Basic Options As Perks
FoV does nothing to affect darkness and hiding in corners; unless you are talking about crouching at the killers feet where they can’t see you being almost ‘inside’ them because of the unnaturally small FoV, which should not be a thing.
Survivors already have a 3rd person camera that can see over some loops the killer cannot, and even around corners without the killer being able to see you no matter how much the FoV is increased.
FoV is a basic QoL option that most first person games have and should not require the use of a perk slot.
People used to use the same ridiculous argument against adding basic colourblind accessibility options because in their mind it provided too much of an advantage. It’s ridiculous and is just bitterness towards anything that might help ‘the other side’ out without feeling ‘your side’ got something in return. This isn’t us vs them it’s basic QoL that shouldn’t be tied to a perk.
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But i play both sides, so why should i use an us vs them argument? It is about game balance and stealth option, not us vs them.
Also, you said: "Brightness settings and options to adjust aura and scratch mark visibility should be basic options and not require use of filters or manual adjusting if you tv/monitor for this one game specifically."
Thats a quote from you, and THAT would affect darkness and hiding in corners, would it? I actually read your whole post, so i took the freedom to refer to what you claimed.
So, you brought no argument to change my opinion, other than "other games (that are functional and balncewise completly different) have that option, and i dont care for balance that doesnt affect me".
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The increase in information comes at a price, acting like removing restrictions means that the game is balanced around it being for free. Whispers, BBQ, etc. all provide additional information and costs a perk slot... should they all be basic in game options.
It is not simply a quality of life, accessibility option and is part of game balance. Acting like giving out perks for free is not impactful at all, is just naive. The restriction is part of the balance, you gain info but use one of the slots that could be used for other perks.
Post edited by Kalinikta on0 -
This is the direct quote from you I replied to ‘So, how do you propose to enable stealth, if there are no dark corners to hide, and the fov is wide enough so noone goes unnoticed?’
FoV does nothing to stop people going unnoticed, you can still hide in the same places; except directly at the killers feet right in front of them.
Adjusting brightness settings and using filters are things people already do and are accepted which do affect hiding in dark corners, yet are not punished and an accepted part of the game while not being restricted to a perk slot.
Here are some comparisons of the tiny difference Shadowborn makes, and why it would make no difference to ‘stealth’.
It is quality of life and should not be a perk; it does not make the huge difference you imply it does.
See the comparison pictures above; comparing the 15% FoV increase from Shadowborn to perks like Whispers and BBQ is very disingenuous.
They are talking about making Borrowed Time base kit, but a small FoV increase would break game balance so much it needs to require a perk slot?
If they need to address game balance later then that is fine, but a 15% FoV increase is QoL and should not be tied to a perk slot.
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Low FoV provides more of an advantage to survivors being able to run directly against a killer to make aiming powers (or even just getting stalking to register) nearly impossible, especially for those poor souls who play on controller. Also tbh the "it can be abused" arguments are such bad faith arguments, just like they were with colorblind mode (which led to a half assed mode that doesnt even help with most of the issues colorblind people have as a result.)
Also for people who don't even know why FoV is often considered an accessability option, it often relates with people who suffer motion sickness in games. Despite your claim, some people even play other games at low FoV purposely because higher FoVs cause the issue. Others it can be the opposite. This game doesn't let you choose, makes you sacrifice parts of your loadout to do so, and even has a perk that changes it back and forth mid match. Accessibility is never on their radar unless hot mic damage control forces it, because its never a part of their design considerations.
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You are misrepresenting what I state, it is not simply an accessibility or qol option as people claim. It is more than just that.
You bash me for comparing it to other information perks, as if they also don't provide better QoL when used. Why you don't like it when people use the same reasons but take it a bit further? This shows the true nature of the argument being flawed.
They are considering bt as base kit, but they ain't just slapping it on for free. I am not stating it isn't something that they could consider, but just as any perk just handing it out for free is a clear gameplay buff.
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Increasing FoV to see an extra inch around the edge of the screen is not comparable to seeing auras through walls across the whole map, or having an audio queue when within a certain radius of a player.
No one is asking for BBQ or Whispers as accessibility/QoL options.
Im not ‘bashing’ you; just pointing out that the comparison you are making is very disingenuous.
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If you would actually read what I state, you would also have read that I stated it is taking the same premise but just a bit further to showcase the point that perks are not just QoL, but part of gameplay. How irrelevant you might believe it is, this is a gameplay balance metric that impacts nearly all elements in the design. Having more vision means you get more information. Information that is key to making decisions in the game. People already brought up fatigue animations being less impactful with the additional vision, ability to sneak past a killer, etc.
My point still stands, that this is more than just a QoL adaptation, but a fundamental buff to killers and affects more than what people like you believe. That is simple game design principles at work, if you are incapable of understanding that premise there is no rational debate going to happen. . I already indicated it is something that they could consider, but if you believe that it is pure QoL then you simply unable to reflect on the reality of what such a change does.
It just comes across that you are trying to fill in what I mean rather than actually reading what I write.
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I read what you said and it is missing the point of this thread; which is that Shadowborn is not comparable to other perks and should be a basic option. You are not "taking it a bit further" but conflating the power of all perks and saying none of them should be 'free' which is the discussion in this thread; that FoV should be an option not tied to a perk; no other perks are being argued for being given as an option.
If you read what I said; they can always adjust balance later for things like fatigue animations, but a small FoV increase should not be tied to a perk. As the pictures I shared in my previous comment show, a 15% increase option is very small and does not make the difference to balance that you imply it does, in my opinion. People used to argue against including colourblind options because that would be 'a buff to killers'.
You accuse me of bashing you whist simultaneously passive aggressively insulting my intelligence and understanding; the one thing I can agree with you on is that no rational debate is going to happen with you, despite my best efforts to keep things civil and on topic.
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No you are misrepresenting what the thread is about. The OP states that it is a base setting in games being behind a perk. While the reality is that FoV is a game design choice that influences balance. It is not the same as color blind variants, as those don't provide additional information unlike increasing vision by 15%. I simply pointed out that FoV is not just an accessibility option, but a distinct choice within game design. The max value is a choice in each game by developers based on how much they want a player to be able to see. Having set points of view is also not as uncommon as people here claimed and also a distinct choice.
Shadowborn is comparable to other perks, you yourself did it and compared it to BT in one of your counters to me. To make the claim if they consider making that base kit they can consider this, which I stated is true. Yet just as with BT they will need to see what needs to be adjusted accordingly. It isn't a base option that should be handed out for free without consideration and will have impact on developers spending time on making adjustments.
It provides additional information for the cost of a perk slot. You claim an increase in vision by 15% is nothing worth mentioning, but it is more than you think. Its affect to like the fatigue animations are clear showcases of it and does more than you would believe. It feels like just a tiny bit, but it is the accumulated effect of it as it is always active. There are multiple FoV increases attached to perks, monitor and abuse is another. The idea that using that parameter as an effect on a perk is totally fine. Them doing so showcases that the developers understand what it does and what type of effect it has on gameplay.
You are twisting what the topics original statement was namely that a FoV slider is a base setting of which the max should be higher than the current value. This is what I commented on, you on the other hand are trying to twist what I am stating as if pointing out the reality is bad for the topic.
You state yourself they would need to change aspects like fatigue animations, meaning it no longer is just a base option without any gameplay effects. Maps are designed for the current FoV of both killers and survivors. 15% is a lot of additional vision to always have and losing a perk slot is fairly significant, else people wouldn't be here complaining about it. It is like stating stretched res was just a small percentage further out and the game isn't built around it. Can the devs consider adjusting the FoV for killers, sure... but it is more than just a base option, without consequences and impact on the games balance. It is a flat out buff, which I would not mind but at least I understand what it is.
Post edited by Kalinikta on0 -
Idk how you guys can tell the difference, it does nothing for you
and just a genuine question, not trying to come of rude, but how does (12)? Degrees FOV make the difference between motion sickness and no motion sickness?
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It depends on peoples motion sickness. People got motion sick simply from playing short blight and I always feel like im playing through a 1.5x scope when I'm playing killer.