Mori Shop

ihateboons Member Posts: 167

Would you purchase Moris from the shop?

After asking on a few Fog Whisperer Twitch Chats, seldom was there a negative reaction. Those that did complained of the grind for Shards.

I would also like environmental Mori animations(ie: Pallets/Lockers/Gens/Maurice??)

Mori Shop 18 votes

Yes. Lemme smash Dwight in a locker
Nos37TaigaGlamourousLeviathan[Deleted User]DollmouthUndershotsteponmeadirisAnchorTeaGazgemauchshinobu149[Deleted User]DredgenWar237BothSidesEnjoyerSmoeHitariChikyihateboons 17 votes
No, Scary!
Revzi100 1 vote


  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,055
    edited May 2022

    I wouldnt personally buy them, but I imagine a lot of other people would.

    Honestly suprised that it's not already a thing. As soon as the shop was added to the game I was sure that alternate mori animations were coming, but years later, they never did.

    Hell, maybe they will add them after the Finisher Mori mechanic is added the game, since buying something that you can only use if you also have an offering or a specific perk would have been kinda dumb.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167
    Yes. Lemme smash Dwight in a locker

    I dont think the Auto Mori mechanic is going to be very popular. From what i've read through reactions on the dev stream chat and Fog Whisperer chats, its being heavily criticized. Honestly, as killer, I should be able to grant mercy or un-mercy where I see fit. Forcing this takes away from the "power trip" killers are supposed to have.

    Sure you can just let them go and not down them.. But what about those people who play really scummy? Carrying them to the hatch and then slamming them on a hook creates a reason to continue playing killer.

    As a survivor main, if I am to die, I wish it to be creatively. To the point of absurdity. The current state of Moris(80%-ish) and death in general are fairly tame and pretty stale.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,055

    I imagine that the auto-mori bit is not going to be implemented in the way the described it as that could cause some issues. Like for example, what if the survivor was downed in a position where they fall off a ledge and the killer is still on top of the ledge.

    They will probably just let the Killer choose to Mori the last survivor for free. Basically just making the yellow mori offering base kit.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167
    Yes. Lemme smash Dwight in a locker

    I see an insane amount of bugs coming. Situations like, with Twins for example. Anyone who plays Twins religiously will constantly slug. What if the last person is already down? is it automatic? No chance to crawl for the hatch? This destroys the achievement to escape through the hatch while crawling.