 killers at prestige 1.
1 killer at prestige 3.
4 killers I can prestige to 1.
12 killers that are within 10 levels of being able to prestige 1.
2 killers I can prestige to prestige 2.
1 survivor at prestige 2.
3 survivors I can prestige to 1.
6 survivors within 10 levels of being of being able to prestige 1.
I think I'm doing pretty good, but I don't care for prestiging anyways, but the new prestige is something I might at least prestige them for. If not just for the perks.
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I'm doing this because I'm a completionist and the thought of putting BP into a character that hasn't hit P3 feels like a waste. The fact that BHVR is giving something to P3'd characters is just icing on the cake.
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Since they already revealed the reward won't be any kind of cosmetic, I already stopped bothering LOL
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Not wasting bp on prestige. Perks are more valuable to me than whatever "dinstinct" reward turns out to be.
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Update: got Mikaela to p3. Killers I only have demogorgon and pinhead at p1
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They only announced some sort of reward that isn't a cosmetic? Damn.
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I have every survivor and killer p3 full perk except for ringu(didn't buy the dlc cuz she's a joke of a dlc)
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I've got Feng, Jeff, Felix, Elodie, Jonah, Oni, Deathslinger, Twins, Artist, and Onryo left. All of my survivors and both Twins and Onryo are P2-1. Oni is P1-35 while Artist and Deathslinger are P1-1. Of course once Haddie and Dredge come out, I'll have them to do as well.
Overall, 19 Prestiges left. Depending on when the rework drops I think I'll have enough time, just worried about Haddie and Dredge honestly.
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I’ve decided to do the same but on killers for now. For a very long time I’ve had a survivor p3 with all perks and every time a new survivor comes out I get them to 40 and put the new perks on my main so I will continue to do that for now as all survivors are the same.
As for killers I had them all at level 50, so what I’ve decided to do is p1 lvl 50 as many as I can before the anniversary. When the anniversary event happens I will p2 them and grind for cakes because the smaller the blood webs the higher amount of cakes you’ll get for your bp.
And finally when the change happens that you don’t lose your stuff for prestiging I will go p3 on those killers to unlock the perks.
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We should petition for legacy 2.0 skins
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Peaceful protest outside their offices with pitchforks
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I have all the characters I care about p3 with all perks thankfully
Just been working on the ones that I don't really play/care too much about. Like Twins
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No one is p3 for me but I am almost there with wraith and starting on doctor.
Want huntress and demo to reach p3 but I reallydoubt they'll make it. (P0 50)
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I have just 4 survivors P3 and 19 killers P3, so i need P3ing 30 or more chacarters. presuming this realease on September. i dont believe i can prestige my all character until there. if i play like if my mother lifes depend that, maybe i can do
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I was never a really big fan of prestiging a character; the cosmetic you'd get would be pretty bland and I'd have to spend even more bloodpoints than I already needed to get the perks and addons I wanted.
Since they also announced that they'd be updating your prestige level according to the number of perk levels you have in your loadout, I think that means that if I have essentially all the perks on all killers for example then they'll just grant me at least the three prestige levels one'll need to lock the respective killer's perk for the other killers.
We'll see if prestiging past level 3 is worth it at all. If not, I'll stick to the basic prestige levels and call it a good update all in all.
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Can't p3 any survivor, cause they're all p3 full perk.
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Sadako is my only p3. And my only prestige in general. I just wanted to p3 her day 1 to flex (and wrap up those achievments). Heck, once the new system comes in, I doubt I prestige anyone but Bubba or Wesker depending on if Wesker is as "op" as Dredge.
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Personally, From what I got from the stream, P3'ing characters now? I mean yeah, it'll be rewarding when the update hits, but then at the same time... you're gonna pour a lot more time, energy, and BP into by doing it NOW, than you will AFTER the update goes live.
Honestly before I only P3'd certain characters, such as my survivor Feng Min (Because, she's my main, that's my reason, nothing more), and specific killers: Demogorgon, Nurse, Hag, Pyramid Head, and Doctor... Why only those killers you ask? Doc was my first one, but that was because, back then (up to 2 years after he was released), he had 1 UR, 4 VR, 3 R, 7 UC, and 5 C add-ons... In order to get the add-ons you needed to compete, you basically HAD to P3 him for the meager % in improved chances of getting better add-ons, or getting the ones you wanted more frequently, but after his updates, that no longer mattered. Doc Aside however, the others all have 1 thing in common: Their base skins, and even most of their Purchase able ones are just bright clothing, easy to see from across the map.
Granted, with these killers making tons of noise and all of them having that "Lighthouse" of a red stain emanating from their foreheads, revealing you to survivors at all times, wanting "Darker" skins may seem like a moot point, but then you start using perks and Add-ons that give you "undetectable", and suddenly realize: Which Nurse/Demo/PH are the survivors more likely to see coming when in stealth? The ones Drenched in dark red blood stains, or the ones in bleached white as part of their base kit cosmetic?
Yeah, it's a small, but simple tactical advantage, just like how P3 Claudette is still the players choice "blendette" outfit, if you want to be a sneaky little player instead of a bold one.
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Wouldn't it be better to wait until the prestige update to prestige all of your characters so you don't lose any perks or add-ons?
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Depends on what the reward is for getting your character to P3 before the update comes out.
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I'll pass.
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yeah outside of getting a few favorites ready for whatever doodad they're going to offer characters who are there already, it'd be much better to just wait.
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I uh definitely have a long way to go
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You and me are around the same on survivor. Killer you have me outclassed lmao
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I prestiged Nea and Feng ages ago, and i recently prestiged Nancy. Currently prestiging Cheryl, and i will go with Mikaela, Kate and Meg later, since these are the ones i use the most. Dont care about prestiging killers. Honestly doing it cause i dont have nothing to spend BP on so i figured i might as well do it but im unhappy with the fact that they are not sharing what the reward will be.
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Since posting this I've gotten 2 more survivors to P3! So that's 12/30 survivors. And I got Feng to Prestige 2. Gonna get Feng, Kate, and Felix to P3 next since they're my last P2s
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I can imagine the grind is brutal 😋
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Not as bad as I thought, but that's thanks to the old tome killer challenges.
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I only have 9 survivors my Meg is 20 levels from p3
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I only had one survivor and one killer at P3. I don't really care about skins so I did one killer for the achievement and one for the P3 Claudette skin (I prefer 4th anniversary though, so it was a waste of resources).
At best the sword of Damocles at the center of the web threatening to wipe all my add-ons was annoying.
This weekend tough, I've started to prestige all the killers I don't like. Since I've invested the bare minimum in their development the loss will be minimal.
It's unlikely I'll prestige the Nurse before the change though. I've got hundreds of instances of each add-ons (because I'm almost never using them) and I don't think any "compensation" can offset their loss.